In the Era of Rebirth, the Charming Daughter-in-law In the Courtyard is Beautiful and Sassy

Chapter 93: In the face of absolute force value, any conspiracy

Yunyi didn’t ask him where the injury came from, but still reminded him: “In your current situation, it’s best to take a few days off to rest. If you get infected, the consequences will be disastrous.”

Liu Chenglin naturally listened: "I understand."

Looking at the leg drooping on the Kang rock, the drained blood has returned to normal blood color: "Try to lift the leg and see if you have regained consciousness?"

Liu Chenglin raised his leg obediently: "You can lift it up now that you are conscious."

Helped him stop the bleeding and left him a paper bag: "This is the medicinal powder I made myself. It is anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving. You can change the medicine yourself tomorrow."

Liu Chenglin saw Yun Yi packing his things: "Thank you, Chu Zhiqing."

Yun Yi didn’t say ‘you’re welcome’. After all, if he hadn’t taken action, the snake venom wouldn’t have killed him, but he would have suffered a lot.

 Liu Chenglin raised his hand and took out a large unity card from his jacket pocket: "Diagnostic and medical expenses."

 They are neither relatives nor friends, so Yun Yi will naturally not work in vain.

Ordinary antidote pills and wound medicine naturally cost less than ten yuan, but what she did was different. After all, the water used in the medicine was diluted with space well water, so he would definitely make a profit from the ten yuan medicine fee.

 Taking the money, she said calmly: "My medicine will definitely give you value for money."

 After saying that, she left the room without taking the courtyard door. After all, it was better to be careful. She didn't want to cause trouble for herself.

With a running start, he climbed directly onto the wall, turned around and returned to his own courtyard.

  When Yun Yi went to work the next day, she noticed that there was always a line of sight on her.

She looked over calmly and found that it was a young man whom she did not recognize. Looking at his careless appearance, she knew that he was not a good person without even thinking about it.

Knowing who it was, Yunyi withdrew her gaze. She believed that in the face of absolute force value, any conspiracy and trick would be useless.

If they dare to take advantage of themselves, they will definitely regret it.

 Those educated youth who moved out of the Educated Youth Point had taken leave before and did not work, but today they are all here.

Wang Jianhui quickly introduced them: "These are the educated youths Lu Huaijing, Tao Yuran and Guo Aibing who built their own houses and moved out as I told you before."

Wang Jianhui then introduced the new educated youth to the three. Bai Suli and Zhang Kuiwei came forward to greet them enthusiastically. Unexpectedly, the three of them all had indifferent expressions on their faces.

Tao Yuran, on the other hand, kept staring at Chu Yunyi, who was listening to Geng Erhong chatting about village gossip.

She whispered to Lu Huaijing beside her: "I heard from the villagers that the new educated youth from Chu knows medicine."

Lu Huaijing didn’t speak, but glanced at Yunyi from time to time, but Guo Aibing intervened: "I'm afraid she's not older than us, so she probably only knows a little bit about it. Don't listen to the rumors from the villagers."

Lu Huaijing glared at Guo Aibing: "Watch your mouth."

Yun Yi heard the conversation between the three of them clearly, but she didn't take it to heart. There was no need to prove to others whether she knew how to heal or not.

 Over the course of several lives, I don’t care at all what others think of me.

From today onwards, the village has begun intensive weeding, fearing that the grass in the field will absorb the nutrients of the crops, and also fear that the grass will drop grass seeds to the ground during the autumn harvest.

 In the past, three people worked together, and each day's tasks were completed with seven work points. Now, it is divided separately. How many centimeters you earn depends on how much grass you hoe, and you must pass the test before you can get work points. It is pretty evenly divided.

 (End of this chapter)

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