In the original plan, Hai Wuya actually wanted to build the wall as soon as possible during the day.

But after integrating the talent of the Night Walker, Hai Wuya changed his mind.

The talent of the Night Walker can triple Hai Wuya's own strength at night, and the various recovery strengths are also tripled.

Therefore, it is most suitable for Hai Wuya to wait until the night comes before carrying out large-scale actions.

Although Hai Wuya can build most of the wall in just a few hours during the day, he still prefers to try out new talents in the dark.

With this decision in mind, Hai Wuya prepared to wait until about six o'clock before officially starting to build the wall.

It was getting dark at six o'clock, and Hai Wuya also wanted to know when the talent of the Night Walker would take effect.

It was already past three in the afternoon, and we only needed to wait for more than two hours before we could start construction.

However, during this period of time, Hai Wuya also prepared to plan the specific scope of the wall.

This Linjiang Villa District is an ellipse with a length of two kilometers and a width of one kilometer, but there are still many open areas outside the original wall of the villa district.

In addition to the city not far in front, there are large parks in the southeast and west directions of Linjiang Villa District.

Therefore, it can be said that except for the wall in front, the walls in the other three directions can be pushed forward.

If the surrounding parks are also included in the scope of the base, the area of ​​the base will be extremely vast, even if there are 10,000 or 20,000 people living there, they can live there.

Besides, the scope of Linjiang Villa District will be used as the ‘inner city’ in the future, so all aspects must be taken into consideration.

Hai Wuya is ready to fully complete the expansion of the base area as much as possible and make the base environment more beautiful.

Hai Wuya thought in his heart, and at the same time took action, and began to plan gradually towards the east.

Soon they came to the edge of the villa area. Outside was a vast park. The edge of the park could not be close to the house, so it would be best to build a wall at the edge of the park.

As Hai Wuya moved forward, he calculated the diameter of the park in his mind. Soon after he came to the edge of the park, Hai Wuya also got the approximate diameter of the park.

Going out to the east of the villa area, there is an area of ​​about 500 meters, which belongs to the scope of a park.

The park is densely green, the air is very fresh, and there are all kinds of miniature landscapes, which greatly improves the grade of the entire park.

Although there are a few zombies occasionally, they are harmless and have been cleared away by Hai Wuya.

In the future, we only need to let the members of the combat team to do a carpet-style clearing, and then the zombies will no longer exist.

Hai Wuya stroked his chin, and then thought of his grandparents. I believe they must be in a very good mood to take a walk in this environment...

It seems that the fence range of the new base can include all these areas.

After learning about the east side of the villa area, Hai Wuya turned around and headed towards the south of the villa area.

After speeding all the way, Hai Wuya soon came to a river. This river was very wide, which was probably why this villa area was called the Riverside Villa Area.

This river was only about two hundred meters wide from the south of the villa area, but it was also very good to build a wall next to the river.

When conditions permit in the future, the river course can be changed to build a moat for the entire base.

After learning about the situation in the south, Hai Wuya then went to the west. The overall environment in the west was actually similar, but it was not a park with complete facilities, but a piece of construction land under construction.

The original construction goal here was to rely on the signboard of the Riverside Villa Area to build a riverside resort. It was precisely because of this that the buildings that needed to be built were very complicated.

Therefore, in this vast area, the building complex is only the initial appearance, and it is entirely possible to build a wall on its edge to include the entire area.

Hai Wuya looked around from a high place and had a rough outline in his mind.

If the areas just mentioned are added, the newly built base is estimated to be more than double the size of the original villa area.

With such a vast area as a base, we can rest assured and develop for a long time in the future.

And we can also start to recruit various talents to join the base and expand the base's combat power..

But there is a prerequisite before that, that is, I must have a talent that can completely control the talents of the new people joining the base, otherwise who knows if it will be a bomb in the future.

I hope that the next offspring can have similar talents, so that I can expand the base personnel.

Hai Wuya's ideas continue to spread, and he even has a rough blueprint for the future development of the base.

In the future, of course, the focus will still be on improving their own strength, but they can also do some other things appropriately, such as continuously spreading the influence of the base and absorbing all the surrounding talents into their own camp.

Hai Wuya's initial ideal is to build a base with strong strength, but the further ideal is to control the entire Donghai City in his own hands.

The process will definitely be a bit cumbersome, but Hai Wuya wants to become a hegemon, to become the ruler of the end of the world!

Hai Wuya exhaled, and then looked at the time. It was almost five o'clock at this moment, and there was only one hour left before the start of construction.

Hai Wuya planned to use this hour to recover his energy. As for the supernatural crystals, Hai Wuya always believed in saving as much as possible.

Anyway, the remaining hour could basically recover Hai Wuya's energy, so there was no need to waste supernatural crystals.

Because it didn't matter where to start building the wall, Hai Wuya stopped directly in the west area to avoid returning to the gate in the north, which would waste energy.

While Hai Wuya was recovering his energy outside, the atmosphere among the girls in the Hai family villa was already very harmonious.

Although they didn't say it clearly, they all understood that Hai Wuya was their only backbone.

Therefore, although they might have some grudges in their hearts, they would not show it on the surface.



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