
Wu Qiang coughed, breaking the silence around him and awakening Lin Chen and Yang Yichen from that warm pink memory.

His eyes swept over Lin Chen, with a bit of scrutiny and doubt.

"Since this little brother is Yichen's classmate, he is one of us. We welcome you to stay here."

Wu Qiang tried his best to make his tone sound kind, but the command in his words was unquestionable.

He paused and continued, "If we need to go out to find food at that time, we can consider taking you with us."

Lin Chen was slightly stunned. He felt the contempt and arrogance in Wu Qiang's words.

His eyes became firm and he decided not to tolerate this contempt anymore.

"Brother Wu, you may have made a mistake."

Lin Chen's voice was calm and firm, "What I just meant was that I will be in charge of this base in the future."

Wu Qiang's face changed. He didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary young man would dare to challenge his authority so arrogantly.

He looked embarrassed and his tone became impolite.

"Little brother, I respect you as Yichen's classmate, so I advise you kindly. But don't forget, this is where we have the final say. You are young, don't be too arrogant."

Yang Yichen saw the tense atmosphere and hurriedly said, "Brother Wu Qiang, my classmate is not like this usually, don't embarrass him."

However, Wu Qiang did not back down.

He smiled coldly and continued, "Young people, especially after awakening their superpowers, will inevitably feel that they are invincible. But they don't know the gap between us... Humph, who do you think you are?"

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, the air seemed to be torn apart by an invisible force, and then a dazzling lightning flashed, and a lightning gun rushed from Lin Chen's hand in an instant, brushing past Wu Qiang's body, bringing a gust of cold wind.

Wu Qiang widened his eyes in horror, his body involuntarily stiffened in place, and even his breathing seemed to stagnate.

A moment later, a deafening roar was heard, and a building behind Wu Qiang began to shake violently.

The building seemed to be attacked by some mysterious force, and the whole building began to twist and deform. Then, accompanied by a deafening collapse sound, the whole building collapsed, raising a cloud of dust and rubble.

At this moment, the entire base fell into silence.

Everyone stared at this scene in amazement, completely unable to understand what was happening.

Wu Qiang was even paler, with cold sweat pouring down his face. The shock and fear in his heart had reached its peak.

He looked at Lin Chen, his eyes full of disbelief and awe. He finally understood that this young man was not someone he could easily despise.

"You, what kind of monster are you?"

Wu Qiang swallowed nervously, with undisguised horror in his voice. His eyes wandered over Lin Chen, fearing that this seemingly calm young man would suddenly attack and take him as the next target.

The commanding and arrogant tone just now had long disappeared, replaced by deep awe and fear.

Lin Chen glanced at him calmly, and said calmly:

"I am not a monster, I just want to tell you that I am the king of this base, and you only need to obey my orders."

To Wu Qiang, this seemed to be the will from the gods, which he could not resist, nor dare to resist.

Wu Qiang's body trembled, and he knelt in front of Lin Chen involuntarily, clasped his hands together, and begged anxiously:

"Brother, no, God Lin, please, help my brother get justice!"

The tears in his eyes flashed with grief and anger, and he was obviously deeply saddened by his brother's experience.

Originally thought that Lin Chen was just an arrogant person who talked big, but after seeing the terrifying strength he just showed, Wu Qiang's thoughts changed completely.

In this era of doomsday and crisis, holding on to the thighs of the strong is undoubtedly the wisest choice.

"Seek justice?"

Lin Chen frowned slightly, feeling a little curious about this unfamiliar word.

Wu Qiang hurriedly explained:

"Lin Shen, this is what happened. Yesterday, I led Yi Chen and other young people to go out to find food, and my brother Wu Gang stayed at the base to protect everyone. However, when we came back, we found that he and some brothers had suffered misfortune, and those young women who had just got married were also defiled.

What's more infuriating is that we don't even know who the murderer is. We only know that the murderer often said something like "flower girl" when he committed the crime."

Hearing the word "flower girl", Lin Chen's eyes suddenly became sharp.

His previous experience quickly flashed through his mind, remembering the previous Zhou Shan massacre of ZhouWhen there were all the men in the family, there was indeed a man from the Little Japanese Empire.

Originally, he thought that there might be a Dragon-Japanese hybrid in the Zhoushan family, so he didn't think too much about it.

But now, after hearing what Wu Qiang said, he immediately realized that perhaps there might be a deeper connection between the Zhou family and the Little Japanese Empire.

"I understand the situation. Take me to see your brother and I'll see how they died." After a moment of silence, Lin Chen said.

Under the trembling guidance of Wu Qiang, Lin Chen walked into a dim room.

There was a black coffin in the room, and Wu Gang's body was placed in it.

Lin Chen slowly opened the coffin lid, and a dull atmosphere came over him.

He looked down and saw that Wu Gang's body had become hard, like a zombie.

The originally bright red blood had now become as black as ink, solidifying on the skin, forming a shocking picture.

Wu Gang's eyes were wide open, as if he was dying with his eyes wide open, revealing his reluctance and anger at the cause of death.

Wu Qiang stood aside, tears in his eyes, his voice choked: "Lin Shen, when I came here, I could see that my brother's cause of death was unusual. He and I are both level 2 superpowers. The one who can kill us must be at least level 3 superpowers."

Lin Chen carefully observed Wu Gang's body, trying to find more clues from it. He found that the wounds on this body were scattered, and it was obvious that the murderer did not use any specific moves or techniques when killing people, but rather slashed and killed randomly.

This is completely different from the methods of the assassins of the Little Japanese Empire. Although the assassins of the Little Japanese Empire also use various methods, their methods are usually clean and neat, and they will never leave so many flaws.

Combining Wu Gang's death and Wu Qiang's description, Lin Chen came to his own conclusion: "The murderer is not necessarily stronger than Wu Gang, but he is very good at sneak attacks. Moreover, judging from the wounds, the murderer is likely to be an inexperienced novice, otherwise there would not be so many traces left."

"Sneak attack? God Lin, do you mean that this was done by someone in our group?" Wu Qiang was slightly stunned when he heard this word, and an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

He could not accept this fact, because they had always supported each other and faced all kinds of difficulties in this doomsday world together.

He had never thought that there would be such a murderer hidden among his companions, who would attack them behind their backs.

"This... How is this possible?"

Wu Qiang muttered to himself, with unconcealable trembling and anger in his voice, "We are brothers who have experienced life and death together! How could someone do such a thing?"

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