The three quickly left the cave.

As soon as he came out, when Qiao Xiachu took off his mask to change, he found that the air here was extremely humid, faintly, and had an indescribably fishy smell.

The smell of mountain soil.

She was a little strange, like a sign before the heavy rain.

So before she left, she drank all the last water in the bottle, deliberately dug a piece of soil at the foot of the mountain, filled it in the bottle, and brought it back to Qiao Mobai to study to see if she could find something useful from the soil. information.

She was holding the clay bottle and sitting on the co-pilot.

The speed of the car back is just as fast as lightning.

Hu Guang held the steering wheel, stared straight ahead, hesitant to speak several times, and wanted to say something to Qiao Xiachu, but he didn't know where to start.

"What's the matter? Do you have any questions?" Qiao Xiachu spoke first.

Hu Guang nodded.

He said: "Yeah, Jiaomei doesn't know what's wrong, she always keeps silent, no matter how I ask her, she doesn't say a word, it almost suffocates me, and I don't know what happened to Commander last night. What did you tell her..."

After going back last night, early in the morning, he was worried about Jiaomei next week, so he went to the third floor half an hour earlier.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Jiaomei was sick, with a look of lovelessness, completely lost the gentle smile of the past, which made people very worried.

He was dying.

This feeling of wanting to help but not being able to help is too bad.

Qiao Xiachu understood in seconds.

She said: "You can't use your strength on this matter, and it's useless if you use it. She needs to figure it out by herself. You just need to support her by the side."

What did Erhei say last night?

How could such a situation arise?

She couldn't figure it out.

However, these things can only be discussed when we go back. In front of the road, there is a row of sharp iron nails. It is obvious that someone has set up roadblocks to stop them...

Chi slip.

Hu Guang slammed on the brakes, and Qiao Xiachu and Awang were almost thrown out.

"Made, who is it? What the hell are you doing?" Hu Guang scolded.

Qiao Xiachu dropped the bottle in his hand and grabbed the submachine gun in his hand.

Killing the swarm of bats, they consumed a lot of bullets, but there is still a third of the stock in the car...

The three hurriedly changed the magazine in advance.

There are no villages or shops in front of this place, but there is a row of low forests, a pile of withered shrubs overgrown with thorns, and a small square house beside it.

If you look carefully, it should be the Earth Temple on the top of the nearby hill.

Not far from a mountain bag mouth, there is a bungalow standing out.

"I'll go and remove the nail." Awang said.

No matter who was lying around, they always had to go back, and the nails had to be cleared.

Just as he stepped out with one foot, a gunshot sounded.


Someone fired from behind.

The lethality of the bullet is not very strong, it is obviously a modified soil gun...

Alarm bells rang in Qiao Xiachu's heart.

This place is weird.

She said to Hu Guang: "Reverse the car first, see if you can catch a stone on the side of the road, drive to the maximum speed, and then the car body drifts and flies over the obstacle. Is that okay?"

Hu Guang gritted his teeth.

His driving skills are not bad, although he can't compare with Rong sir.


Hu Guang reversed the car suddenly, then aimed at the stone pier in front, and galloped at full speed.

With a whoosh, the car body was indeed flying in mid-air, and then landed precisely, directly over the iron nails.

Just when the three of them breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly dark clouds overwhelmed the front, and tens of thousands of bats surrounded the entire car. Just as Hu Guang accelerated, another silver light appeared in front of him.

"Look down."

He gave a low drink.

The three of them shrunk their heads down one after another.

The roof was cut directly by a steel wire in front.

The car lost its balance in an instant.

Hu Guang slammed on the accelerator.

Countless bats rushed over, got into the car, and surrounded the three of them.

Qiao Xiachu and Ngawang shot one after another.

But there are too many of them, and they are in a non-stationary state, so it is impossible to shoot them down accurately. In addition, they are sitting in the car without a protective cover, so they are easy to be scratched.

For a while, he lost sight of the other.


There was a snort, a fierce sound.

The whole car turned sideways, the wheels fell into the air, drifted in mid-air for a while, and then landed heavily.

A big deep pit suddenly appeared in front of him.

If he didn't brake fast enough, the car would take them all into the pit...

Enough to ride a horse thrillingly.

Hu Guang broke out in a cold sweat.

The car is parked on the edge of the road.

Qiao Xiachu was still in shock. When she looked back, she saw a large number of people appearing on the opposite side of the road, wearing short skirts made of branches and wearing straw hats.

Topless, his skin was tanned and gleaming.

Like the aborigines from ancient times.

But they held improved earth guns in their hands, and looked at the three of Qiao Xiachu with hatred in their eyes.

"Get out of the car, everyone get out of the car, drop the weapons in your hands, or you will be shot into an hourglass."

The threatening voice had a strong local accent.

A group of people with guns and live ammunition rushed towards the car step by step.

"Sister-in-law, we will cover you, you escape first—"

Hu Guang gritted his teeth.

He clenched the submachine gun in his hand, ready to fight them to the death.

Awang also nodded.

"Sister-in-law, you have to go back safely. There is obviously something wrong with this group of people. Let Brother Da Rong lead the team over quickly and investigate thoroughly." He said.

Qiao Xiachu shook his head.

She wanted to escape, very much.

But with their large number of people, each with an improved soil gun, and tens of thousands of bats, even if they were lucky enough to break through the encirclement, they obviously couldn't escape far.

She was still caught.

"Let's get out of the car, don't make unnecessary sacrifices, first ask them what they want to do, if they want to kill people, they would have done it long ago, and they won't leave a lot of ambushes," Qiao Xiachu said.

This group of ancient people wanted to catch them alive.

Then there must be a picture.


Hu Guang was not reconciled, and slapped the horn hard.

But he still opened the door and got out from the cab.

Qiao Xiachu and Awang also got off from the side.

Not long after, a group of ancient people lifted a large wooden board out of the ravine, put it down directly, opened a passage, and walked directly to them.

The hairy crowd behind them held their firearms, always on guard and ready to shoot.

They came to the side of the three of them, and the leading man put his hands in front of him and said indifferently: "I am the Dark King Lei Ba of Fengjiao City, the master of the new world."

Good Secondary School.

Hu Guang couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at? Our dark king likes to eat peanuts the most. Do you have them? Seeing that you bastards have never seen the world, let me tell you that if you are caught by us, you will die. You will all be taken back to sacrifice to the sacred tree. "

Next to Lei Ba was a short, skinny woman who was cursing.

"A Yuan, shut up."

"Yes, Dark Lord."

The woman quickly shut her mouth.

God tree...

No need to guess, Qiao Xiachu also knows what's going on.

With her hands behind her back, she gently pressed the button on the watch with one finger.

emergency rescue.

Although it is a bit far from the city, Rong Huaiyan's watch should be able to locate it.

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