"Boom boom"

Accompanied by a deafening explosion, the trap that Tuoye accidentally stepped on was instantly detonated, and the heavy bomb exploded immediately, bursting with dazzling light, as if a small sun was burning on the ground.

The powerful shock wave swept around, and even Li Zongheng, who was standing not far away, was affected.

Li Zongheng looked at the approaching energy bomb weakly, but his heart was extremely calm.

Since he stepped into this trap area, he has made the worst plan.

He knew that only by dying together with the Little Japanese Empire could he bring a glimmer of hope for victory in this battle.


A figure came to Li Zongheng's side at lightning speed, quickly picked him up, and stayed away from the threat of the bomb.

Blood kept pouring out of Li Zongheng's mouth, but when he tried to open his eyes and see the face of the person who came, he showed a self-deprecating smile.

"You, are you Liu Feier?"

He asked weakly, "It seems that God still favors me, at least let me see the goddess one last time before I die. Thank God, I have nothing else to ask for."

"Who said you are going to die?"

A cold and firm voice sounded in Li Zongheng's ears.

He looked up and saw Liu Feier in a pure white mecha staring at him. Behind her, three wings shone in the sun, like a mecha Valkyrie descending to the earth.

Liu Feier originally came to rescue the East China Sea Base on Lin Chen's orders.

However, on the way to the base, she accidentally found Li Zongheng in danger.

Although she had doubts about Li Zongheng's strength and courage, at this moment, she did not hesitate to lend a helping hand.

In the previous battle, Liu Feier did have a prejudice against Li Zongheng.

She thought that although he had strength, he lacked the courage to move forward.

However, at this moment, watching Li Zongheng sacrifice his life for the benefit of the country and the nation, she couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration in her heart.

Of course, she only had Lin Chen in her heart.

"Really, it's really you! Fei'er. I, I thought I would never see you in this life. Look at you, I told you a long time ago, don't go with Lin Chen, that guy is an old scumbag and there is no future with him."

When Li Zongheng saw Liu Fei'er, he felt that his hand didn't hurt and his heart could beat. He was fine again.

"Li Zongheng, I warn you, don't say that again."

Liu Fei'er's voice was cold and firm. She glanced at Li Zongheng's injured arm and frowned slightly, but she didn't stop.

She continued: "My choice, my Lin Chen, are not allowed to be questioned by others. I hope you can respect me."

Li Zongheng instantly felt the determination in Liu Fei'er's words. Although he was unwilling in his heart, facing Liu Fei'er's determination, he could only nod helplessly.

"Okay, I understand. Fei'er, as long as you are willing to come back, I am willing to do anything. Even if you don't have a place for me in your heart, as long as you are by my side, I will be satisfied."

He whispered, with a hint of loss in his eyes.

However, at this moment, a sudden applause broke the short silence.

Takuye and his men walked out of the smoke. They looked unscathed, as if the thrilling trap just now was just a child's play for them.

Liu Fei'er and Li Zongheng turned their heads to look at Tuoye at the same time, only to see that he was wearing a seemingly ordinary mecha, but the mecha exuded a faint light, giving people an unusual feeling.

At the same time, a thought flashed through their minds: This mecha is not simple.

Takuye's eyes swept back and forth on Liu Fei'er, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"What a pair of mandarin ducks with deep affection. However, if I heard correctly, this beauty seems to be Lin Chen's woman? That's even more interesting." His voice was full of teasing and provocation.

"Tuoye, what do you want to do?"

Liu Fei'er looked at Tuoye vigilantly. She knew that this man was not simple and must be handled with caution.

Tuoye laughed loudly, and his laughter echoed in the empty field, which was particularly harsh.

"What? Of course I want to get close to this beauty. You say, if I ravage you and then use you to threaten Lin Chen, how interesting the scene will be."

As he spoke, he approached Liu Fei'er, his eyes full of greed and evil. "

"Fei'er, leave here quickly, he is not an enemy you can deal with. I will do my best to fight for a chance of survival for you. As long as you can escape safely, it is worth it even if I sacrifice myself. "

Li Zongheng tried his best to get up, but the severe pain and fatigue in his body were like heavy shackles, binding him firmly in place.

Liu Feier heard Li Zongheng, a flash of determination in her eyes.

"Since I'm here, I don't plan to leave alone." She said firmly, without flinching.

At this time, Tuoye and his men were approaching, and Tuoye's men were even more lewd, and their greedy eyes swept back and forth on Liu Feier.

"This girl is really courageous. She dared to stay and play with us. Captain, let me enjoy it first this time. I promise not to let her suffer too much."

Tuoye smiled and nodded, as if he was tacitly approving his men's behavior. "But don't play too much, just leave me a breath."

There was a hint of teasing in his words.

Liu Feier looked at the approaching enemy, and a flash of disdain flashed in her eyes.

She pointed her finger provocatively at Tuoye's men, with a hint of provocation in her voice.

"Little day, if you have the guts, just come over and try, and see who is playing who in the end?"

Tuoye's men were angered by Liu Feier's words. He strode forward, stretched out his dirty big hands, and prepared to embrace Liu Feier.

However, just when he was about to touch Liu Feier, Liu Feier suddenly moved.

Her movements were as fast as lightning, and her right leg suddenly raised, feeling like a standing split.

I don't know if Lin Chen will say after seeing it, can we do it once when we communicate in the evening?

Then he kicked Tuoye's men's chin fiercely.

This kick contained all the anger and power of Liu Feier, and the speed was so fast that it was dazzling.


With a loud bang, Tuoye's men were kicked back and fell heavily to the ground.

His chin was kicked to pieces, blood gushed out, and the whole person had lost consciousness.

This scene happened so quickly that Tuoye and Li Zongheng had no time to react.

They stared at their men lying on the ground, their eyes full of shock and fear.

"Be careful!"

Takuye finally reacted and warned his men loudly.

But it was too late. Liu Feier's attack was over, leaving only the men lying on the ground and the smell of blood in the air.

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