"We move the city!"

Commander You's decision shocked the whole city.

When the order to move the city was issued, everyone was overjoyed.

"Why do you want to move the city? This storm can't last forever, right? Even sandstorms have a time limit. It's always been like this in history."

"Moving to the city, everything has to start again, how many years will it take us to live in a house like today?"

"Is there no black storm in other places?"

"Where is our shelter?"

"No, no, I don't want to move to the city, I don't want to leave Liaocheng, I'm used to living here, once I leave, I'll be hungry for a long time."

Although, they couldn't get enough of heat-resistant sweet potatoes, but if they left this place, they might not even be able to eat dried sweet potatoes.

The thought of moving to the city, fear, and uncertainty about the future cast haze over everyone's heart, as if once they left Liaocheng, they would become homeless wanderers.

It's a pity that once the order is issued, there is no room for repentance.

The base does not force it, and fully gives the freedom of choice.

If you move to the city with them, you can share a piece of dried sweet potato and a bottle of water every day. If you are willing to stay, you can go to the material storage warehouse of the base, get 10 catties of dried sweet potato, and leave their ID number plates. All the houses belong to them.

As soon as the news came out, everyone was making difficult choices.

People who live in comfort naturally don't want to leave, especially people in the outer city, as soon as they hear that the house is under their control, they can't wait to move to the inner city immediately.

Many people steadfastly migrated with the team.

After the document is released to the Quartet, the base will give everyone a week to think about it, and will count whether they will stay or not.

After Qiao Linmei and Qiao Mobai came back, they asked Qiao Xiachu about his decision.

She said without hesitation: "There is nothing to choose. Of course, go with the team. Uncle Hei leads the team, and there is a strong armed force behind it. Even if you go to another place, the order will be more stable, and you can sleep more peacefully at night."

Once Liaocheng is out of the control of the army, it will soon be reduced to the same fate as the outskirts of the shantytowns. At that time, let alone luxury villas, even if there are castles, they will not be able to resist the hungry and crazy people.

"Okay, I'll go with my sister." The two said in unison.

Qiao Xiachu nodded.

She looked at Qiao Mobai and asked, "How is the ns research going?"

When asked about his professional field, he was obviously more confident.

"As long as a data is clarified after several rounds of experiments, there will be basically no problem." He said.

Qiao Xiachu was overjoyed when he heard the news.

"Once ns99 breaks out, a vaccine can be made, but if it is produced on a large scale, it is estimated that a stable environment will be needed, otherwise the virus will be more troublesome." He added.

"Sure." Qiao Xiachu.

I only hope that the base has already determined the address of the new city, otherwise it is unknown how many people will survive the storm when the city is relocated on a large scale.

Qiao Linmei saw that her sister only paid attention to Qiao Mobai, so she hurriedly said: "Sister, I have learned spear skills, fighting, Sanda, and several survival skills, would you like to take a look?"

As she spoke, she punched on the spot without waiting for Qiao Xiachu to nod.

The fist dances vigorously, quite like that.

Qiao Xiachu curled her lips into a smile.

In the next second, she swung a punch violently, and the fierce fist hit her hard with the momentum of thunder, and directly sent her flying.

"It has made great progress." Qiao Xiachu said.

"..." Brother and sister.

Big sister must be a joke.

Everyone is flying, and it is still called great progress?

Qiao Xiachu said lightly: "For all fighting, Sanda, or spear skills, no matter how you go about the routine, when the enemy attacks, they will not fight with you. With a high probability, the focus is on killing. Linmei's progress lies in your daring to fight Fighting, but you are too sharp, and you will suffer when you meet people who don't pay attention to martial arts."

She has never learned routine boxing.

But she happens to know a little bit about the art of killing.

Qiao Linmei was confused.

She thought deeply.

But for a while, she couldn't figure it out.

Qiao Xiachu knew that the two brothers and sisters were almost ready, how could a pack of man-eating wolves be bred in a clean ivory tower? You have to go deep into hell to know how to get out of hell.

She was silent.

There is no shortage of opportunities to exercise when moving to the city this time.


A white-haired chicken was flying around outside, flew out of the wall, went to tease the chicken at Uncle Li's house next door, and then flew back with wings spread. It didn't feel satisfying, and even went to peck the baby goose.

Several big white geese cubs, about the same size as the big white goose, gathered together to attack them, and when they showed signs of defeat, they turned their heads, got up and flew to the wall again, condescendingly provoking the baby geese.

"Sister, when did you kill this chicken?" Qiao Lin said beautifully.

She remembered that her sister said that when Hu Guang's injury improved, Dabai would be killed and stewed.

Both Hu Guang and Er Hei were discharged from the hospital.

They are recovering from their injuries, have entered the ranks and started working.

Qiao Xiachu said: "Then when they come over when they have time, they'll kill Dabai. It's too arrogant, I thought this was his private territory."


Dabai rolled his eyes in disdain, and yelled carefreely while pulling his neck.

Uncle Li came over and said, "Girl, we won't leave. We plan to stay here. I bought this house with 800 grams of gold. I can't bear to lose it like this."

In his opinion, it is extremely irresponsible for the base to directly say that the house is dumped to others.

They bought the house with money.

Why give it to a stranger.

For a while, Uncle Li's family lost confidence in Lao You.

Qiao Xiachu didn't say anything.

She said: "Uncle, since you don't leave, when we leave, if you want to live in my house, you can live in it."

Just an empty house.

She can't take it with her.

Give him the house, and at this moment when people are distracted, he will value the safety of the house more than her.

I don't want any accidents in the house to turn into a haunted house.

The same is true.

During the day, when Qiao Xiachu went to the base to exchange the dried sweet potatoes and tomatoes on hand for gold and silver, he guarded the house for her the whole time. No matter who came over, he would not allow others to look at it, and he would not say a word to other people's inquiries.

Taking advantage of the turmoil outside and the instability of people's hearts, Qiao Xiachu used the heat-resistant food grown in the backyard to exchange various valuables with people in the inner city.

Regardless of gold and silver jewelry, bead strings, or valuable ornaments that cannot be taken away, all are exchanged.

The people at the base are not fools either.

In the face of natural disasters, food is definitely the first reserve material.

Seeing that she is stupid and has a lot of food, he exchanged household items with her every minute.

After a round of searching by Qiao Xiachu, there was another snakeskin bag of treasures, as well as a large bucket full of weapons that Rong Huaiyan exchanged with weapons last time, and she threw them into the space at once.

In an instant, there were 5 more pieces of black land in the space farm.

Qiao Xiachu was very happy.

She planted a batch of ginseng seeds and began to plant century-old ginseng.

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