
Li Zongheng's tone was full of disbelief.

"Is it that simple?"

He asked again, as if seeking a more complicated explanation.

Li Zongheng stared at Liu Fei'er in front of him, his heart full of doubts.

Is this still the Liu Fei'er he knows?

In his memory, she didn't have such strength.

The scene just now happened too fast, Li Zongheng didn't even see the other person's movements clearly, and the person had already fallen to the ground.

Such speed and such strength far exceeded his expectations.

At the same time, Tuoye's face also changed subtly.

He obviously didn't expect that this woman's strength would be so strong.

A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, but more of it was anger of being provoked.

"Girl," Tuoye's voice was full of threats.

"You have successfully challenged my bottom line. If that guy dies, he dies. I will posthumously confer him the title of a hero and martyr. But you,"

His eyes were fixed on Liu Fei'er, "be prepared to accept my punishment."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tuoye moved and rushed towards Liu Fei'er.

In the attack on Donghai Base City, as the captain of the squad, he did not care about the casualties of his men.

But the situation this time was different. If it was spread that his men were defeated by a woman, it would be an unacceptable shame.

Therefore, Tuoye decided not to delay any longer. He wanted to quickly deal with this difficult woman.

He muttered: "Thunder Escape·Pseudo-Darkness."

As the spell was completed, a black lightning suddenly burst out from his palm, carrying the power of destruction, and violently struck Liu Fei'er.


The black lightning cut through the air with a deafening thunder.

However, facing this powerful attack, Liu Feier seemed unusually calm.

She stood there, without dodging, but just waved her hand lightly, and a long sword appeared in her hand.

She swung the sword at the black lightning without fear.

Seeing this, Takuya smiled grimly. He laughed: "You don't think that your weak long sword can block my attack? That's my strongest ninjutsu."

His laughter echoed in the empty field, full of ridicule and confidence.

However, Liu Feier did not respond, she just quietly waited for the arrival of black lightning.


A deafening sound echoed in the air.

When the mysterious long sword collided violently with the black lightning, something incredible happened.

The black lightning, the seemingly indestructible force, was directly split into fine electric currents under the sword.

In a flash, those broken electric currents also completely dissipated in the air, as if they had never existed.

Tuoye, who was originally confident and ready to knock Liu Feier down with one blow, now rushed to the front line in a mess, with surprise and embarrassment intertwined on his face.

Before he could speak, Liu Feier had already taken action quickly and decisively.

She kicked Tuoye to the ground with an elegant but powerful kick.

Then, she stepped on her high heels and walked lightly to Tuoye's side, stepped on him with one foot, and said with a little disdain in her tone: "Just now you said you wanted to ravage me? That's it?"

Hearing this, Tuoye's anger was instantly ignited.

He struggled to get up and roared:

"Ah! You, you have the guts to not let me down there!"

"Damn it, let me get up!"

He roared, and the strength of his whole body seemed to be gathered at this moment, ready to break free from Liu Feier's suppression.

However, for some reason, he found that he could not use any strength.

His body seemed to be bound by some invisible force and could not move.

"Get up! Get up!"

Liu Feier repeated playfully, her tone full of teasing.

She looked at Tuoye's angry and helpless look, and couldn't help feeling a little happy in her heart.

If Tuoye's men were defeated too quickly before, Li Zongheng could still attribute it to the fact that they were killed by a sneak attack, and there was a certain amount of luck in it.

However, now that he witnessed with his own eyes that Tuoye, who could destroy the laser cannon with one shot, was killed instantly by Liu Feier, this could not be explained by simple luck.

What kind of experience did Liu Feier go through after leaving with Lin Chen?

Why did she become so powerful?

This kind of power is beyond imagination. Li Zongheng couldn't help but marvel in his heart, this is too strong.

Suddenly, a voice came out of nowhere, breaking the brief silence.

"Tuoye, as a squad leader, you are actually bullied by a little girl like this, it's really shameful for you. You people from the Little Japanese Empire are too weak."

This voice is full ofMockery and disdain.

Liu Feier still stepped on Tuoye, but looked up to find the source of the voice.

The one who spoke was Lei Lao, a strong man of the mermaid tribe.

He looked at the embarrassed Tuoye and the shocked Liu Feier with a playful look on his face.

"You are from the mermaid tribe, right?"

Liu Feier said coldly, "My husband said that if you meet a mermaid tribe, as long as it is not a woman, you will kill one. So, you can continue to talk nonsense, but you will bear the consequences."

Lei Lao raised his eyebrows and smiled coldly: "Miss, I was thinking of being gentle with women, but now it seems unnecessary. You can die too."

Before he finished speaking, he rushed towards Liu Feier like an arrow from a bow.

A big battle is about to begin.


The atmosphere in the top-floor conference room of Tianluo headquarters was solemn.

Since Lin Chen stepped into this space, he felt a sense of oppression and heaviness, and everyone's face was full of worry.

In less than ten minutes, senior government officials, Tianluo members and other important personnel quickly gathered in this conference room.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, this room is full of the most influential and decision-making people in Longguo.

"Old Long has arrived!"

Someone whispered, with a hint of respect and peace of mind in his tone.

"Old Ye is here too, and there is hope for our Longguo!"

Another person's voice revealed deep dependence and trust.

Old Ye walked steadily to the podium at the front of the conference room, and every step he took seemed to carry the hope and trust of the entire country.

He stood there, looked around at everyone present, and then slowly spoke in a low and firm voice: "Dear colleagues, dear comrades, I have a heavy news to tell you. Just this morning, our Magic City War Base was lost. Please stand up and pay tribute to those brave soldiers who died heroically with the highest standard of silence."

With the words of Mr. Ye, the atmosphere in the conference room became more solemn and heavy.

Everyone stood up, bowed their heads in silence, and paid the deepest respect to those lost heroes.

Three minutes later.

Mr. Ye spoke again, his voice revealed endless grief and determination: "Just now, we learned that the enemy attacking the Magic City War Base this time is not only the head of the Ninja Village of the Little Japanese Empire, but also that the base cities in the entire Dragon Country are now being invaded by the White Eagle Empire and Eagle Sauce."

While Mr. Ye was speaking, the screen behind the podium began to play a video of the Little Japanese Empire attacking the Magic City War Base.

In the picture, the originally quiet war base was suddenly broken by a huge figure.

That figure rose rapidly from the sea, at a speed that was astonishing.

It was not until it was not far from the war base that everyone gradually saw that it was an unprecedented aircraft.

"This... this little Japanese Empire actually has such a powerful weapon?"

A senior official said in astonishment.

"This should not be developed by the little Japanese Empire itself? When did they have such technology?"

Another important official asked in confusion.

"Such a weapon is indeed powerful, but our war base is equipped with the most advanced laser cannon in the world. Aren't they afraid?"

Another person raised a question.

A heated discussion suddenly rang out in the conference room, and everyone was trying to understand this sudden change and find a way to deal with it.

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