After coming out of the supermarket and joining the migration team, Hai Wuya has been moving forward with the team.

The remaining two-thirds of the journey took about three hours.

There were no major problems along the way, and some blind people who came to provoke were all killed directly.

At this moment, the time came to nearly seven o'clock in the afternoon, the sky had fallen into darkness, and the migration team of thousands of people had already seen the outline of the villa area.

Now the wall on the right side of the villa area has not been built yet, but just looking at the tall and upright wall on the left, you can know the majesty of this huge city.

The new base now is far from comparable to the previous hotel area. No matter from which aspect, it is a correct choice to migrate to the villa area to build a new base.

After all, if you want to develop, you must have enough space to accommodate.

Hai Wuya rode the warhorse condensed by the slime lord and walked in the front, and the thousand-man team behind him also walked slowly.

They are about to arrive at their destination, and all the migrants are in a very comfortable mood.

Although they can only become people of the lowest status no matter where they live, at least the living environment has improved and they live more comfortably.

Therefore, the worship and respect for Hai Wuya by the migrants can be said to be beyond words.

Being able to live in a comfortable environment, they have more motivation to live.

At the front of the team, Hai Wuya looked closer and closer to the villa area, and slowly exhaled. Then he turned to Ma Guobao and said:

"Old Ma, the new base is ahead, but there is still half of the city wall that has not been completed. I will complete the city wall tonight."

"When you lead the crowd into the villa area, follow the previous discussion, and ignore the survivors in the villa area for the time being."

"Arrange the people to stay for one night tonight, and then make a unified allocation tomorrow. After all, they are not worthy of living in the villa and enjoying life."

For the migrants, they must live in the big bunk bed in the future. The comfortable environment in the single-family villa must not be given to them for free, otherwise how can they manage it?

As for the original survivors in the villa area, they cannot be allowed to sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor. After all, there are no demolished households in the end times, so they can enjoy protection.

However, we have not yet decided what measures to take for the original survivors. If the situation is serious, of course, they will all be killed. If we are more lenient, we will just let them live in a large bunk bed with the relocated people.

But in any case, we will gather them tomorrow to see how the original survivors react. If they react strongly and want to resist, then we will kill them all to save trouble. If they are willing to obey the arrangements, then they will stay and serve as part of the base.

Hai Wuya is not a good person. If he cannot provide value to the base, then he will definitely not be merciful.

Ma Guobao followed Hai Wuya and nodded in agreement after hearing the order:

"Okay, young master, I will definitely make sure there are no mistakes in the personnel arrangement. As for the original survivors, I will also do my best to reconcile them."

Hearing this answer, Hai Wuya shook his head, and then said thoughtfully:

"Don't bother to reconcile. The more kind you are, the more they will push their limits. Anyway, we will deal with the original survivors tomorrow. After entering the base, you can arrange for the migration personnel."

Hai Wuya didn't care about the original survivors at all. If they knew what was good for them, he would let them live. If they dared to make trouble, he would kill them all. Anyway, he didn't lack these disobedient people.

After hearing this answer, Ma Guobao also knew Hai Wuya's views on the original survivors. After nodding to show that he understood, he didn't think too much about it.

Getting closer and closer to the villa area, Ma Guobao went to the rear to convey this order after getting Hai Wuya's approval.

The more than 100 people in the combat team naturally acted as microphones to convey the news, and the crowd was naturally very happy after hearing the news.

Time passed slowly, and after about ten minutes, the migrating team finally arrived at this new magnificent base after a long journey.

The beautiful environment in the base made all the personnel very excited, and Ma Guobao and other managers were also very happy.

It was also their first time to come to the villa area, so they were full of curiosity about it.

As they entered the villa area, the slime lord no longer maintained the barrier. When the barrier dissipated, Ma Guobao immediately ordered the combat team to maintain order.

Arriving here is only the first step. The next step is to maintain order and arrange various affairs. After all, management is always the most important thing.The most difficult.

However, since they have arrived at the base, Hai Wuya has no interest in staying any longer. He handed over all the management affairs to Ma Guobao, and returned to the Hai family villa.

In the Hai family villa, there is no room for the girls to sit on the dining table at the moment, so they basically eat separately.

There is a natural "barrier" between the girls who came from the hotel and the girls who were originally in the villa area.

Although they didn't really care, the invisible various actions still made the hotel closer to the hotel, and the villa area closer to the villa area.

As for the four elders, they spontaneously went to live in the other courtyard. They couldn't stand staying here.

This time when Hai Wuya returned, he still used space transfer to appear in the living room directly. The girls were already accustomed to Hai Wuya's sudden appearance, so there were not too many emotional fluctuations.

Hai Wuya looked at the girls and didn't know who to greet first, so he smiled at them and sat down on the sofa.

The Hai family villa has a separate generator, so a disc movie is playing on the TV at this moment.

Hai Wuya sat next to Xia Xiaoyu, chuckled and whispered in her ear:

"You like watching movies so much. Every time a movie is played on TV, you are basically the one watching it with relish."

Xia Xiaoyu felt the heat in her ears, her face was slightly rosy, but she snorted coldly and said:

"Hmph, I just like to watch it, so what? They all have their own things to do, so it seems that I am idle..."

Hai Wuya took Xia Xiaoyu into his arms, and then watched with her without saying anything more.

After all, after a rest, Hai Wuya still had to build the remaining half of the wall.

Xia Xiaoyu was somewhat resistant to Hai Wuya's actions, because in the eyes of everyone, Hai Wuya holding her alone made her feel a little uncomfortable.

But after struggling twice to no avail, she just leaned on Hai Wuya's shoulder.

At least in this short moment, Hai Wuya belonged to her alone.



There is one more chapter to go, and I will start writing the next plot in the next chapter at most.

Thank you for reading this far, baby, love you!

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