On the wide screen, the smoke of war filled the air.

The laser cannons of the war base, like a raging beast, fired fiercely at the spacecraft of the Little Japanese Empire.

Everyone in the conference room held their breath, and the air was filled with tension, as if time had frozen at this moment.

After a moment of silence, the roar of the laser cannon finally stopped.

Then, a burst of exclamations broke the brief silence.

"Am I dazzled? That's a laser cannon!"

Someone shouted in disbelief.

"Wait, who do you see?"

Another person exclaimed, his voice full of astonishment.


The crowd in the conference room exploded instantly, and various exclamations came one after another.

At this time, Ye Lao coughed lightly, and a steady voice sounded in the chaos: "It's not over yet, please continue watching."

His voice seemed to have a kind of magic, making everyone quiet down and focus their eyes on the screen again.

On the screen, a tiny figure gradually appeared, and he was flying towards the war base at an astonishing speed.

People stared with wide eyes, trying to see this mysterious figure clearly.

The Rasengan in his hand gradually grew larger until it filled the entire screen, emitting shocking energy.

In the astonished eyes of the crowd, the war base was instantly destroyed by the power of the Rasengan.


Someone shouted in despair.

"How is it possible!"

This was an unbelievable voice.

"This, a martial emperor? No, more than that."

In the conference room, except for a few famous masters such as Ye Lao, everyone else was deeply shocked by this power.

The martial emperor, a term that only exists in legends, actually appeared in front of them at this moment, and showed the power to destroy the world.

Mr. Ye said solemnly: "Yes, you are right. This is the power of the Martial Emperor. This person is Ito, the head of the Ninja Village. Because of his appearance, nearly 100,000 people in the entire war base died."

His voice revealed deep sorrow and helplessness.

"So, I called everyone here today."

Mr. Ye looked around with a firm gaze, "It is to let everyone know that Longguo is now in a state of survival."

He pointed at the screen and his voice became hysterical, "After this meeting today, I will personally go to the front line to fight against Ito, the head of the Ninja Village. But why did I hold this meeting? Just because I want to tell everyone that even if I am lucky enough to defeat him, the crisis of Longguo has not been resolved."

The video continued to play, showing scenes of other base cities being attacked.

The Beihai Base City has been completely annexed by the Eagle Sauce, and the other side seems to be advancing inland.

Mr. Ye took a deep breath and continued, "But fortunately, we have just received the latest intelligence that our Tianluo candidate, Lin Chen's woman Liu Fei'er, successfully sniped the invaders of the Donghai City base."

There was a hint of relief in his voice.

"So, we are in urgent need of everyone's strength now."

Mr. Ye looked at everyone in the conference room, his eyes full of expectation and determination, "Only if we unite as one can we withstand this unprecedented crisis."

His voice echoed in the conference room, inspiring everyone's heart.

After a few seconds of silence in the conference room, a burst of noise sounded again.

"What? Tianluo candidate, Lin Chen's woman? Who is Lin Chen?"

This series of questions echoed in the conference room, and it was obvious that some people were confused by this sudden news.

"Even if Mr. Ye takes action, he may not be able to save Longguo?"

Someone asked the question in doubt, revealing the fear of the unknown in his voice.

"What, so many invaders?"

Someone else exclaimed, looking at the battle report on the screen in disbelief.

The conference room was extremely noisy for a while, with various voices interweaving together to form a chaotic scene.

For these government officials and important officials, not everyone knows the latest war news, the classification of superpowers, and the secrets of the dragnet.

Only those who are in the government, hold important positions, or are the top strong men in Dragon Country are qualified to know these top-secret information. Therefore, their shock and confusion at this moment are understandable.


At this chaotic moment, Ye Lao's voice sounded like a huge bell, instantly calming the scene.

The entire conference room immediately quieted down, and everyone's eyes were focused on the old man.

Ye Lao looked around and slowly said: "The country is in a particularly urgent situation now, and many things cannot be told to everyone at once. However, these are not important now. The important thing is that even in the face of a strong country or a strong man, we must work together.Let's work together to solve the current difficulties. "

His voice was firm and powerful, as if it could penetrate people's confusion and fear.

"Of course, I also know that everyone may be confused, why even I can't necessarily solve the village chief of the ninja village."

Ye Lao continued, "That's because in addition to the Little Japanese Empire, there are some people from the underground world behind them. I will synchronize these news to everyone later, and everyone should not be too anxious."

His words revealed a calmness and composure, as if everything was under his control.

"Because now we need to plan how to deal with it next. "

Speaking of this, Mr. Ye's eyes lit up, as if he had seen the dawn of victory, "For example, prepare in advance to start the Dragon Country Survival Plan..."

When the words "Dragon Country Survival Plan" were heard, the crowd in the conference room could no longer remain calm.

Since the outbreak of the apocalypse, although Dragon Country has suffered a heavy blow, the government has been working hard to stabilize the situation and bring hope to the people.

However, now, Mr. Ye proposed to start the "Dragon Country Survival Plan", which undoubtedly made everyone present feel an unprecedented sense of urgency.

They understood that this meant that Dragon Country seemed to have no way out and must take more extreme measures to deal with the current crisis.

"Mr. Ye, is it too hasty?"

At this time, Mr. Long stood up, his brows furrowed, and he obviously had doubts about this proposal.

Mr. Ye touched his beard and looked at Mr. Long with deep eyes: "Do you think I'm kidding?"

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