In the living room, the elders looked at Hai Wuya with a teasing look in their eyes.

Just now, Hai Wuya was urged by his grandmother to have a baby online, and he scratched his head in embarrassment, and then dealt with it vaguely.

Forget about wanting a grandson, there will be at least five grandsons born in a few months. I hope you can laugh by then...

Hai Wuya chatted with the elders for a while, and then led the conversation to the matter of relocating the base.

Hai Wuya certainly had no burden to say that he could improve everyone's living environment. After all, for the elders, being able to live in the villa area is also a very good choice.

Hai Wuya glanced at the elders, pursed his lips and said slowly:

"I have something to tell you, and it has been arranged. I plan to move most of the base to the Linjiang Villa District."

"In the Linjiang Villa District, I will build a new base, where there are villas of our Hai family, and the environment is also very beautiful, much more comfortable than living in a hotel."

"And grandpa and grandma, you are older, and you like to take a walk, so the villa area is a very suitable place."

"This time I came here to tell you about this matter and listen to your opinions."

Hai Wuya looked at the elders calmly, and after slowly saying this, he waited for a response with a serious face.

Hai Wuya has always valued his parents and elders. One of the purposes of his efforts to become stronger is to allow them to live in the end times.

Therefore, Hai Wuya is very considerate of their feelings. Although there is no reason to oppose living in the Linjiang Villa District, he still talks to the elders with a discussion mentality.

After hearing this, the parents and elders all looked at each other, and then Hai Tianguo was the first to speak with a smile:

"Yaya really considers grandpa, knowing that grandpa will definitely not be idle here, hahahaha, I fully agree to go to the Linjiang Villa District!"

Hai Tianguo is an old man, and can be said to be the head of the family in terms of seniority. Although he has been retired for many years, since he was the first to speak in agreement, then parents and grandma will certainly not have any objections.

Hai Wuya's grandmother was also very happy to be able to take a walk in her spare time, so she agreed:

"That's right, grandma really loves you for a reason, Yaya, I am also very willing to live in the Linjiang Villa District."

The two elders said so, Hai Wuya's parents nodded of course, and Wang Yanyu smiled and said:

"It's all up to Yaya to arrange it."

Seeing that all the elders were very happy, Hai Wuya felt very comfortable, so he nodded slightly and said slowly to everyone:

"Well, since everyone has decided, then wait for my next notice, you can also start packing your things, I will personally take everyone to the villa area."

There are nearly a thousand people in the base, so it is estimated that they cannot be moved in one trip, but Hai Wuya will personally send his family.

"It's getting late now, Yaya, can you accompany us for lunch?" Wang Yanyu looked at the time, and then said with some expectation.

Hai Wuya did not refuse and nodded immediately, then stayed to have lunch with his elders.

Soon, as lunch was over, Hai Wuya turned around and left the elders' floor.

Now it was one o'clock in the afternoon, and Hai Wuya was sitting on the sofa, watching a martial arts movie with Xia Xiaona.

Suddenly, a call came from the pager.

"Master, is the master here?"

Hai Wuya stood up from the sofa and took the pager.

"I'm here, what's wrong?"

"Master, this is it, didn't you tell me this morning to collect the wishes of the people in the base? Now Wang Yan and Jin Wei have collected them, and I will report to you now!"

Ma Guobao was on the other end of the pager, speaking a long paragraph to Hai Wuya quickly. He seemed a little sorry for having only collected the list now.

After hearing this, Hai Wuya nodded and said:

"Okay, let's meet in Wang Yan's room later."

After saying this, Hai Wuya put down the pager.

"What's wrong? Are you going out to do something again?"

Xia Xiaona saw Hai Wuya's series of actions and guessed that he was probably going out again, so she moved to Hai Wuya's side and asked him with some concern.

Hai Wuya nodded, waved his hand and said casually: "It's okay, I just need to deal with a little thing, and remember to notify them to pack up their things.""Well, I understand." Xia Xiaona responded softly, and then watched Hai Wuya leave the living room.

After leaving the living room, Hai Wuya took the elevator directly to Wang Yan's room. It seemed to have become a habit to gather and discuss in Wang Yan's room.

Soon with Hai Wuya's arrival, the three people waiting in the living room were seen.

This time Hai Wuya also had to give specific instructions, so the three people also had a premonition and waited in Wang Yan's room.

Seeing everyone gathered at this moment, Hai Wuya walked into the living room and said:

"You are all ready, right? I didn't keep you waiting for a long time, did I?"

Hai Wuya said, and sat down on the main seat of the sofa at the same time.

At this time, Ma Guobao immediately replied:

"Master, you came at the right time. We have already collected the wishes of the base personnel and are waiting to report to you."

While speaking, Ma Guobao took out a piece of paper from his hand and handed it to Hai Wuya, and then said:

"The personnel in the base are basically all excited about moving to the villa area, so there are less than 20 people who want to stay in the hotel area."

"But whether these 20 people can stay in the hotel still needs to ask Master's order, so we are waiting for Master's handling."

"After all, leaving less than 20 people in the hotel is really a bit too dangerous..."

But when Ma Guobao finished speaking, he saw Hai Wuya waving his hand, so he immediately shut up.

"For those who want to stay in the hotel, let them stay in the hotel. However, the focus will be on the villa area in the future, so there is no need to pay too much attention to the people left behind in the hotel."

"As for those who are willing to go to the villa area next to the river, let them start packing. The base migration plan will start around tomorrow afternoon."

Hai Wuya paused, then slowly scanned the three people, and then spoke:

"As for your next task, it is to prepare to stop them and not panic."


Starving to death...

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