Someone on the roof called the branch secretary that something was wrong, so Yun Yi went into the kitchen.

Seeing that the stove in the kitchen had been cleaned up, she put the new pot she bought directly on the larger stove. She glanced into the courtyard. No one was looking here. She took out a small pot she brought from Beijing. Place the iron pot on another stove and you're done.

Thinking of this hot day, it would be better to boil some boiling water for everyone.

But she went out and searched around, but couldn't find even half of the firewood, so she had to ask the villagers who were helping in the yard: "Uncle, where do we get firewood?"

The uncle pointed to Nanshan Mountain not far away: “Usually we go to Nanshan Mountain, it’s safe there.

 Although the Dahei Mountain behind is close, big guys come and go occasionally, so people rarely go there. "

Yun thought she was just going up the mountain to look for firewood, so she didn't carry a basket on her back. She only carried the newly bought woodcutter and left the small courtyard.

If you want to go to Nanshan, you still have to walk more than two miles forward, but it is closer to the back mountain. Although your skills have not recovered, self-protection should not be a problem. Besides, there is still room for a plug-in.

Turning around, she headed directly towards the back mountain. Someone on the outside must have come to collect firewood recently, but there wasn't much, so she walked straight into the depths.

I was pretty lucky. After walking for a while, I saw a dead tree in front of me from a distance. I just cut down on it with a few cuts and finished the job quickly.

Just as he was about to drag it back, he heard a strange movement not far away. He bent down and picked up a few stones and held them in his hands, with a look of caution in his eyes.

Once he saw clearly that they were two rabbits, his eyes suddenly brightened.

After hearing two "swish" sounds in the air, there was a "thud" sound of falling to the ground, but one of them was only hit on the hind leg and was trying to escape.

Zhengchou didn’t know how to thank the people who helped him. How could he let it escape? He quickly chased after it and pounced. It was beautiful.

He dragged the dead tree and carried the two rabbits down the mountain. The small courtyard is not far from the back mountain, and there weren’t many families living here, so I didn’t meet many people all the way back.

It was difficult to drag the dead tree into the yard, so Yun Yi threw it directly outside the gate, preparing to clean it up later.

The people working on the roof were a little surprised when they saw the scene in front of them. They didn't expect that the cute little girl from the city could be so capable. The dead tree could be split for a long time.

At this time, a man said: "Is that a rabbit she is holding in her hand?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked over.

At this time, the branch secretary happened to come from behind the house and was about to arrange for someone to remove the ashes from the kang in the house. Unexpectedly, when he came over, he saw Yunyi carrying two rabbits.

Yun Yi raised the rabbit in her hand with a smile on her face, "I went up the mountain to look for firewood, but I was lucky enough to catch two rabbits. It seems like today is a good day."

Zhi Shubo, can we have a discussion? "

The branch secretary didn’t expect this girl to be so powerful. During the slack time in the village, some people would go to the mountains to try their luck. However, hunting depends not only on luck, but also on strength. It seems that this girl is not simple: "You tell me."

Yun Yi laughed: "I'm very grateful to everyone for helping us repair our house on this hot day, especially since you helped us with everything and even borrowed tiles for us. Thank you very much." .

God sent me meat, so I can add some vegetables to everyone at noon. However, I don’t have any seasonings or side dishes, so I have to ask the party secretary’s aunt to help me make them. I asked everyone to come over and bring a bowl at noon, and I paid two yuan. Do you think it’s okay to pay for food? "

 Dear friends, the title of the book has been changed, and the cover picture will not be released until next Wednesday. Thank you for your support!

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