Erhei left, and Qiao Linmei didn't stay long.

She will continue training today.

With her mother's revenge in her heart, she felt that she could heal for a long time with the momentary indulgence last night, and when she puts herself into training again, she can settle down 100%.

"Sister, you should also pay attention to safety at home." She said.

"I see."

Qiao Xiachu sent Qiao Linmei away, and Qiao Mobai had already changed into clothes, carrying a bag, and went back to the laboratory to continue research.

"Mobai, bring some fruit back to eat." She said.

She went into the house, took a box, filled it with cut watermelon, grapefruit, cantaloupe, and grapes, and stuffed it directly into his backpack.

Qiao Mobai filled another five bottles of canned mineral water.

The water at the base is too bad to drink.

The backpack is full.

As soon as they left, Rong Huaiyan came over and said, "Do you suspect that there is something wrong with that woman in white?"

"Yes, she is wearing sunglasses, so I can't see her expression clearly, but I somehow feel that she is hostile to me." Qiao Xiachu said.

Have to guard against.

"Okay, I'll go and investigate. You stay safe at home. There is an alarm system in the main control room. As long as you press it, I will receive it at the base office. I will come back as soon as possible." He said.

"it is good."

Qiao Xiachu nodded.

After Rong Huaiyan left, she went back to the house and cleaned it up thoroughly, and then set aside her day's schedule, training, and in-depth study of the "Emperor's Classic".

She already had preliminary theoretical knowledge of this set of medical books, and she just had to practice it.

In order to find the acupuncture points accurately, Qiao Xiachu followed the theory in the book, traced the points on his hand with a pen, circled them, and got familiar with all the acupuncture points.

At the same time, after drinking, when she was washing in the bathroom, she caught a cold while blowing on the air-conditioner. According to the theory in the book, she took out the medicinal materials from the space, and poured a dose of medicine for herself from the medicine jar.

Good guy.

In just two days, she had a headache and her hoarseness felt better.

Although, there is no need to drink medicine for a cold.

However, if the air conditioner is used for a long time, a lot of moisture will accumulate in the body, and the immunity will be much weaker. This medicine is a warming soup. After a course of treatment, the whole person feels much more comfortable.

A week later, Rong Huaiyan returned from the base.

He handed her a report: "This is the identity information of the woman last time. Take a look and see what impression you have."

Qiao Xiachu picked up the report and glanced at it.

The identity information of the woman in the white skirt is limited. It says that she and her husband came from a city in the north, and they are relatives of a high-level manager in the base. In the golden age, she was a female shareholder of a listed company with a fortune of tens of billions...

The woman in the photo has exquisite facial features, elegant temperament, and a pampered atmosphere in her eyebrows. It can be seen that she was raised by money.

Nothing else special.

The only special thing is that she and her husband have a son and a daughter. The daughter is engaged in biochemical research and is an executive of the base's biochemical group.

"Don't know?" he asked.

"I don't know her at all, even if I attended a wealthy party before, I haven't seen her at the banquet." Qiao Xiachu said.

In the prosperous age, she made friends with several super rich people by gambling stones, attended their party once, and met a group of super rich people in society at the banquet.

But this woman named Ma Cuilan, whether it is a news interview, entertainment gossip, or a rich party, she has never heard of it.

"Then don't care, there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days." Rong Huaiyan said.

Ma Cuilan, her husband, and her two children all have good jobs in the inner city of the base, and their performance is beyond reproach.

No matter what their purpose is, they will not hide and hide all the time, they will always explode.

They hit it off.

"Huaiyan, there will be heavy fog next time. Let's find an opportunity to let the base produce a batch of protective equipment and enough oxygen cylinders." Qiao Xiachu said.

The extreme heat period is halfway through.

The fog will fall soon, and an unpredictable setback will be ushered in at that time.

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Rong Huaiyan said.

The base has a group of meteorological experts. As long as they are found and an early warning is issued to the base, a certain scale of factories can be pulled out and put into production.

"Don't tense your nerves so tightly, we are all here, nothing will happen." Rong Huaiyan said softly.

He took her into his arms and gently comforted her.

Qiao Xiachu hummed softly, then raised her eyes, and said to him, "Xiao Hei is tired of being a mother chicken recently, and I want to raise a few more big white geese."

Since the last time the base asked her to exchange a batch of eggs, they didn't know what kind of outlet they found, but they even opened a goose factory with a large number of goose seedlings in the factory.

Once the goose grows up, so much meat can be made into canned meat, which is definitely a big reserve!

Space Ranch has 10,000 big white geese.

She can't take it out suddenly.

The big white goose is huge, and it was too eye-catching when it was released suddenly. They simply took a batch of goose eggs from the space, and raised a group of little white geese after they hatched.

"You keep it. In two days, a batch of antique pure gold that I exchanged for weapons is on the road. After saving a batch, I will see if I can continue to expand the area of ​​the black soil." He said.

He has been on missions many times, and the number of battles has increased, and Xiaoq's low-end weapons have exploded.

The last time he went to the fifth base, he had a deal with Wang Yinghui.

As soon as the jewels arrived, he gave them the weapons.

"Huaiyan, I'm really worried that you're spoiling me like this. If I'm left alone, I won't be able to adapt." She said.

"What nonsense?"

Rong Huaiyan tapped the tip of her nose lightly, with a look of reproach.

He hugged her into his arms again: "We must always be together, even if the end comes, we can't stop two hearts going in both directions."

Qiao Xiachu was silent.

She hugged his waist tightly and told him with actions that at this moment, her heart was just like his.

An apartment on the base.

Hu Guang was wearing a suit of equipment and took his colleague Lao Ma on a daily patrol. When he walked to this corner, he found a sneaky figure.

He was suspicious.

"Old Ma, I'll be in front of you and behind you, outflanking from left to right, this person has a problem at first glance." He said.

Years of cooperation, the old horse ran towards the rear without hesitation.

Hu Guang also ran forward.

One in front of the other, it seems that this person is about to be blocked.

Unexpectedly, he threw spring thunders, one after another, with explosions and roars, attracting a large crowd of onlookers, forcing Hu Guang and Lao Ma to be unable to move.

After a while, several people chased after each other and came to the base square.

"Attention all directions, intercept the man in the blue shirt and jeans in front—"

Hu Guang took out his walkie-talkie and issued a warning to the patrol.

The people who eat melons haven't heard Chunlei for a long time. They thought it was a bomb and ran around in fright. In just two minutes, the square was completely surrounded.

Hu Guang raised his gun and aimed at the man in the shirt.

"Come down, I order you, come down immediately!" he snapped.

At this time, the man gritted his teeth and reached out to tear off the buttons of his shirt, revealing a vest with a bald eagle painted on him, and a row of detonators tied to his lean body.

"What do you want to do?"

Hu Guang and Lao Ma retreated again and again, ready to shoot him dead.

The man laughed wildly.

"I am from the Hongying sniper group, and I am here to warn all survivors. The existence of the base is to use the materials in hand to raise you as pigs. One day, you will sharpen your knives against pigs and sheep. At that time, it will be called Tian Tian." It shouldn't be called the ground is not working—"

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