In the doomsday world, betrayal seems to be commonplace and is happening every day.

For survival, for those rare resources, or even for a trivial grudge, people can betray their former brothers and partners without hesitation.

So when Wu Qiang's brother Wu Gang was killed by an insider, Lin Chen was not too surprised.

He just left a sentence lightly: "Your brother was killed by an insider, I will avenge you. However, you should gather everyone in the base now, I have something to announce."

Wu Qiang's eyes flashed with determination, he clenched his fists tightly, and his voice trembled a little: "As long as you can help me find the insider who killed my brother, you can ask me to do anything."

Not long after, under Wu Qiang's call, a dense crowd gathered in the square of the base.

Lin Chen looked up and saw at least a thousand people standing in the square, their eyes focused on him.

He did not waste time and directly demonstrated his supernatural power in the center of the square.

Suddenly, potato seeds appeared in his hand, and then, these seeds increased rapidly like magic, and finally turned into a thousand tons of potato seeds!

"Fuck, that, that's potato?"

"Am I dazzled? How is this possible!"

"I actually saw potatoes! I haven't eaten decent food for several days!"

The crowd, who were originally dissatisfied with Wu Qiang's call, suddenly became excited when they saw the potato seeds.

In this doomsday world, food is life and hope.

And this batch of potato seeds undoubtedly brought them hope of life.

However, just when everyone was excited to move forward, three level 3 zombie warriors suddenly appeared around the potato seeds.

These zombie warriors are no different from ordinary people, but anyone with superpowers can feel the cold breath emanating from them.

"This, this is a zombie!"

Wu Qiang exclaimed.

He was completely shocked by Lin Chen's superpowers, and his heart was full of awe and curiosity.

Lin Chen did not explain anything, but just glanced at everyone lightly:

"My name is Lin Chen, and I am the new leader of this base. Everyone has a share of these seeds, but not without conditions. You need to use these seeds to grow potatoes, rather than consume them for temporary satisfaction. At this time next year, I will charge a certain amount of interest as a return for the seeds I gave you. Of course, if you choose not to obey my orders, my zombie warriors will let you know that the consequences are definitely not something you can bear."

He paused, turned to Wu Qiang and said, "Wu Qiang, when I'm not here, your words and actions will represent me. I hope you can take on this responsibility and contribute to the stability and prosperity of the base."

As soon as the voice fell, the originally noisy square suddenly quieted down.

People looked at each other, as if they were digesting what Lin Chen had just said.

But after only three seconds of silence, the whole square became noisy like boiling water.

"Lin Shen, I am willing to give birth to a baby for you!" A young woman shouted excitedly, her face full of admiration and desire.

"Lin Shen, I don't want seeds, I only want you!" A sturdy man shouted loudly, his eyes fixed on Lin Chen, as if he saw the idol in his heart.

"Sir, I don't want seeds either, do you need me?" A woman in shabby clothes but with a pretty face asked shyly, her voice full of expectation.

Faced with the enthusiasm and excitement of the crowd, Lin Chen was not surprised or uncomfortable.

He knew that in this doomsday world, people are not only eager to survive, but also to look forward to a better future.

He smiled slightly, nodded to everyone, and then turned around and took Zhou Xiaoxiao and Yang Yichen to the Zhou family villa.


At the same time, the atmosphere in the Zhou family villa seemed a little solemn.

"Sister, are we really going to obey that boy like this?" The second sister Zhao Yuanyuan's tone was full of reluctance and doubt.

The eldest sister Song Qing'er glanced at her, and a trace of helplessness flashed in her eyes.

She rolled her eyes and said coquettishly, "What do you want to do? Don't you see that those zombies are staring at us? We have no room for resistance now."

Seventh sister Ye Xuan'er sighed, her expression was a little complicated.

She said softly, "Sister, I promised Zhou Lang that I would love him forever. You also know that the Christianity I believe in does not allow me to betray him."

Song Qing'er was silent for a moment after hearing this.

She was actually a little entangled in her heart, after all, she had a deep affection for Zhou Shan of the Zhou family.

But the cruelty of reality forced her to do itMake a choice.

She thought of the adult toys that her daughter Zhou Xiaoxiao had mentioned, and she couldn't help feeling guilty.

After all, those adult toys are more fancy than one another. Needless to say, if Lin Chen uses them, will his legs be so weak that he can't get up.

Just then, a rapid knock on the door sounded.

Then, the door of the villa was pushed open rudely.

A group of men in black clothes with fierce faces rushed in.

They were armed with weapons and were aggressive.

The zombie warriors that Lin Chen had arranged before tried to resist, but were soon knocked to the ground by these men in black.

One of the women even cruelly smashed the head of a zombie warrior, and blood splattered.

"So you are here, it took us so long to find you. FUCK! But this zombie is still a bit powerful, it actually has the strength of level 3, and it almost flipped over."

A young woman speaking the language of the Eagle Sauce Empire walked in.

Her eyes swept around the villa and finally stopped at Song Qing'er and others.

"Captain, why are all the people in the Zhou family dead? Didn't they promise to welcome us before?" A subordinate asked in confusion.

The woman called the captain snorted coldly. She obviously didn't care about this situation.

She said gloomily: "If they are all dead, they are all dead. What does it have to do with us? Have you forgotten what our purpose is in coming to Longguo? Our mission is to take over Luocheng first, and then wait for the ruins to open to snatch the treasures."

This woman is Ivanka, the captain of the second team sent by the Eagle Sauce Empire to the ruins.

Before, Ivanka and Zhou Shan, the patriarch of the Zhou family, carefully planned a conspiracy. They planned to take over Luocheng.

However, to their surprise, Zhou Shan and his informant died unexpectedly.

Ivanka originally planned to cooperate with the informant after arriving at the Zhou family, but now Zhou Shan's death has saved him a lot of trouble.

What made her even more delighted was that although Zhou Shan was dead, the dozen beautiful young women in the Zhou family villa were not taken away. This aroused the desire of women deep in her heart.

"I don't know who Zhou Shan offended, but he ended up like this. He died, but no one took his wife away." Ivanka laughed at Zhou Shan's tragic fate.

"Since no one took her away, I won't be polite!" Ivanka's eyes revealed greed and obscenity.

"Captain Gaoming, hahahaha~~~ Can I enjoy it first?" A subordinate asked flatteringly.

"F**k you, do you think you are the captain? The captain picked first, and we picked later. Don't you even understand this rule?" Another subordinate glared at him and scolded him severely.

As the group of people from the Eagle Sauce Empire rushed into the villa, the originally relaxed mood of the eldest sister Song Qing'er, the second sister Zhao Yuanyuan and others instantly fell to the bottom.

They originally thought that someone finally came to rescue them, but from the words and smiles of the Eagle Sauce Empire people, they keenly sensed the breath of danger.

And at this moment, a subordinate suddenly said.

"Captain, wait, I saw the message sent by the informant before. He told us not to come because the person who killed him was a superpower from the Dragon Kingdom."

"Superpower?" Captain Ivanka was slightly stunned.

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