The cold wind howled, and the night of the end of the world seemed a little weird.

However, some areas tonight made a deafening sound, and all the creatures on the earth were awakened and trembled.

Since the construction of the wall at six o'clock in the afternoon, Hai Wuya has been working for nearly five hours, and the entire planned construction area has basically been completed by half.

At this moment, Hai Wuya frowned slightly. His mood can be said to be a little numb. He was not too tired. With the recovery of energy from the supernatural crystal, his body did not feel any discomfort.

It's just that Hai Wuya felt a little tired in his heart after doing the work for so long.

Hai Wuya exhaled heavily, and then looked at the huge outlines that appeared on the ground around him, and chuckled.

It's true that he was tired, but the feeling of building a city alone was also very refreshing.

Although only about half of the work was completed, it did not prevent Hai Wuya from feeling refreshed.

After the work here was completed, Hai Wuya prepared to get up and return to the Hai family villa.

Today's task is completed. As for the remaining projects, we will wait until tomorrow night to continue.

Tomorrow at noon, we need to bring all the staff in the hotel to the villa area. Moreover, the talent of the Night Walker only has a bonus effect at night.

If there is no talent blessing of the Night Walker, then Hai Wuya's speed of building the city wall will not be so fast.

The speed of working during the day is at most half of the efficiency of working at night.

Therefore, Hai Wuya will think about waiting until tomorrow night to continue the work.

Hai Wuya exhaled heavily, and then went directly to the Hai family villa.

I am a little tired today, and I have to let my wives to relieve my mood.

Hai Wuya's mouth corners rose slightly, and he soon returned to the Hai family villa in the central area.

There is a generator in the Hai family's villa warehouse that can supply their own use.

But Hai Wuya didn't think of it before, so there is no light shining in the Hai family villa now, at least from the outside, there is no light flashing.

After staying at the door for a while, Hai Wuya certainly didn't knock on the door. He directly transferred to the living room.

There was no one in the living room on the first floor, but Hai Wuya didn't know the rooms of the girls now.

So he thought about it and decided to do something different this time, such as sleeping wherever he went...

When Hai Wuya thought of this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but slightly raised, and then he set off to the second floor.

When he came to the second floor, there were many rooms here. There was still no one in the living room. In this row of rooms, Hai Wuya silently recited one, two, three to go up the mountain to fight the tiger.

After silently reciting in his mind to take turns, Hai Wuya clicked on the second room on the right.

There were so many girls, so there must be someone living in the room. As for who was in the room Hai Wuya pointed out, he really didn't know...

But since he had chosen it, Hai Wuya no longer hesitated. Anyway, they were all his and there was no need to distinguish them.

When he walked to the door of the target room, Hai Wuya used space transfer to enter without knocking on the door.

When entering the room, there is a big bed and a small bed.

On the big bed is Zhao Min, Bai Rujie's daughter. She originally lived with Lin Rourou, but tonight Lin Rourou is with her sister.

As for the small bed, of course it is Bai Rujie.

Looking at Bai Rujie sleeping on her side, Hai Wuya's mouth corners slightly raised...


Zhao Min's forehead is sweating, because she feels like she has a nightmare. In the dream, her mother was captured by a monster, but her mother kept asking her not to come over.

Zhao Min's eyes were tightly closed and her brows were tightly furrowed. She kept shaking and felt a little scared. She wanted to save her mother, but for some reason, she could only stay in bed and couldn't move.

In the dream, Zhao Min was very helpless, her face was wet with tears, and her heart was also twisted with pain when she heard her mother's miserable sobbing.

Finally, when Zhao Min was desperate, a ray of sunlight shone in, allowing her to wake up from the nightmare.


Zhao Min screamed and stood up immediately. She turned her head to look at the source of the light...

It turned out that Bai Rujie had opened the curtains...

Zhao Min looked at Bai Rujie's back and the light outside the window, and immediately couldn't help sobbing:

"Mom, I had a nightmare... woo woo woo..."

"I dreamed of you... I dreamed that you were captured by a monster and then eaten by the monster..."

Zhao Min cried to Bai Rujie with tears in her eyes, and her whole body trembled.

Bai Rujie, who was opening the curtains and tidying up the room that was cuckolded, was also immediately shocked by thisShe was startled by the noise.

She immediately turned around and came to Zhao Min, asking anxiously:

"Xiao Min, what's wrong with you?"

Bai Rujie held Zhao Min in her arms, and then asked soothingly:

"Tell me slowly, tell me what happened..."

Zhao Min, who was comforted, gradually calmed down, and then she slowly told all the nightmares she had last night.

"Mom, that dream was so real, I thought you were really eaten by a monster..."

Zhao Min told Bai Rujie, but she didn't notice that Bai Rujie's neck was already red...


Warehouse of Hai's villa.

Hai Wuya just got up and wanted to take a hot bath, but because the villa was out of power, he had no choice but to give up temporarily.

But he suddenly remembered that there was a small generator in the warehouse, which only needed to be injected with energy to start the power supply for the villa.

So he came to the warehouse, ready to start the generator, and then take a hot bath.

After all, it has become a habit. If you can't wash off the dirt on your body after a night of hard work, you will feel uncomfortable for a whole day.

Hai Wuya stood in front of the small generator. He took out a bottle of gasoline from the space and then slowly injected it into the generator.

After pouring the gasoline, Hai Wuya fiddled with it for a while and started the generator directly.

This generator is a small family model, so the efficiency is not very strong, but it is still no problem to maintain the operation of the villa temporarily.

As the generator started, Hai Wuya turned on the light immediately, and the light came on with a snap.

Looking at the light, Hai Wuya walked out of the warehouse directly. Next, he had to return to the hotel area and move the staff in the hotel here.

When it was night, Hai Wuya still needed to build the remaining half of the wall.

After completing these two things, Hai Wuya's next goal was to upgrade and become stronger, and to bless the destiny protagonists.



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