"Wu Zhi, do you still remember?" Rong Huaiyan asked.


Qiao Xiachu vaguely felt the name was very familiar.

She wondered: "Is it from Tianding?"

"Yeah. The one who was with Mao Xiaomiao at the time when he besieged you didn't expect him to slip away. After he left, he searched for all of Mao Xiaomiao's money. After leaving Tianding, he found a few of his uncles, I plan to do a big job and set up a small club for bald eagles." He said.

In the beginning, Wu Zhi wanted to search for all kinds of property so that he could live happily in the last days, but he didn't expect to be targeted by his nephew Wu Yi.

Xiao Yi, a martial artist, is bold.

He was unwilling to be a remote target.

One night, he entered Wu Zhi's room in the dark, sealed Wu Zhi's throat with a knife, and formed a Hongying sniper group, killing and looting everywhere.

Whether it is a small shelter, survivors of shanty towns, or retail investors in the periphery, as long as they have living supplies, they must be killed, swept up, and squeezed dry.

Of course, in order not to expose himself, he let his brother Laogou be the leader throughout the process, and disguised himself as an assistant, brainwashing people and recruiting disciples all the way.

That time, Rong Huaiyan discovered outside the house in the shanty town that the middle-aged woman had a bald eagle logo under her sleeve, and the logo was directly carved into the flesh.

She blocked it with her sleeve, but he found it when he swept over it inadvertently.

When arresting in the house, the leader with the gun, Zhang Yang, was obviously domineering, but the muscles on his left side were obviously tense, and when he approached the assistant, he would spontaneously avoid it.

It was obvious that he was afraid of the people around him.

Rong Huaiyan instantly judged that the mastermind of this massacre banquet should be the little assistant!

Then, Sun Minglin also sent a message.

He secretly mobilized, broke into Hongying's internal base, and found out that their mastermind was Wu Yi.

At the beginning, Sun Minglin assassinated Er Hei.

Erhei let him go.

Rong Huaiyan took the opportunity to find Sun Minglin, negotiated with him secretly, asked him to hide his identity, and secretly investigated the leader of the Hongying sniper group, which also became his secret line of operation.

Now that the two lines of light and shade are merged, Wu Yi's identity is unquestionable.

Qiao Xiachu didn't say anything.

She said, "I'll go in and have a chat with him, is that okay?"

In general, it is not allowed.

But with Rong Huaiyan around, it is naturally not a problem.

So, Qiao Xiachu entered the interrogation room, went to sit opposite Wu Yi, and took a look at him. The other party was at a loss, thinking that a new round of interrogation was about to start, and was a little impatient.

"I said that you are not finished. Ask all three generations of my ancestors. Is it necessary to hold on like this? Anyway, it's just a matter of a bullet. Is it worthwhile to torture me like this?" Wu Yi said impatiently.

Qiao Xiachu's eyes were indifferent.

She sat down and said seriously: "Wu Yi, please write down the name of your team."

As she spoke, she handed the paper and pen that she had prepared before entering the door to Wu Yi.

"Don't worry, this is the last round. After me, no one will come to interrogate you. At this point, you should accept the punishment, and there will be results naturally." Qiao Xiachu said.

Wu Yi rolled his eyes.

Really speechless.

He picked up the pen and scribbled a line of words on the white paper with a grumpy expression.

"Red Eagle Sniper Squad."

Qiao Xiachu smiled.

She picked up the paper, turned around and went out.

Wu Yi was at a loss.

He didn't even know what this woman was, so he came here to ask such an inexplicable question.

But when I thought about the end of the matter, there was finally an end, it would not be endless, and a hanging heart was finally let go.

Qiao Xiachu, who left the interrogation room, came out with the paper.

She handed the paper to Rong Huaiyan and asked, "Do you see any problems?"

Rong Huaiyan shook his head.

"Isn't it the Red Eagle Sniper Regiment? Is there any problem? This is the name that was used when taking notes," he said.

Qiao Xiachu was stunned.

Could it be that she was wrong?


She clearly remembered that when the members of the Hongying Sniper Group were pulling the heads outside, they handed her the business card, which said "Hongying Sniper Group", which was absolutely unmistakable.

Reborn once again, even the name has been changed?

She told Rong Huaiyan about her experience in detail.

Rong Huaiyan was puzzled.

He absolutely believed in her.

But all the members of this team in Liaocheng were uprooted, leaving no one left.

After a long while, he said: "This matter is basically confirmed. Whether it is their cause, history, or the wealth and materials they collected, we have thoroughly investigated, and there is no omission. Perhaps Wu Yi wants to keep this People are willing to die."

Hongying vs Hongying.

Obviously a female thinking, a male perspective.


Rong Huaiyan said: "Then you go back first, I'll set up another situation to blow him up, and I will definitely show my feet."

"it is good."

Qiao Xiachu turned around and went back.

She and Qiao Mobai cleaned up the chicken and cut it into pieces. Before they could process it, they made part of the chicken into chicken balls and part of it into canned meat.

There is no need for processing in the later stage, and it can be eaten directly.

Anyway, put it in the space, don't worry about it being damaged or expired. After all the food is put in, no matter how long it is left, it will be exactly the same as the initial state.

She was busy until the middle of the night.

Half a month later.

The black storm still shows no signs of abating.

The entire city of Liaocheng was eroded by wind and sand, and all the crops on the land died. The shantytowns couldn't stand it directly. All the staff left, and those who didn't leave would stay forever.

The long-term drought and storm in the outer city, coupled with water and electricity cutoffs, completely collapsed the entire system. The base distributes food reserves every day, but if this continues, it is impossible to last for too long.

Both the residents and the management team began to panic.

Moreover, they also found that after walking in the wind and sand for a long time, people with dark faces, thick necks, tumors everywhere, and weak resistance have had direct wounds festering and running water, blurred vision, and gradually showing signs of blindness.

Medical treatment collapsed immediately.

There is an endless stream of people who come to seek medical treatment.

The entire hospital was overcrowded, and the medicines in reserve were immediately exhausted, but the production lines were all stopped, and there was no supply of medicines. Even if there were medical equipment, the doctors were still facing a situation where a clever woman could not live without rice.

Lao You is also a bag.

Every day, people from various departments report.

"Commander, the medicine is gone."

"Commander, the oil reserves are almost empty."

"Commander, one-third of the food reserves are consumed."

"Commander, the corpses of the wounded and injured are piled up like a mountain..."

Lao You was very anxious.

He found the meteorological department and held a meeting of various departments overnight.

Several scientists shook their heads.

"Commander You, I'm afraid that this black storm will not last longer than the extreme heat period during the freezing period. The damage to the land is deeply rooted, and crops will not be able to be grown within a hundred years."

What the scientist said deeply touched the hearts of those present.

Especially Commander You.

The decision he had been lingering in his heart, he gritted his teeth and made it at this moment.

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