Time passed slowly, and in this peaceful hour, Hai Wuya's energy had basically recovered by half.

At this moment, the color of the sky has also turned into dusk. In less than half an hour, the whole sky will fall into darkness.

Hai Wuya stood up from a high place, and now he suddenly felt a heat flow in his body.

This heat flow did not exist before, and it was gradually strengthening his physical fitness.

Hai Wuya raised his eyebrows, presumably this is the ability bonus brought by the Night Walker talent?

Although it has not completely entered the night at this moment, the bonus of the talent is not immediately in the best state, so Hai Wuya thinks it is very reasonable and does not care too much.

However, since he has awakened at this moment, he can officially start to build a wall and put the entire area under his rule.

Looking at the quiet area in front, Hai Wuya did not hesitate any more, and directly transferred several spaces to the edge of the newly built resort.

Only a rough outline of this resort has been built, so Hai Wuya decided to include this place in his rule.

There is a big road on the edge of the resort. The road is very wide and is probably a main road.

There is only a fence separating the resort from the big road. The entire border area is straight.

And this kind of scene is just suitable for building a wall.

Therefore, Hai Wuya only took a few glances, and then directly used the Earth King's talent to possess him and prepared to start building the wall.

Now that the area to build the wall has expanded so much, it is estimated that it will take a long time to complete it completely.

And this time, Hai Wuya is not going to build the wall as short and narrow as the hotel area.

The wall in the hotel area is only five meters high and two meters wide. Although it can barely resist the attack of zombies, it is completely insufficient to build defensive measures.

So this time, Hai Wuya is going to double the wall, that is, ten meters high and four meters wide.

With a height of ten meters, it can basically resist the tide of zombies, and the width of about four meters is also enough for people to walk on, and it is enough to build defensive measures on the city wall.

However, Hai Wuya is going to open three gates for the newly built city wall. Except for the south facing the river, the central positions of the other three sides need to have entrances and exits.

Hai Wuya still needs to build wider areas for the three city gates, after all, they are for the purpose of appearance.

Thinking in his heart, Hai Wuya came to the middle position of the west. He planned to start building the wall from here and build a city gate first to see the effect.

The hardness of the rock wall built by Hai Wuya is even comparable to steel, so it only needs to raise the wall from the ground to complete the construction.

The area of ​​the city gate is different from that of ordinary city walls. Hai Wuya plans to set the city gate area to be fifteen meters high, ten meters wide, and ten meters long. As for whether to increase it later, it depends on the future situation.

With a decision in mind, Hai Wuya began to pull the rocks under the ground, forming a huge cube, and then slowly raised it.

The whole land made a rumbling sound, as if there was an earthquake. Suddenly, there was a bang, and a yellowish-brown rock object suddenly began to rise on the ground in front of Hai Wuya.

This huge yellowish-brown object was the main body of the city gate and the beginning of the entire city wall.

Hai Wuya controlled the huge rock block to rise slowly. After about a minute, the prototype of a huge city gate had appeared on this land.

The city gate that appeared now was just a large rock block. If it wanted to become a city gate with initial defense measures and openings, Hai Wuya would need to make it further.

As Hai Wuya waved his fingers, the rock block also changed. For example, an arched opening appeared in the central area below, but Hai Wuya still left a thin layer of rock uncut because the gate had not been assembled yet.

Above the city gate, a similar pier was erected to the one in ancient times, which was used for defense.

In about five minutes, Hai Wuya completed the construction of the first city gate. The next step was to expand the city wall to the left and right with the city gate as the center.

The construction of the city wall is simpler than the city gate, and Hai Wuya is currently only erecting the city wall. As for the basic defense facilities on the city wall, they will be manufactured uniformly after completion.

Hai Wuya can build a section of the city wall that is about 20 meters long at a time, which takes about one minute to build at a time.

The length of the entire wall that needs to be built is aboutAbout twelve kilometers, so if Hai Wuya builds it non-stop, it will take about ten hours.

It is now six o'clock in the afternoon. If it is built for ten hours, it will take until four in the morning.

Hai Wuya frowned, and he felt a little helpless about the result he calculated in his mind.

Although Hai Wuya can always use the supernatural crystal, so he doesn't need to worry about the consumption of energy, but he still doesn't have the patience to work for ten hours non-stop.

Therefore, Hai Wuya decided to build it for five hours at a time, that is, to build half of the wall first, and then rest until tomorrow to continue.

Hai Wuya sighed lightly, and then he didn't think too much, and started to work directly.

There is still plenty of time, so Hai Wuya is not worried about not being able to complete this task.

The movement of Hai Wuya building the wall is very loud. In his area, it can almost be described as a landslide, and the zombies around are also attracted.

However, the zombies coming here will not affect the construction of the city wall, except that Hai Wuya will waste some time to clean up.

While Hai Wuya was busy building the city wall, the women in the Hai family villa had just finished dinner.

Because the zombies in the villa area have been cleared, Hai Wuya just doesn't recommend the women to go out, but there are always people who can't sit still, such as Wei Anqi.

Wei Anqi's own strength is good, and with Su Qiao's cooperation, she can deal with some emergencies.

Moreover, now that the villa area has been cleaned up, the two of them left the Hai family villa and went to their own villa to pack up.

Before, they were forced to go out, and many things were left at home without being brought out. Now the situation is safe, so they went back home without worrying.

Wei Anqi and Su Qiao walked on the avenue. Although they knew that the villa area was safe, they were also very cautious.


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