Chapter 61 Sorry for your troubles

Yun Yi pointed at the pieces of furniture she had chosen, and Carpenter Yin quoted the price with a naive smile: "Just add the basket to the basket, and you can pay a total of twenty-eight yuan."

 Looking at the cabinet Geng Erhong pointed to again: "That cabinet of yours costs twelve yuan."

Yunyi took out the money from her pocket: "Uncle Yin, I rented the small courtyard where Yan Zhiqing lived before. Today, my uncle in the village will help me repair the house. Please send it to me in the evening."

Carpenter Yin smiled and took the money: "Okay."

Carpenter Yin collected the money and called his son who was working on the private plot outside: "Qiangzi, come here and help deliver a cabinet to the educated youth center."

Yunyi did not follow him back, but went directly to the commune with a backpack on his back.

Geng Erhong had nothing to buy and originally wanted to accompany Yun Yi.

However, thinking that she had not eaten breakfast yet and had to arrange the cabinets, it was not easy to keep Yun Yi waiting, so the two of them went separate ways.

Yun walked quickly and arrived at the commune in forty minutes.

 I went to the post office first and learned that the luggage had not arrived yet. I bought a few sets of stamps and envelopes and left.

There is nothing much better in this commune. On this main street, I went to the supply and marketing cooperative and bought a medium-sized iron pot and a woodcutter. Fortunately, I had industrial coupons, otherwise I would not have been able to buy these.

I saw someone selling condiments nearby, so I ordered some.

Just as I was about to leave, I heard someone buying kerosene over there. Then I realized that the kerosene lamp I had lit at the Educated Youth Point last night was a kerosene lamp. I quickly looked for it among the receipts given by the Hua family and found that there were indeed kerosene receipts.

I spent twenty cents to buy a glass bottle and a pound of kerosene. I had the kerosene, but I still didn’t have a kerosene lamp: “Comrade, do you have any kerosene lamps for sale?”

The salesperson glanced at her and said, "It's out of stock." The woman standing next to her kindly reminded her, "Girl, buy bottles and cans to eat. It's more cost-effective to use the empty bottles to make your own kerosene lamp."

  Another woman who came with her gave her a push: "Don't forget to mind your own business wherever you go. Can the one you make be the same as the one you buy?"

“Why is it different? It can be used anyway. The can is in the stomach and the bottle can be used as a kerosene lamp. It’s very economical.”

"Why don't you tell me that after using the kerosene lamp I made for one night, it is so close that my nostrils are all black, can it be compared with someone else's lampshade? Let's go, let's go."

Yunyi knew that they meant well, so she smiled at them, and then said to the salesperson: "Please help me get a pack of candles and a pack of matches."

Seeing that it was getting late, I didn’t delay any more and walked back after leaving the supply and marketing cooperative.

 As I approached the entrance of the village, I found a secluded place, took a lot of things from the space, put them in my backpack, and went directly to the small courtyard I rented.

The party secretary was indeed very capable, and the people she found were quick to work. When she returned, she had already cleared out the roof that needed to be repaired, and was preparing to replace the rafters. There were also a lot of sorghum poles beside it, which were ready to be laid flat and tiled. .

Yun saw that someone was bringing new tiles on a row cart, and the party secretary was following beside her. She asked curiously: "Uncle, party secretary, did you buy the tiles so quickly?"

The party secretary laughed: "It's not that fast. The tile farm is more than ten miles away from us. You are in a hurry to live in this house, so you borrowed it from the accountant and paid it back after you buy it. "

Yun Yi was very grateful after hearing this: "Thank you so much for taking your trouble."

Seeing that Yun Yi was sensible, the branch secretary waved his hand and said: "We are all from the same village, so there is no need to be so polite."

In any case, Yun took this matter to heart and thought about sending something over later to express her gratitude.

Dear friends, this book has been renamed [The Beautiful and Sassy Daughter-in-law in the Grand Courtyard in the Rebirth Era], I hope everyone knows!

thanks for your support!

  (End of this chapter)

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