Inside the hotel, the lobby on the first floor.

At this moment, Hai Wuya stood in front of the universal forging furnace, observing its production process.

After putting in a large piece of iron ingot just now, Hai Wuya made a choice and finally decided to forge a knife.

As the click started, the forging furnace quickly rose with flames. The flames looked very fierce from the outside, but the people standing next to it could not feel it.

At the same time, there was a thin film protective light film around the forging furnace, which was obviously used to protect the people next to it from being burned.

Hai Wuya quietly observed the weapon forging, and soon after about five minutes, an exquisite iron knife was slowly handed out from the tray under the forging furnace.

It must be said that this universal forging furnace is really easy to use. At this moment, the knife that has just been made will not produce any scalding heat waves.

Although the temperature of the knife is not low, when Hai Wuya stretched out his hand to hold it, he did not feel any discomfort.

Hai Wuya played with the knife, looked at the exquisite lines on it, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Although this thing is made of iron, it is many times sharper than ordinary kitchen knives.

If we only talk about the sharpness of this knife, it is probably half as sharp as the hurricane blade.

And the blade of this knife is very hard, it doesn't look like an ordinary iron weapon at all.

Hai Wuya flipped through it for a while, then handed the knife to Ma Guobao, and said:

"This forging furnace can make very powerful weapons, which is a huge improvement for the overall strength of our base."

"Now I give you a task, that is, you and Wang Yanjinwei go to count the talents of all awakened people in the base to see what kind of weapons they are suitable for."

"Submit it to me after the statistics are completed. I will forge a batch of weapons first, and then let the first batch of talented people go out to sweep the base."

Hai Wuya spoke calmly and gave a very clear task.

After hearing the order, Ma Guobao nodded seriously and said:

"Okay, young master!"

"I will complete the task as quickly as possible!"

Hai Wuya nodded and then put the universal forging furnace back into the space.

Next, he was going to ask the girls what kind of weapons they wanted, and first use the star energy fluorescent ore to make a batch of handy weapons for them.

As for the other talents in the base, they would be made directly with steel.

Of course, for people like Ma Guobao, Wang Yan, Jinwei and others, Hai Wuya would still use the most suitable minerals to make the most suitable weapons.

If the weapons made of star energy fluorescent ore are helpful to them, then Hai Wuya will not be stingy.

Thinking in his heart, Hai Wuya had already taken the elevator back to the upper floors.

First, he came to the room of Ye Xue and others, then called all the girls over, and then took Luo Danxia and Xia Xiaona with him.

With the puzzled girls, Hai Wuya came to the top floor of the hotel.

The top floor is very spacious, which is a very good place for forging. You can also breathe fresh air while forging weapons.

When you open the door to the top floor, you will see silence and some flying birds and beasts in the distance.

All the animals have mutated, so it is not very safe to be in the open area.

But for Hai Wuya, it is simply not worth mentioning. If there are flying birds and beasts that dare to come, then Hai Wuya doesn't mind shooting into the air and hitting the big bird directly.

After entering the top floor area, the women behind Hai Wuya couldn't help but sigh.

Without Hai Wuya's permission, they would certainly not leave the building without permission and come to the top floor to breathe fresh air.

Therefore, the women who were suffocating all wandered around the top floor area with smiles on their faces.

They have long been accustomed to the apocalyptic scenes outside the hotel, so they came to the handrail and looked at the miserable situation in the city, and they were not too sad.

Hai Wuya didn't care about them, but put the universal forging furnace in a suitable place, and then shouted to them:

"Come here, I have something to inform you."

Hearing Hai Wuya's words, all the girls gathered one after another, and Xia Xiaoyu looked at the big furnace that suddenly appeared, feeling a little surprised, so she asked Hai Wuya:

"Brother Hai..., what is this thing for?"

The girls were also very curious about this forging furnace, so they all looked at Hai Wuya with eyes waiting for answers.

Hai Wuya met the girls' gazes, but did not answer immediately, and turned to ask the girls:

"I think you all have a clear understanding of your own talents and abilities, so do you have any ideas about increasing your own strength?"

Hai Wuya chuckled and glanced at the people presentAll the women.

When the women heard this question, they all looked at each other and did not answer for a while.

After hearing this, Luo Danxia thought carefully, and then said hesitantly:

"Well... Mr. Hai, if you want to increase your own strength, then there is a way that is effective and feasible."

"For example, if you have a handy weapon, it will be of great help to improve your own strength."

"And now the object you took out looks like a forging thing, so this is my idea."

Although Luo Danxia's talent is healing, the weapon's bonus to her own combat power is very useless, but she can think of this.

After hearing what Luo Danxia said, Hai Wuya nodded in approval, and then said solemnly:

"That's right! If you want to improve your own strength, then a powerful and handy weapon is indispensable."

"This time I brought everyone to the rooftop for the purpose of forging a weapon for everyone, so I just checked your ideas in advance."

"Now tell me your ideas about weapons, and I will make the most suitable weapons for you."

Hai Wuya glanced at the women in front of him, looking at the surprise in their eyes, but his tone gradually became firm.

The women were all a little strange when they heard what Hai Wuya said. Why did he make weapons for them?

Is it because he wanted to arrange a mission for them to go out?

Xia Xiaoyu pouted her lips at this moment and said to Hai Wuya timidly:

"Brother Hai, are you making weapons for us because you want us to go out of the base to perform tasks?"

"Although we are not afraid to go out with you, can you please not let us go out alone..."

Hearing Xia Xiaoyu's words, Hai Wuya couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, and then responded:

"Don't think too much. Making weapons for you now is also to enable you to gain stronger strength. Although I will take you out to explore the secret realm in the future, you don't have to worry for now."

