Lin Chen gently patted the dust off his body, raised his eyebrows slightly, and met the astonished eyes of Prince Yan Lei and Ou Ya and others.

He took a step forward without caring, with a playful smile on his face.

"Is this what you call an attack?"

He asked contemptuously, with a bit of disdain in his tone, "I thought there would be some amazing means, but it turned out to be so vulnerable. You,"

He turned to Ou Ya, "Since you didn't attack me and you are a mentalist, then come home with me later. I will communicate with you well. I believe you are willing to learn more from my experience."

Ou Ya was stunned by Lin Chen's direct invitation. She never thought that the other party would be so straightforward when they met for the first time and talked to each other for the first time.

Shyness and surprise made her blush to the root of her neck in an instant, as if the sunset dyed the sky red.

In fact, it was not that she didn't want to attack, but the moment she entered this battlefield, she deeply felt the gap in strength between her and Lin Chen.

When Prince Yan Lei heard Lin Chen's "invitation" to Ou Ya, he was immediately filled with anger.

He could tolerate Lin Chen's contempt for him, but he could never tolerate him "teasing" his goddess.

He stared at Lin Chen with his eyes blazing, and shouted: "Boy, don't be too arrogant! See if you can still withstand our second round of attack. Everyone go all out, this time we must completely solve him, and it's best not to leave him even with his body!"

Following Prince Yan Lei's order, everyone began to nervously prepare for a new round of attacks.

However, facing the upcoming attack, Lin Chen just showed a faint smile.

"You are probably looking for the wrong person to play with thunder in front of me." He laughed softly, and as soon as he finished speaking, a fist-sized chaos thunder suddenly appeared in front of him.

Although the thunder was small, it exuded a palpitating pressure.

Seeing this, Ou Ya hurriedly advised: "Give up, we are not his opponent. No matter how we resist, it will be futile."

However, her teammate Sai Ou did not listen to her advice and rushed straight to Lin Chen.

Unfortunately, before his attack was launched, Lin Chen's Chaos Thunder had already arrived in front of him, only 30 mm away from his eyeballs.

At this moment, Sai Ou felt unprecedented fear. He knew that if Lin Chen had not held back, he would probably have been beheaded.

"Old Sai, what are you doing? Why did you stop halfway? Forget it, leave him alone, let's continue attacking!"

Prince Yan Lei urged loudly from behind.

However, at this time, Sai Ou seemed to be fixed, standing there unable to move.

He was not afraid of death, but he did not want to die unclearly, and he did not want to put himself and his teammates in a more dangerous situation.

But Prince Yan Lei was so anxious at the moment that he had no time to care about him.

He quickly summoned everyone, gathered their powers, and prepared to launch a fierce attack on Lin Chen.

"Nine Heavens Thunder!"

Prince Yan Lei shouted loudly, clenched his hands, as if he had gathered all the thunder and lightning power in the sky into his palms.

"Fire Storm!"

Another team member followed closely, and his hands quickly formed seals, and a violent flame energy surged around him.


Someone else shouted, and in an instant, the water vapor in the air began to condense, forming pieces of sharp ice crystals.

These powerful powers quickly gathered from all directions and attacked Lin Chen at lightning speed.

However, just when the power was about to touch Lin Chen, he moved his eyes slightly, and an invisible force instantly erupted.

Several warriors who controlled the mecha suddenly felt a strong repulsive force, as if they were pulled out of the mecha by an invisible hand and fell heavily to the ground.

Even Ou Ya, who was standing by and watching the battle, was not spared. Her legs softened and she knelt down in front of Lin Chen involuntarily.

This scene looked quite funny, as if she was kneeling down to Lin Chen and was forced to sing to him, I am conquered by you.

However, behind this funny scene, there was an indescribable majesty and power.

"Impossible! How is this possible!"

Prince Yan Lei knelt on the ground, his face full of shock and unwillingness.

His Nine Heavens Thunder is a top-level lightning power, why is it so vulnerable in front of Lin Chen?

However, Prince Yan Lei did not give up.

He took a deep breath and read a mysterious instruction.

The next moment, the Thunder Overlord seemed to be injected with life. It let out a deafening roar and rushed towards Lin Chen at supersonic speed.

"Hahaha," Prince Yan Lei laughed wildly, "Boy, don't underestimate this Thunder Overlord. It's going to use its ultimate move now! This is to burn its own lifespan!At the cost of his life, this is a unique skill that instantly increases attributes and abilities by 10 times. Both strength and speed will reach unprecedented heights. Of course, after performing this move, it takes a whole year to recover. But in order to defeat you, such a sacrifice is necessary. "

Prince Yan Lei's voice has not yet fallen, and the Thunder Overlord has rushed to Lin Chen like lightning.

Prince Yan Lei knelt aside with expectation, ready to enjoy the scene of Lin Chen being defeated.

However, facing the Thunder Overlord who evolved and performed his ultimate move, Lin Chen seemed unusually calm.

He was not afraid, but instead had a strong interest in this duel.


The Thunder Overlord's right fist swung towards Lin Chen at lightning speed, but unexpectedly missed.

"This must be a coincidence," Prince Yan Lei comforted himself, "That speed, even my father would find it difficult to dodge. "

However, the following situation surprised Prince Yan Lei.

The second and third attacks of the Thunder Overlord failed to touch Lin Chen at all.

"Damn it, Thunder, what are you doing?"

Prince Yan Lei roared in exasperation, "I don't care what method you use, even if you explode, you must beat Lin Chen so hard that he can't take care of himself!"

Under Prince Yan Lei's order, the Thunder Overlord evolved again, and its speed and strength soared to 20 times the original.

However, facing such a powerful opponent, Lin Chen still dodged every attack with ease.

The failures again and again made Prince Yan Lei's eyes gradually become dull, confused and unbelievable.

He couldn't understand whether the man standing in front of him was a human or a ghost?

Why could he dodge the fatal attacks of the Thunder Overlord so easily?

"That's enough. I don't want to play with you anymore. "Lin Chen said lightly, and as soon as he finished speaking, his figure instantly disappeared from the sight of the Thunder Overlord and everyone else.

To be honest, at this moment, Lin Chen's speed has reached an unimaginable level, at least N times supersonic speed, such a speed is jaw-dropping. Except for the Thunder Overlord who just performed a special move and increased his attributes by 20 times, the others present could not even catch Lin Chen's afterimage.

Then, in the next second, Lin Chen appeared in front of the Thunder Overlord like a ghost. He gently stretched out his hand and patted the strongest mecha known as the King of Bronzebeard. This pat seemed to be light, but it completely defeated the Thunder Overlord and made him lose his combat effectiveness.

However, this is not the end.


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