Hearing the cheers from outside, Prince Yan Lei's mouth curled up unconsciously, unable to hide his inner pride.

This feeling of being the center of attention and admired is the treatment that a true protagonist should enjoy.

As the only son of King Bronzebeard, Yan Lei has been given extremely high expectations since he was a child.

He is not only the heir to the throne in the future, but also regarded as the hope for the prosperity of the dwarves.

These resounding names and expectations, like a double-edged sword, not only gave him endless glory, but also made him extremely face-saving.

Just before entering the mysterious little black room, Yan Lei stopped and began to discuss tactics with his teammates.

He said in an unquestionable tone: "Everyone, I will be the main attacker in this operation. You just need to cooperate with me closely. Remember, Lin Chen's attack power should be strong, but don't worry, I'm tough and can handle it. Ou Ya, you must be especially careful and don't let yourself get hurt, I will feel bad."

The teammates looked at each other, and although they responded on the surface, they couldn't help but roll their eyes in their hearts.

How did the discussion of tactics turn into Prince Yan Lei's personal heroism and his dog-licking behavior?

Ou Ya obviously didn't buy into this overprotective rhetoric. She responded coldly: "Stop talking nonsense. I'm not a vase that needs to be cared for. I don't need you to protect me."

Yan Lei didn't care and continued to persuade him earnestly: "Ou Ya, you should take care of yourself more. Don't you see that Lin Chen is definitely not a simple guy? Those men have bruises and swollen faces, and the women are ragged. It's obviously him who did it. You must be careful. Of course, you will be fine with me."

Ou Ya obviously couldn't listen anymore. She walked straight into the small dark room without looking back.

Yan Lei originally wanted to continue his long speech, but seeing that the heroine had already taken a step ahead, he had to swallow his unfinished words and followed Ou Ya into the mysterious small dark room.


In the dim small dark room, the atmosphere seemed depressing and tense.

Ou Ya's sudden entry was like a bright meteor that cut through the dull space, which surprised Lin Chen.

His surprise was not because of how strange Ou Ya's clothes were.

In fact, she was wearing a professional suit similar to a teacher's today, which was well-cut and simple yet elegant.

However, it was this ordinary professional suit that exuded a different brilliance on her, perfectly outlining her curvy figure, as if every curve was telling the charm and tenderness of women.

Lin Chen and Ou Ya's eyes met, and he showed a meaningful smile, as if he was appreciating a beautiful painting.

And Ou Ya also smiled back, with confidence and calmness in his eyes.

However, this harmonious picture did not last long.

Prince Yan Lei's intrusion was like a stone that broke the calm, stirring up thousands of waves.

His eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he caught Lin Chen's lecherous eyes at a glance, which made him furious.


Prince Yan Lei gave an order, and the other teammates responded and summoned their own mechas.

In a flash, the originally spacious little black room became crowded, with five mechas standing like five steel behemoths.

Among them, Prince Yan Lei's Thunder Overlord mecha was the most eye-catching, with lightning flashing all over its body, and it was domineering.

A moment later, Thunder Overlord took the lead in attacking.

I saw lightning flashing on the mecha, the "booming" thunder was deafening, and thunder roared towards Lin Chen like a violent dragon.

Prince Yan Lei showed a grim smile in the mecha: "Boy, you dare to keep staring at my Ou Ya. Since you are so ignorant, then go to hell. However, I won't let you die too quickly, I will slowly torture you until you die in pain."

At the same time, other mechas also launched attacks.

Some mechas sprayed cold air, trying to freeze Lin Chen.

Some mechas spewed out blazing flames, as if to burn him to ashes.

These attacks poured down on Lin Chen like a violent storm, instantly turning his position into a high-concurrency explosion point.


With a deafening roar, all the attacks converged at one point, and the entire small black room shook violently, as if it was about to collapse.

"Did it succeed?"

A teammate asked with some nervousness and expectation.

Upon hearing this, Prince Yan Lei snorted disdainfully and mocked, "Your question is very low-level. Our attack is so powerful that even a martial emperor might not be able to withstand it. Hahaha, even if this kid has the level of a martial emperor,, I'm afraid I can only spend my next life in a wheelchair. "

His tone was full of confidence and arrogance, as if he had foreseen Lin Chen's tragic end.

Indeed, as a high-level earth-level mecha, the Thunder Overlord's full-strength attack is powerful enough to be invincible at the level of Martial King.

Coupled with the blessing of the attacks of other teammates' Xuan-level mechas, the power of this attack has reached the level of Martial Emperor.

Prince Yan Lei grinned and prepared to launch a second round of attacks, leaving Lin Chen unable to live or die.

However, just as he was accumulating energy and preparing to attack again, Ou Ya, who had not made a move, suddenly spoke.

"Yan Lei, it seems that you are going to lose this time."

Ou Ya's voice was calm and firm, as if stating an indisputable fact.

Prince Yan Lei frowned when he heard this, but did not stop his actions.

"Ou Ya, I know you like this kid and want to speak for him. I don't blame you, but the fact is that this kid is about to bear my second round of attacks. Nine Heavens Thunder! ! ! "

As soon as the voice fell, the whole small black room was struck by thunder again and again, as if it was about to be destroyed.

However, when the nine-day thunder descended on Lin Chen's position, the smoke gradually dissipated, revealing an incredible scene.

Lin Chen stood there as if nothing had happened, looking at Prince Yan Lei with a smile on his face.

There was no trace of injury on his body, as if the earth-shattering attack just now had no effect on him at all.

Prince Yan Lei's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

And Ou Ya's eyes flashed with admiration and excitement...

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