Rong Huaiyan didn't bother to take care of Erhei, so he threw him to the second floor to sleep.

By the way, he took the drunk Qiao Mobai and Qiao Linmei back to their rooms.

When he went downstairs, Qiao Xiachu was drunk, and when he saw him, he showed a soft smile, went straight to Rong Huaiyan's arms, put his arms around his waist and said, "Brother Rong, do you know, I The first time I saw you, I held back your haughty look, so I didn't beat you up with blood..."

meeting for the first time?

She just wanted to beat him?

He really wasn't even mentally prepared.

Qiao Xiachu's face was flushed red, the smell of alcohol was mixed with the scent of her body, and she kept arching, almost tormenting him until his forehead was bloodshot.

He took her fidgeting hand and said, "Let's go, let's go into the house to rest."

"Hey, Rong Huaiyan, are you trying to use your brain? Let me tell you, I'm not a casual person—" She jumped away, her eyes narrowed.

"I, I just got up and beat you until you are not a human!" she said again.

Rong Huaiyan couldn't laugh or cry.

He hadn't dealt with this kind of situation.

My girlfriend is drunk and messing around, what should I do?

"I didn't mean that, but you drank too much, I'll take you to rest. I promise not to mess around." He said.

Teng Teng Teng.

Qiao Xiachu walked around in a daze, then reached her room, fell directly on the bed, grabbed the pillow, and stuffed her head.


She felt a little nauseous.

Rong Huaiyan quickly took the trash can, pulled her out from under the pillow, and patted her on the back: "Spit it, spit it, it's okay."

Unexpectedly, Qiao Xiachu didn't vomit.

After experiencing long-term hunger, the body has accumulated an instinctive reaction, and the food eaten cannot be wasted. At this juncture, it is suppressed again.

She turned over, unexpectedly, she exerted too much force, and fell to the floor. Drunk and dazed, she didn't move, and just lay on her stomach.

Rong Huaiyan saw that she was in a daze, and the corners of his lips curved into a big arc.

At this moment, she has shed all her defenses, she is hard, revealing a soft appearance, cute and charming, completely different from her usual sober appearance. .

"Jojo~~" he whispered.

At the same time, he made a decision in his mind.

He slept in Jojo's room.

Originally, he was supposed to go back to the next door.

But he was worried about her like this.

What if you vomit, turn over, or press your nose?

Safety is the most important thing.

So, he carried her back to the bed, lay down next to her, and put her between the wall and himself, so that no matter how much she rolled, she would not fall off.

The only bad thing is that if she vomits...

The scene surged under the pressure of Rong Huaiyan.

He put the trash can by the bed, and put two packs of paper by the bed, ready at any time.

The night was not very peaceful.

Qiao Xiachu wanted to vomit several times, but she didn't. Rong Huaiyan saw that she was feeling uncomfortable and distressed, so he went to the kitchen counter and found mung beans, boiled a bowl of mung bean water for her, warmed her up, picked her up, and fed her. She drank half a bowl.

It stopped in the middle of the night.

After daybreak, Qiao Xiachu felt a headache. As soon as he raised his hand, he found someone beside him. In an instant, the alarm sounded and he kicked out.

There was a muffled pop.

Rong Huaiyan, who woke up from his sleep, was puzzled.

He jumped up suddenly, and his whole body was on guard: "What? Someone invaded?"

Qiao Xiachu sat up abruptly.

The bed was neat and tidy, except for the summer cool quilt on her body, the sheets were clean, and there was no messy and unsightly scene, she was a little touched.

He didn't take advantage of others.

This man is really... restrained and forbearing.

She blushed slightly and said, "Last night, I accidentally drank too much..."

At first, she didn't really want to drink, but she couldn't resist the three of them persuading her to drink, so she just drank two bottles, but Erhei got over her head and poured her half a glass of white.

Drink white, she is not good at all.

Then there was a scene that got out of hand.

Fortunately, Rong Huaiyan doesn't drink at all.

This is also the reason why she dared to let go of her belly to drink, otherwise she would never be so presumptuous.

Even in the inner city of the Liaocheng base, where public security is rarely seen in a prosperous age, she would not make such a move.

"It's okay, the two of us, as long as one of us stays awake." He said.


While the two were talking, Erhei's voice came from upstairs.

"Da Rong, do you have hangover soup, my head hurts."

Then I heard the sound of Erhei going downstairs, and after a while, Qiao Mobai and Qiao Linmei also went downstairs, each of them woke up with a hangover, feeling uncomfortable everywhere.

Rong Huaiyan said softly to Qiao Xiachu: "Lie down for a while, I'll make you a glass of honey water to drink, usually drinking this will be more effective."

Erhei was drunk, and his fellow villagers gave him honey water.

He followed suit, and naturally went to fetch honey and mixed a glass of honey water.

As soon as he came out of the kitchen, Er Hei thought it was for him, and said with a smile: "You are very kind, and you even prepared honey water for me, thanks—"

Before he finished thanking him, Da Rongpa pulled him away, went straight past him, walked to the bedroom, and handed the honey water to Qiao Xiachu.

Erhei, who was treated coldly, was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

Qiao Mobai and Qiao Linmei couldn't help laughing.

"Uncle Hei, I'll tune it for you, you wait—" Qiao Mobai laughed.

The honey water made by my brother-in-law, can ordinary people drink it?

living comfortably without anybody's help.

After a while, the three drank warm honey water.

Warm water is readily available.

Early in the morning, Rong Huaiyan boiled a large pot of hot water, and it was almost cold.

Qiao Xiachu got up to make breakfast. Unexpectedly, there was the sound of clucking chickens outside. She hurriedly put on her slippers and ran out the door.

"Wow woof woof—"

A dog launched a fierce offensive at the chickens in the courtyard.

The greediness in Gouzi's eyes is like a weasel possessing his body, and he will rush in to eat chicken in the next second.

Qiao Xiachu looked displeased.

She was fully alert, and said coldly to a woman outside the door: "Ma'am, what do you want to do? It has been a minute since I saw you and when your dog stared at my chicken. What are your plans?"

Outside the big iron gate was a middle-aged woman in a long white dress, a fashionable white straw hat, and big sunglasses covering her cheeks, covering almost half of her face, leaving only one with bright red lipstick lips.

Like a modern girl.

Hearing Qiao Xiachu's warning, the woman didn't speak, she pulled the dog leash, slightly raised the mirror frame, and said clearly, "Heizi, go home."

A tinge of displeasure welled up in Qiao Xiachu's heart.

But the woman didn't do anything, and she couldn't hack people to death with a knife just because of this resistance in her heart.

That was brutal.

She suppressed her emotions and planned to find Rong Huaiyan to investigate secretly.

Just when she turned around, she saw Er Hei's face full of strange expressions. After a moment of distraction, she said to her, "Girl Qiao, you bothered me a lot last night. I should go back now."

"Okay." Qiao Xiachu nodded.

She grabbed Erhei and asked him to wait for a while.

Then, she ran into the house in a hurry, and after a while, she held a jar of honey in her hand, and said to Er Hei: "Uncle Hei, this honey is pure, and it is best to release it. I have a lot of it in the house. You can take a jar." Go back and drink."

In the end of the world, there is still honey water to drink.

Living so exquisitely, Er Hei even doubted life.

"Hurry up, take it, the sun will be bright later, and the temperature on the road will heat up, and it will be hot." Qiao Xiachu gave him the honey and urged him to go back quickly.

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