"Tell me the style of weapons you like, and I will make the most suitable weapons for you to use."

After saying this, Hai Wuya did not allow the girls to refuse, and waved his hand to signal them to discuss and think.

After seeing this scene and listening to what Hai Wuya said, the girls were no longer so worried.

After all, they were also looking forward to going out, of course, the premise of this expectation was to go out with Hai Wuya.

Otherwise, they don't know how to protect themselves, let alone the difficulties they encounter when going out.

As the girls accepted the idea of ​​making weapons, they also expressed their opinions and insights on various weapons.

Ye Xue said that she wanted a light sword, which was more in line with her temperament, while Xia Xiaoyu said that she wanted a magic ball, just like a character in the game, using a magic ball to attack.

Xia Xiaona felt that her talent would not be useful to make a weapon, so she wanted a defensive item.

Luo Danxia thought again and again and decided to make a magic staff to better exert her healing talent.

Lin Yiyi knew her own talent very well, so she felt that it was unnecessary to make weapons, and it would be better to make a defensive item.

Only Li Wanting did not express any opinions in the discussion of the girls.

The reason was very simple. Her talent level was very low, and her ability was the same as her name, which could only make her body soft.

As for other abilities, Li Wanting really didn't feel them, so she was too embarrassed to express her opinion on this useless talent.

For Li Wanting, it made no difference whether she had weapons or not.

Lin Yiyi and Li Wanting were close, so she asked for her opinion. When she learned of her negative thoughts, Lin Yiyi frowned slightly.

"Well... I'll ask Mr. Hai for your opinion later. He will definitely be able to arrange it."

Lin Yiyi comforted Li Wanting. She didn't want this girl who was very enthusiastic about her to have an inferiority complex.

Li Wanting nodded slightly, but just sighed in her heart. I hope so...

As the girls finished their discussion, they also expressed their ideas about weapon manufacturing to Hai Wuya.

Hai Wuya listened to their stories and didn't raise any objections.

The universal forging furnace can forge weapons and defensive items, so the ideas of the girls can be satisfied.

But when Lin Yiyi mentioned Li Wanting, Hai Wuya was stunned for a moment.

It was not that Hai Wuya was unwilling to make a weapon for the other party, but that he wasD-level talent, indeed, there is no good solution for a while.

Hai Wuya has not learned about the D-level talent of soft body, so he stroked his chin and said to Li Wanting:

"I don't know your talent, so you show it to me now, so that I can make a suitable weapon for you."

Everyone looked at Li Wanting at this moment, and Li Wanting pursed her lips after hearing this, but still nodded and said:

"Okay, I will show it now."

After Li Wanting finished speaking, she quickly began to use her talent.

Before, Li Wanting practiced her talent countless times alone in the room, so she was very proficient in using the talent of soft body.

At this moment, under the gaze of everyone, Li Wanting kept making herself do various actions that humans could not do at all.

For example, let the whole torso bend and turn in a circle, let the head pass through the middle of the legs, and then roll the torso into a circle.

Another example is to tie the hands and feet together to make the whole body into an oval, etc.

In short, Li Wanting showed all kinds of actions that humans could not do.

In fact, Li Wanting was very reluctant to show her talent to others before, because she felt that this talent was no different from a monster, and it was useless.

But now, under this situation, she could not care about hiding it anymore, and had to show all the special features of her talent in one go.

When everyone saw Li Wanting's operation, they were all stunned and very surprised.

Although this talent has no attack power, the visual impact it causes to others is too great.

So much so that for a while, everyone was speechless.

Xia Xiaoyu swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said hesitantly:

"Wanting, it's still... This is the first time I've seen your talent. I didn't expect it to be so unexpected..."

Li Wanting has now recovered. After hearing what Xia Xiaoyu said, she instantly felt a burning pain on her cheeks.

"My talent is very strange... I didn't want to show it before because of this. I'm sorry that you didn't see it clearly..."

Everyone was surprised by Li Wanting's talent, but Hai Wuya was stroking his chin and thinking.

This talent is indeed useless, but it will definitely be useful. What kind of weapon should I make for her...

Hai Wuya thought about it and suddenly thought of a move.

That move is that the protagonist uses a barely perceptible thin wire and then strangles the enemy unexpectedly.

Although Li Wanting's strength is average, her talent allows her to use that move.

For example, Li Wanting holds a thin wire weapon in her hand, then unexpectedly ties the enemy's neck, and then uses her body to shrink the thin wire immediately.

Then as long as the enemy does not resist in the first time, the head will be cut by the thin wire.

Thinking of this, Hai Wuya's mouth corners rose, and he had already decided on the weapon to make for Li Wanting.

Thinking in his heart, Hai Wuya said to the women:

"Okay, I already have a blueprint in my mind for the weapons you want, and then wait for me to make them."

"As for Li Wanting's weapons, I also have an idea, but I will explain it to her separately."

After Hai Wuya finished speaking, he ignored the women and turned to the universal forging furnace to start making weapons and defensive items.

There are several kinds of weapons that need to be made this time, so Hai Wuya cut out a large piece of star energy fluorescent ore from the space.

Then divide the star energy fluorescent ore into small sections and put them into the forging furnace one by one.

With enough ore put in, all the manufacturing patterns in the forging furnace lit up white, indicating that they can all be forged.

Hai Wuya searched for the weapon styles that the women wanted, and then began to operate the forging furnace to make them.

As long as the requirements are entered, the forging furnace will automatically forge and smelt, and Hai Wuya does not need to worry about it himself.

Hai Wuya expressed great satisfaction with this very convenient item.


Happy New Year! (๑ت๑)

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