Lei Ba commanded his men, and a group of people walked while blowing whistles, the bats in the sky began to disperse, and after a while, the sky became clear.

He walked ahead, and under A Yuan's leadership, the group was pushed into a pothole.

"Don't beat me, I'll go on my own." Hu Guang scolded.

He couldn't see the salty pig's hand stretched out by the woman actually pinched his waist, it was really disgusting.

A Yuan was obviously angry.

She drooped her eyebrows, and said with an angry look: "What is it called? After entering our dark king's territory, everyone will end up in the same way, that is, die in various postures, there will be no second possibility, see You have a few catties of flesh on your body, I thought my wife would like it, ahhh—"

She spat hard.

"A Yuan, the Dark King is looking for you to serve, so hurry up."

A guard hurried over and summoned the woman.

The thin and skinny A Yuan immediately beamed with joy when he heard this, touched the broken hair on his head, tried his best to squeeze out a charming and ridiculous look, walked swaying, and left the sight of the three of them.


Awang couldn't bear it, and quickly spit out the dried sweet potatoes at noon.

Qiao Xiachu was very calm.

When she was in the car, she secretly poured out the soil from the bottle and smeared it on her cheeks.

"Ugly" and stinky, standing next to Hu Guang and Awang, he is not conspicuous at all.

Clang clang clang.

The ground under their feet actually fell, plummeting down, like an elevator, but without the security and safety of an elevator, these are just a few wooden shelves, ready to fall apart at any time.

When the soil frame stopped moving, Qiao Xiachu opened his eyes and found that the three of them had arrived at an underground fortress.

The wooden framed door panel fell, and a few people outside stepped forward to pull it.

Hu Guang straightened his back.

"Let's just go, don't mess around," he said.

Several men looked at each other and smiled.

Have backbone.

They arrested so many people, and it was the first time they saw Hu Guang being so stubborn. They hoped that when the sacrifice came, he would still be able to straighten his back and show off his prestige.

The underground fortress is well built.

When the electricity is turned on, the interior buildings can be seen clearly.

The walls are made of stone, not much decoration, the ground is flat, the ventilation ducts, the indoor circulation system are complete, there are separate rooms with beds and quilts, there is a centralized canteen, and there is even a room with pink lights... …

Qiao Xiachu faintly had a bad premonition.

This place is very eccentric.

The residents in the castle are all naked, basically using grass skirts as a fig leaf to show their hearts.

Not many women and children.

But not for nothing.

In one of the rooms, a woman was carrying a child on her back. The older one and the younger one had dull and empty eyes. Only when she saw Qiao Xiachu, her eyeballs finally moved like wooden plugs.

The girl on the woman's back put her arms around her mother's neck and called out sullenly: "...Sister, Youbu..."

The woman covered the child's mouth in horror.

A naked little boy ran up to Qiao Xiachu and asked innocently, "Sister, did you come from outside? Is it big there? Are there any birds that can fly?"


A big palm slammed over, throwing the little boy to the ground directly, his cheek rubbed against the stone, and blood gushed out.

The boy's family rushed over, picked him up, and ran away like a rabbit.

The one who beat the child was a blond foreigner.

Not one, but a group.

They were all fully clothed.

All of them are burly and have a strong body odor.

"This woman is fresh, I want it."

The foreign devil man looked aggressively and wretchedly at Qiao Xiachu.

"Go away—"

Hu Guang roared.

He and Ngawang rushed over to fight the foreign devils.

Bang bang bang.

The foreign devils were not weak, they punched to the flesh, they were obviously from the special forces, the three of them fought against Hu Guang and Awang, and even suppressed them.

Each hung up the color.

There were five or six foreign devils around, watching them like they were watching a monkey show.

"Stop, I'll go with you." Qiao Xiachu said loudly.

As soon as she made a sound, the foreign devil was taken aback, but still showed an evil smile.

They speak Chinese very smoothly.

No accent at all.

The big man laughed and said, "This woman knows the times."

He walked up to Qiao Xiachu, grabbed her by the chin, and said, "Little girl, as long as you are obedient and serve us well, if you want to eat rice or hamburgers, I will make them for you."

When the people around heard the rice, they swallowed their saliva reflexively.

Grass roots and tree roots, they are about to vomit.

Haven't seen... rice in years.

Since Lei Ba captured them to the underground fortress.

Qiao Xiachu turned her head.

She said coldly: "Let's go. What's the rush? I don't know what you want yet? "

"Come on, the little girl is so good. I have a Chinese name Shiqi. You can call me Seventh Brother." The foreign devil said triumphantly.

Doomsday Mu Qiang.

No matter where it is, this truth is an eternal law.

Seventeen led his guard team and walked all the way to the strongest fortress ahead.

"sister in law--"

Hu Guang was in a hurry.

His eyes were spitting fire, his eyes were red, and he wished he could rush up to fight the foreign devils.

Awang hugged him.

Qiao Xiachu looked back and said to him: "Be good, sister-in-law will bring you food when the time comes, don't make trouble, wait for me to come back, understand?"

"I can't do it!" Hu Guang was about to explode.

Even if you die, you must be clean, and you can't let your sister-in-law suffer humiliation and die.

"Awang, keep an eye on Hu Guang, you know?" Qiao Xiachu looked serious, as if he was giving an order.


Awang's relationship with her was not as deep as Hu Guang's. He was calmer and vaguely guessed that Qiao Xiachu definitely didn't send himself up to be a fish.

She is stalling for time...

When he thought of this, his thoughts instantly straightened out.

Although he couldn't figure out the secret way of communication between Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan, since his sister-in-law made such a decision, she must be right.

He reined in Hu Guang tightly to prevent him from acting impulsively.

After a while, Qiao Xiachu was taken behind a large and heavy iron gate by Shiqi.

There was a loud bang.

The big iron gate landed.

The front suddenly opened up, just like a normal suite outside, with metal floors, metal houses, doors and windows, and all kinds of home appliances in the house.

Seventeen said to the people around him: "You wait, I'll go first, wait until I come out."

A group of foreign devils, with "I understand" eyes hooked on the corners of their lips.

The women in the Doomsday Fortress, without whom they haven't touched, have long since lost all freshness.

No matter how beautiful or ugly a woman is, how many partners she has.

As long as they haven't tasted it, it is absolutely delicious.

Qiao Xiachu followed behind Shiqi, entered the room step by step, and closed the big iron door under the eyes of everyone.

The sound insulation of the house is superb.

Even the sound of the wind was extinguished.

It's... wonderful.

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