In a room, Hai Wuya, Wang Yan, Jin Wei and Ma Guobao were talking.

As Ma Guobao began to talk about some changes that happened in the base, the two of them also began to talk about some noteworthy events.

But after listening, Hai Wuya just let them solve it themselves.

After all, it was just some small things worth noting.

Except that everyone in the hotel was a little depressed, there was nothing Hai Wuya cared about.

But for now, it has not reached the point where Hai Wuya needs to solve this matter specifically.

After listening to their reports, Hai Wuya also began to tell the previous plan.

The division of awakened bodyguards was handed over to Wang Yan and Jin Wei, and the rest of the personnel were all under the charge of Ma Guobao.

Therefore, the things that Ma Guobao had to deal with were more cumbersome.

When Hai Wuya said that he wanted to form an awakened group to clean up the zombies around the hotel, the three of them had no objection.

After all, if you awaken your talent but stay in a safe area, it would be a complete waste!

"It takes three days for the talent to awaken. After three days, all people with talents will awaken."

"So for now, you just need to distinguish and record the awakened people, and that's it."

"I will notify you about the organization's cleaning of zombies later!"

Hai Wuya said to the three people, explaining the next important things in the base.

The three people listened to Hai Wuya's instructions and had no objections.

They absolutely trusted Hai Wuya's orders and absolutely executed them.

However, Ma Guobao hesitated and said to Hai Wuya:

"Master, I need to ask you something..."

Hai Wuya raised his eyebrows, nodded and said:

"Go ahead."

"Master, the supplies in the warehouse probably won't last for two days."

"The supplies in the hotel were sufficient, but they were used up quickly to meet the needs of nearly 800 people in the past two days."

"And in this environment, it's simply a pipe dream to want to make up for the consumption of supplies."

"The staple food is actually sufficient, but other than the staple food, all other supplies are in short supply..."

Ma Guobao said with a sad tone, feeling very anxious about not being able to make up for the lack of supplies.

Hai Wuya listened quietly. He had predicted this, so he didn't react.

As for the countermeasures, Hai Wuya had already thought of it.

In fact, the solution is very simple, just four words, increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

Opening up the source means waiting for a few days, after the awakening team is organized, to sweep the nearby areas to make up for the needs in the base.

Saving money means reducing everyone's daily rations, and the daily material consumption is supplied at the lowest level.

As long as Hai Wuya's idea of ​​opening up the source and saving money can be achieved, the internal circulation of the base can form a good closed loop.

Although the materials in Hai Wuya's supernatural space can also be described as massive.

But Hai Wuya does not intend to supply the base by himself all the time.

If all the needs within the base have to be solved by Hai Wuya, it would be better not to build a base.

Hai Wuya told Ma Guobao about his idea. At present, he will make up for the short-term materials by himself, but the matter of saving money will be left to Ma Guobao.

Ma Guobao listened to the plan and of course had no objection.

Reducing daily rations can at least ensure the survival of the base personnel.

Those who dare to make trouble will be driven out directly and let them fend for themselves outside.

Therefore, Ma Guobao felt that although the base personnel would have some complaints, they would definitely not be out of control.

After solving this problem, Ma Guobao would no longer have any problems.

Wang Yan and Jin Wei did not have anything to mention in particular.

Now that the short-term issues in the base have been resolved, Hai Wuya signaled Wang Yan and Jin Wei to go about their own business.

Hai Wuya went to the hotel's warehouse with Ma Guobao.

As long as the needs of the base are replenished, Hai Wuya does not need to ask about it anymore. These tedious matters will all be solved by Ma Guobao.


Donghai City, downtown.

On a road where zombies are rampant and vehicles are hit in a chain, a strange RV is driving.

This RV is huge in size, a circle larger than ordinary RVs, and has spiked shovels and other defensive measures all over the body, which can effectively clear obstacles or objects.

It ignores the zombies blocking the surroundings and various vehicles blocking the road, and drives directly in a crushing posture.

In the cab of the RV, there is a man who looksThe ordinary man had a smile on his face.

He looked at the zombies and damaged vehicles that were pushed down and crushed like toys, and felt very comfortable.

When the apocalypse broke out yesterday, he could only shiver in the dilapidated van.

But after awakening his talent and binding a chariot upgrade panel, everything has changed for him!

The owner of the RV is Xiao Yan, who awakened an A-level talent called "Secret Gold Perception".

This talent can sense the location of the dimensional secret realm and the location of various precious metals.

And the chariot upgrade panel he bound is to use various rare metal resources to upgrade and modify the "chariot"!

Of course, Xiao Yan only needs to provide specific metal materials, and after giving them to the upgrade panel, the "chariot" will be automatically upgraded and modified.

The material requirements given by the upgrade panel yesterday were very simple, but Xiao Yan still used a day to finally get them together.

However, when the materials were sufficient and his dilapidated van was upgraded and modified.

Xiao Yan suddenly felt that everything was worth it!

The originally shabby van, after an upgrade and modification, has become the current behemoth!

Driving this behemoth RV, Xiao Yan's heart is extremely comfortable.

In fact, he still wants to continue to upgrade the chariot, but the upgrade panel reminds him that the metal materials required for the next upgrade will only appear in the secret realm.

And Xiao Yan's talent clearly guides him, reminding him that the first dimensional secret realm will appear in the middle of the Huangpu River, and the opening time is two days later.

So Xiao Yan is driving the RV at this moment, the purpose is to go to the middle of the Huangpu River, waiting for the arrival of the secret realm.

Xiao Yan is driving the "chariot", imagining a better future in his heart.

When the chariot is upgraded again, he will save a few beauties and bring them to the car to start a happy life!

Humming a little song, Xiao Yan drove towards the Huangpu River.

The various zombies and vehicles blocking the road along the way could not hinder his pace of progress at all.

It feels so good to rush all the way!

Xiao Yan thought happily in his heart, but he never thought that in the near future.

He would meet a kind man who made him fear for his whole life.

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