The cold wind whistled, but the people on the rooftop didn't care.

At this moment, Hai Wuya and the girls' eyes were all on the forging furnace in the middle area.

Watching the forging furnace smelting continuously and the raging fire rising continuously, the faces of the girls were all reflected with fiery red.

It has been about ten minutes since Hai Wuya issued the smelting request just now, and the manufacturing progress of the forging furnace has also come to an end.

The raging fire in the forging furnace rolled, making a rumbling roar, and the sound of metal collisions came one after another, which made the girls watching feel very novel.

After all, how could they, who grew up in the city, have ever seen the process of "forging iron"?

The forging continued, and after about ten minutes, the weapons that Hai Wuya asked to smelt were all manufactured.


The heat in the forging furnace rose, causing all the girls to retreat a distance.

However, Hai Wuya stood by the forge, waved his hand to blow away the heat with a strong wind, and then came directly to the tray.

The tray extended from the bottom of the forge, on which were placed the six weapons and items that had just been smelted. Looking at these well-made items, Hai Wuya nodded with satisfaction.

When the surrounding women saw this scene, they also gathered around one after another, and then their eyes also looked at the freshly baked weapons and items.

There were four weapons and two defensive items on the tray. Hai Wuya focused his eyes on one of the accessories, and then used the exploration eye to see what grade it was.

[Name: Frost Sword]

[Type: Offensive Weapon]

[Grade: B-level]

[Introduction: This item is smelted with rare minerals. While the sword body is extremely hard, it can also slightly enhance the strength of ice-type talents. Whether it is attack power or energy consumption, there is a small bonus. ]

It turned out to be a B-level weapon?

After reading the information introduction of this accessory, Hai Wuya felt a little surprised.

I didn't expect that the weapon I made with ore could reach the good level of B grade.

You should know that although my weapons are all above A grade, they are produced by the system.

And this weapon made with only one kind of ore can actually reach B grade?

However, Hai Wuya still picked up the frost sword, handed it to Ye Xue, and told her the information of the sword.

After hearing that this sword can enhance the combat power of the ice system and reduce the energy of using her talent, Ye Xue was also very shocked.

Then Ye Xue took the frost sword and went to the side to try to verify it with her talent.

Hai Wuya picked up another ball with a beautiful appearance, which was probably the magic weapon that Xia Xiaoyu wanted.

Hai Wuya took a look and found that this ball was also a B-grade weapon, and it could enhance the control of the water element talent and energy consumption.

After handing it to Xia Xiaoyu and explaining the information of the ball, she also showed a happy smile on her face, and then, like Ye Xue, she began to try to use weapons with talents.

Then, Hai Wuya checked the information of the remaining weapons and items one after another, and after finding that they were all B-level weapons, he also informed the corresponding people of the amplification ability.

However, holding the last weapon in his hand, Hai Wuya hesitated for a moment, because this last weapon was a "thin line".

Although it is called a thin line, it actually has two rings at both ends, so that it can be used and adapted better.

This "thin line" was made by Hai Wuya for Li Wanting, and it was also the most suitable weapon he came up with after understanding the other party's talent.

Hai Wuya told Li Wanting his insights on the use of this "thin line".

When Li Wanting heard about the strange way of fighting, she couldn't help but frown.

She thought for a while with a sad face, and then said to Hai Wuya:

"Mr. Hai, your idea is really good, but I am still afraid of close-range attacks..."

"So can you not let me go out of the base and go to dangerous places..."

Hearing these almost pleading words, Hai Wuya was silent for a while, and then he sighed slightly and said:

"I don't have to let you go out of the base to dangerous places. I make weapons for you just because I want you to be stronger."

"As for the rest, I won't force you, so don't worry, unless there is something that requires you to accompany me, otherwise I won't say anything even if you stay in the base."

Hai Wuya said calmly. He was very tolerant of the women who were close to him.

And Li Wanting was comforted, and her face was immediately very happy. She said to Hai Wuya excitedly:

"Hehe, thank you Mr. Hai, andI can do anything for you, as long as you tell me..."

Li Wanting's ears were red at the end, because her meaning was very clear, that is, she was willing to accept Hai Wuya's favor at any time...

However, Hai Wuya just said "yes" and then did not express his opinion.

However, Hai Wuya could not understand Li Wanting's thoughts, but compared to her, there were obviously people who wanted to be favored more.

When you want to change your taste, consider Li Wanting, anyway, there is no rush now.

As all the women got their own weapons and items, the matter here ended.

But Hai Wuya asked their opinions and when he learned that they all wanted After staying in the top floor area, they did not leave.

Hai Wuya took out several lounge chairs from the space and placed them on the ground, preparing to rest on the top floor for a while. At the same time, he took out snacks and other items.

Lying on the chair, Hai Wuya squinted his eyes and breathed in the fresh air, while the women were doing their own things.

Luo Danxia came to Hai Wuya's side and also lay on the chair and squinted her eyes slightly. Her figure full of advantages can be said to be the best among the women.

At this moment, Luo Danxia lay down and breathed, and her whole body could be said to be undulating like turbulent waves. She exhaled lightly and then spoke:

"How long can we humans survive in today's world?"

"We are in hell, but we can still be so relaxed and comfortable. I always feel that it is not real... It feels a bit like a dream. "

While Luo Danxia was speaking, she turned sideways and looked at Hai Wuya. Looking at the other's delicate profile and relaxed expression, she fell into silence in a daze.

After listening to Luo Danxia's words, Hai Wuya did not express any opinions. How could he know about the future of mankind?

But he was confident that he could prevent the small number of humans who surrendered to him from being persecuted by disasters.

After Hai Wuya pondered for a while, he slowly responded to Luo Danxia.

