Yun saw that the female educated youths all received one acre of land, and the male educated youths basically received one and a half acres of land. Naturally, she and Geng Erhong followed suit and received one acre of land.

The captain said that the scorers can work in advance if they pass the inspection. If you can't finish, you can touch the dark. In short, you don't want to be lazy.

Today we will start in the soybean field. Although it is not as sweltering as the corn field, the sun has been shining for a long time and it is unbearable.

 In the new educated youth group, apart from Yun Yi, several other educated youths distanced themselves from others not long after they started working.

Especially Bai Suli who was still running around in circles for a long time. She was criticized so much by the team leader who walked over to inspect her that she ran away crying.

The woman in the village looked at Bai Suli who ran away: "Everyone else can do it, but she is squeamish. No one has been exposed like this."

“She doesn’t think she doesn’t have to do anything if she runs away, does she?”

"That Bai Zhiqing is growing up pretty well. Maybe someone will help her in a while."

Those female educated youths who marry men from the village choose to marry local people because they cannot endure the hardships in the fields.

Yunyi was working vigorously when she felt someone coming from behind: "Chu Zhiqing, the sun is too poisonous. You can rest under a tree and I will help you do it."

Yunyi didn’t look back, and didn’t stop moving her hands: “I can do it myself, I don’t need help from others.”

At this time, Feng Dazui, who was in the field below, shoved his **** into the ground: "Hey, Lin Zi, do you have a crush on the newly arrived Chu educated youth?"

Feng Dazui said happily, but he didn't notice Yun Yi's expression changed.

Qiu Baolin raised his hand and touched his head: "Auntie, don't talk nonsense. I just feel that these new educated youths will not be able to adapt to the work in the field for a while, so I want to help."

Feng Dazui laughed loudly: "How can I not know that Chu Zhiqing is a golden boy, and you have a good eye." She was just joking and didn't see Yun Yi squatting down and tapping the soil on the grass roots. He picked up a piece of dirt in his hand.

Just as Yun Yi stood up, she exerted a force on her wrist, and as if the dirt had eyes, it passed directly over the people hoeing in the middle, and accurately entered Feng's open mouth.

It happened that Feng Dazui raised his head, and the **** fell directly into his throat, and Feng Dazui's laughter stopped abruptly.

Everyone was still wondering why she had lost her voice. When they looked over, they found that she was squeezing her neck with one hand and clasping her hand in her mouth. They didn't know what kind of act she was acting.

Mao Qiaohua, Zhang Sizhu's daughter-in-law who was closest to her, noticed something was wrong with her: "Juan Bei family, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at her suffocated face, he quickly threw away the **** and ran over: "Quick, quick, quick, something is wrong with her, go and call her man over."

Yunyi just concealed herself, and no one noticed it. Now everyone is confused about what happened to Feng Dazui.

After a while, her man, Gao Chuanbei, ran over: "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Everyone was talking about what had just happened, and within a short while, the place was filled with people.

The branch secretary and the team leader heard the commotion and rushed over: "What are you doing here?"

Someone gloated and quickly told the story. Just as everyone was watching Feng Dazui's joke, Yun turned around and gave Qiu Baolin, who was still standing behind her, a cold look: "Get out."

Qiu Baolin was startled by Yunyi's aura, and was frightened by Feng Dazui's incident. He didn't dare to stay here anymore, so he ran away with a **** in hand.

 (End of this chapter)

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