At this moment, in the bathroom, Hai Wuya was washing up while learning about the information of the Night Walker.

After integrating this talent, a talent description appeared directly in Hai Wuya's mind. He only needed to think about it a little bit, and he would be able to understand it.

Now Hai Wuya has fully understood the talent information. To be honest, this talent actually has two outstanding abilities.

First, if the background is dark night, that is, if the talent is at night, then his own combat power will be doubled.

This is the initial level will only double, and Hai Wuya has already upgraded a small level, that is, his combat power at night will be doubled.

However, it is not yet known whether his other talents will be enhanced in the dark, but it should not be.

However, as his own strength is enhanced, the talents and abilities he can exert will be stronger, so Hai Wuya did not care too much about this.

The second outstanding point of this talent is that if he is in the dark, his own recovery ability will also be doubled.

Whether it is his own energy or the recovery strength of using special abilities, the effect will be doubled.

Therefore, in summary, this talent is a talent that doubles the combat power and recovery power in the dark, and this doubling multiple will become higher as the level increases.

In addition to these two outstanding abilities, there are some subtle abilities, such as being able to hide oneself in the shadow at night, and unless one moves, one will not be sensed or seen.

Of course, there are some very subtle abilities that Hai Wuya did not pay too much attention to.

Because just relying on the first two outstanding abilities, Hai Wuya's combat power increase is also very large.

So Hai Wuya likes this talent very much.

This is not only a combat power type that can be used for assassination, but also a combat power increase type for Hai Wuya.

Therefore, after obtaining this talent that is almost fully enhanced, Hai Wuya's heart is also very comfortable, and he soon finished his hot bath.

After leaving the bathroom, Hai Wuya came to the living room to rest, and at the same time he picked up the pager and started calling Ma Guobao.

After discussing the plan to relocate the base with the three managers yesterday, although they did not give any solutions to the problem, Hai Wuya himself was already capable of solving it.

After the discussion, it was still early, so Hai Wuya ordered them to collect the wishes of the people in the base immediately.

Most of the people who want to go to the villa area should want to go, but it is estimated that there will still be a small number of people who want to stay.

Someone also needs to stay in the hotel base area here, so Hai Wuya did not force everyone to go to the villa area.

Now after a day of collection, Ma Guobao and his team must have almost completed this task.

Hai Wuya picked up the pager and wanted to ask about this matter.

Beep... Beep... Beep...

The pager responded for a while, and about two minutes later, Ma Guobao finally answered.

"Hello, Master, I'm sorry I was in the toilet just now, so I was delayed a little..."

"It's okay, how are you doing with the things I ordered yesterday?" Hai Wuya said calmly.

Ma Guobao on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment when he heard this and tried to recall what it was. Soon he came to his senses and realized that it should be about counting the wishes of the staff.

Ma Guobao immediately hummed lightly about this matter, and then he replied hesitantly:

"Well... Master, the area I manage has been counted, but it has not been summarized with Wang Yanjinwei yet, so I guess I have to wait a while before I can submit it to you."

Not all bodyguards have become members of the combat team, so the bodyguards in the upper and lower areas still have their own duties and need to be managed by Wang Yanjinwei.

After hearing Ma Guobao's reply, Hai Wuya nodded and said that it was okay.

"Okay, try to count the wishes of the staff as soon as possible so that I can arrange the follow-up situation."

Ma Guobao nodded repeatedly, and then Hai Wuya hung up the phone.

After dealing with the things here, Hai Wuya was ready to get up and go to the upper floor, because he had not discussed with his parents and elders for a few days.

The purpose of relocating the base this time was to give them a better living environment, so they needed to go up and explain the situation to them.

After getting dressed, Hai Wuya took the elevator to the upper floor.

This floor was exclusively for Hai Wuya's parents and elders. His father, mother, grandparents, had actually come down to check on Hai Wuya before.

However, when they found that the lower floor was full of beautiful women, they graduallyGradually, they stopped coming down to look for Hai Wuya.

Although they didn't know how Hai Wuya brought a group of women, they didn't ask too much. After all, it was good that they could hold their grandchildren earlier...

Hai Wuya knocked on his parents' door a few times, but there was no response, so he turned around and went to the door of his grandparents' suite.

After the end of the world, Hai Wuya's parents were with his grandparents most of the time, so Hai Wuya didn't think it was strange.

After knocking on the door of his grandparents, the door was opened soon.

It was Hai Guangtian, his father, who came to open the door.

"Dad, you are all in the house, right?"

Hai Guangtian was already smiling when he saw Hai Wuya coming. After hearing the question, he nodded and replied:

"Yes, we are all with grandpa and grandma, you should come in quickly."

Hai Wuya nodded when he heard the words, and then went into the living room with Hai Guangtian.

After arriving in the living room, Hai Wuya immediately felt the gazes of three people.

At this moment, my mother and grandparents were sitting on the sofa, and they were warming the electric brazier under their hands.

Hai Wuya had asked them before why they used this thing when they had air conditioning, but they said that it was more reassuring to sit together like this.

Therefore, Hai Wuya did not ask again, and now he followed Hai Guangtian and sat on the sofa together.

A disc movie was playing on the TV, which was an older martial arts movie.

"Yaya, you finally know to come and see us. I thought you didn't care about me anymore."

Wang Yanyu glared at Hai Wuya lightly, expressing her complaint about his infrequent visit.

But at this time, Hai Wuya's grandmother interrupted and said:

"Hey, Yanyu, what are you talking about? We are all strong, why do we need Yaya to come over so often?"

"I hope Yaya can work harder. I want to hold my grandson sooner."

Hai Wuya's grandmother smiled, and her eyes were full of love and...expectation when she looked at Hai Wuya?


It's uncomfortable to go to morning self-study...

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