"You and everyone don't need to worry too much about the future. Although it is unlikely to return to the previous world, humans will definitely be able to survive tenaciously."

Luo Danxia nodded without comment, then chuckled and turned around, shaking her advantage as she turned.

But at this time, Hai Wuya suddenly said to her:

"Oh, by the way, do you still have the nurse uniform from last time?"

Luo Danxia was stunned and responded in confusion:

"What's wrong? I haven't worn it since I changed it last time. It's still in the closet."

Hearing this, Hai Wuya's mouth curled up, and he immediately stood up from the recliner, and at the same time pulled Luo Danxia up, and then said:

"I think you look pretty good in a nurse's uniform, let's go... let's go to the room."

Luo Danxia: (•̀⌄•́)??? "What do you want to do..."

Hai Wuya pulled Luo Danxia downstairs, and responded with a chuckle:

"I don't want to do anything, but my brother wants to do it. "

Luo Danxia's face flushed slightly when she heard this, and then she spoke in a mosquito-like tone:

"It's still early..."

However, Hai Wuya did not respond, and ignored the scrutiny from the women. He took Luo Danxia away from the top floor and returned to the room to get down to business.


Time passed quickly, and soon it was afternoon.

Hai Wuya casually swept away the rags hanging on his body, and then got up and left the room.

After arriving in the living room, Hai Wuya took out a bottle of mineral water from the space and drank it, feeling particularly thirsty now.

After drinking a bottle of mineral water, Hai Wuya exhaled lightly, and then heard the voice of Ma Guobao from the pager next to him.

"Is the young master here? I have completed what you ordered. Can I report the results to you now? "


Hai Wuya picked up the pager, responded, and then stood up and went to Wang Yan's room.

Usually when Hai Wuya was at a high level, he would call them to discuss things in Wang Yan's room.

As Hai Wuya came to Wang Yan's room, the three managers of the base had already arrived.

Hai Wuya sat on the sofa, waiting for their report results.

The three of them looked at each other, and Ma Guobao explained the results of the task.

"Master, you asked me to summarize the types of weapons that the talented people in the base want. All of them have been summarized. Now I will take a look at them for you."

After Ma Guobao finished speaking, he stepped forward and handed the list of weapons in his hand to Hai Wuya.

Hai Wuya nodded after taking the list, and then began to check the talents.The weapons needed by the awakeners.

There are nearly a thousand people in the base now, including bodyguards and staff, and about three hundred of them have awakened their talents.

However, there are only about a hundred people with truly useful practical talents.

The list in Hai Wuya's hand lists a total of 120 weapons and many styles.

There are swords, short swords, broadswords, long swords, axes, bows and arrows, shields and other weapon categories.

Hai Wuya slowly read the weapon requirements, then nodded slowly, and then said to Ma Guobao:

"Okay, the style requirements of these weapons are not complicated, but are you sure there are only 120 weapons?"

"Don't those who prefer defensive talents want defensive items?"

These 120 weapons are all offensive weapons, but awakeners cannot have only offensive talents, so Hai Wuya asked Ma Guobao.

After hearing this, Ma Guobao pondered for a while before responding:

"Master, these 120 weapons are what all talents with actual combat capabilities need. Some of them may be more defensive, but they still need weapons that can attack."

Hai Wuya nodded slightly, then stood up and said:

"Okay, follow me to the first floor hall to forge these weapons."

"I will also make an additional 50 defensive shields, and then you can distribute them to those awakened ones whose talents focus on defense."

The three of them nodded in unison, and then followed Hai Wuya to the first floor hall.

Soon they arrived at the first floor hall, where Hai Wuya placed the universal forging furnace on the ground, then took out the steel and metal materials he had collected before, and put them into the forging furnace one after another.

Hai Wuya took out the weapon list just now, and began to enter the requirements in the forging furnace while checking.

Among them, the saber and the broadsword are the most in demand, accounting for about half of the total number, so Hai Wuya first input the smelting requirements of these two weapons.

As for the remaining weapons, Hai Wuya also input them one by one, and also input the requirements for fifty shields.

Because the forging furnace can only forge twenty weapons at a time.

So after Hai Wuya took out the required steel and metal materials, he handed the task of collecting them here to Ma Guobao.

It will take more than two hours to smelt more than one hundred weapons and fifty shields. Hai Wuya doesn't want to wait here.

As for the universal forging furnace, no one can steal it here, just come and take it when you need it next time.

But after doing all this, Hai Wuya suddenly remembered that Ma Guobao and the other two seemed to have not forged weapons yet?

So he said to Ma Guobao, Wang Yan and Jin Wei:

"You also need to smelt weapons. Tell me what you need for weapons. I will help you make them with better materials."

After hearing this, the few people looked at each other, nodded, and said the weapon requirements they had thought of long ago.

Ma Guobao, based on his own talents, thought again and again and decided that he needed a whip weapon.

His B-level Hunyuan Huajin talent can play the greatest role when using whip weapons.

Wang Yan needs a pair of boxing gloves, preferably forged with the heaviest and hardest materials, only in this way will he feel very refreshed when using them.

As for Jin Wei, he wants a long-handled sledgehammer. His iron body talent can play the role of a warhammer very well.

Listening to the requirements of the three people, Hai Wuya nodded and said yes, and then entered the weapon requirements on the forging furnace.

Then Hai Wuya took out some star energy fluorescent ore and a few materials such as 100-forged steel and put them aside, and at the same time told the few people:

"These are the minerals for you to smelt weapons. After the forging of the weapons and shields in front is completed, put these minerals in to forge your weapons."

"Do you understand?"

"Understand, young master!"


Happy New Year, it is suitable to take a bath on the third day of the first lunar month (๑ت๑)

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