The night is quiet, but the villa area is destined not to be a peaceful night tonight.

It is possible that the migrants were so excited that they could not sleep all night, and Hai Wuya had already arrived at the gate area of ​​the villa area.

At the gate of the villa area, because there is a main road outside that is the urban area, Hai Wuya decided to build a city wall directly on the edge.

As for the other three sides, of course they have been expanded, but here they are directly overturned and rebuilt according to the original position.

Hai Wuya came to the gate of the villa area. The main gate here has not been built yet, so after the gate is built, the rest of the city walls will be built.

Because this is the facade of the entire base, Hai Wuya decided to build a building that is incomparable to the other three gates.

The specifications of the main gate to be built are 50 meters long, 20 meters wide, and 20 meters high.

With such a gate as the facade, the momentum of the entire base is completely different. At least the intuitive feeling it gives people is that it is majestic and overwhelming.

With a decision in mind, Hai Wuya quickly started to work. Because he already had sufficient experience, he built the city gate very quickly.

After a few minutes, a huge work of art that was completely natural appeared out of thin air on the earth.

After the city gate was built, Hai Wuya continued to build the city wall area. The city wall area was the same as before, all of which were ten meters high and four meters wide.

The speed of building the city wall was very fast. After about an hour, the city wall area connecting the main city gate to the east city gate had been built.

After building this last city gate, it only took more than an hour to build the magnificent city wall of the entire base.

After building this basic fortification, the safety of the base will be basically guaranteed, and the base will also be able to enter a rapid development stage.

However, if the base wants to develop rapidly, there is still a loyalty problem that needs to be solved, but this is a matter for the future. It depends on whether there is a talent with this ability.

Hai Wuya always put the development of the base in the second place. The first place is of course to enhance his own strength, so he didn't care much about the potential problems of the base.

Thinking about the future plan in his heart, Hai Wuya's hands did not stop. After more than an hour of continuous construction, the wall area of ​​the entire base was finally completed.

Hai Wuya stood on a high place, looked out and admired his masterpiece for a while, and then used space transfer to rush to the Hai family villa.

It was getting late. After going back to take a hot bath, I had to prepare to start the next heroine.

At present, there are two heroines in the Hai family villa who have not been conquered by Hai Wuya.

That is Lin Rourou and Wei Anqi.

Lin Rourou is Lin Yiyi's sister, and she has known him for a longer time, so Hai Wuya is more inclined to conquer her today.

After all, Wei Anqi has an S-level combat talent, and it is best to slowly conquer her heart and then conquer her.

Moreover, Wei Anqi's combat power is the strongest in the base, except for Hai Wuya.

Whether it is Ye Xue or Luo Danxia, ​​they cannot match Wei Anqi in terms of combat power.

When Wei Anqi's combat power grows up in the future, when he goes out to fight, the rear of the base can be safely handed over to her.

So after thinking about it, Hai Wuya decided to start with Lin Rourou tonight, anyway, she is also one of the important "original heroines".

Soon Hai Wuya returned to the Hai family villa, he skipped the girls and went into the bathroom to wash up.

While taking a hot bath, Hai Wuya suddenly thought of Ye Fan and Xiao Yan.

For these two destined protagonists, I haven't given them blessings for a long time.

It has been a long time since we parted in the last Yuan Secret Realm, but the system has not sent any prompts during this period, which means that they have not yet obtained important opportunities.

But even so, Hai Wuya still wanted to know what they were doing at the moment. After injecting a biological tracker into Xiao Yan's body, he hadn't checked it yet.

Hai Wuya's mouth corners slightly raised, and then took advantage of the hot bath time to start communicating with the biological tracker in Xiao Yan's body.

The biological tracker is a system product. As long as Hai Wuya wants to explore the information of the injected person, he can directly play the scene at that time in his mind.

As Hai Wuya thought of Xiao Yan in his heart, a picture from the perspective of God soon appeared in his mind.

Hai Wuya closed his eyes to watch the picture that appeared, and soon saw Xiao Yan's figure clearly at the moment.In the picture, the surrounding environment is pitch black, but Xiao Yan's chariot is speeding, and the chariot's lights also illuminate the road conditions ahead.

Xiao Yan is driving the chariot at this moment, and the road should still be within the scope of Donghai City.

There are many zombies and various obstacles on the road, but they are all crushed by Xiao Yan's chariot.

Hai Wuya remembered that before he parted with Xiao Yan last time, he burned all his chariots, but now looking at the exterior of the chariot, there is nothing unusual.

This biological tracker supports three screens for viewing, namely the God's perspective, the third person and the first person.

The God's perspective did not show any information, so Hai Wuya switched to the third person to view it, because this way he could see the situation inside the chariot.

With a blink of an eye, the screen turned, and the picture Hai Wuya saw at this moment was already a third-person picture.

When he saw the interior of the chariot, Hai Wuya couldn't help but chuckle.

Because the interior of this chariot can no longer be described as "luxurious", it is simply a "top" interior.

I saw that the chariot was pitch black everywhere, and almost all the furniture and interior were destroyed. Except for the electric light on the body to illuminate the interior space, there were no other household items at all.

Even the original luxurious big bed can only be replaced by a piece of rag at this moment, and there is not even a quilt, so it can only be covered with a few pieces of rags picked up from somewhere.

At this moment, except for a "big bed", the interior of Xiao Yan's chariot can be said to be poor and white, and even the word "bare walls" is a compliment.

After scanning the environment inside the chariot, Hai Wuya turned around and checked Xiao Yan's expression at the moment.

I saw that Xiao Yan, who was originally high-spirited, was pale and slightly listless at this moment, looking like he was not full, and a mental state of fainting at any time.

Seeing Xiao Yan like this, Hai Wuya was really a little emotional. Was he a little too cruel before...



Writing a new plot, from now on, it will focus on suppressing the protagonist, conquering the heroine, and conquering the female destiny protagonist!

The base has been completed, and a new chapter of the end of the world has begun!

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