When the mudslide hit, Lei Ba still stayed underground and didn't respond. When he heard the movement outside and felt something was wrong, he wanted to push the door, but found that the door couldn't be opened no matter what.

The ventilation in the room was broken.

The oxygen in the room gradually thinned out.

The stones on top are also constantly falling.

The earth is shaking.

The house is shaking.

Is there an earthquake?

Lei Ba was frightened out of his wits.

He kept beating on the gate, wanting the residents outside to save his life, and promised to give them endless food, rice, noodles, and even frozen meat...

Unfortunately no one responded.

No one can open his door anymore.

The mountain collapsed.

The mudslide crazily rolled down and swept towards the entire city.

Just as she saw that the torrent was approaching, she was about to take out a car directly from the space and take Mo Bai to escape, when a helicopter flew from the sky.

She immediately saw Rong Huaiyan flying the plane.

"Huaiyan, it's Huaiyan—"

Qiao Xiachu shouted loudly.

Qiao Mobai was also very excited.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, we are here, here." He screamed wildly.

"There's a plane."

The people who were running for their lives saw the helicopter flying in the sky, so they naturally didn't want to leave, and wanted to escape by plane.

When Rong Huaiyan lowered the ladder, someone came over to snatch it.


Qiao Xiachu cut off the man's hand with a sharp knife.

She said fiercely: "Get off, get off, I will kill anyone who dares to come up, he is my husband, he came to save us, not you. Mobai, you go up the ladder, I will see who dares to snatch it."

She swung her saber violently a few times.

The saber is extremely sharp.

A knife passed by, and the people who approached saw blood.

They were really afraid of this cruel woman.

She is killing anyone she sees.

Without further ado, Qiao Mobai climbed up the ladder and said to Qiao Xiachu, "Sister, come up quickly, come up quickly."

At this time, someone on the helicopter raised a gun.

There was a bang.

The bullet was fired, hitting a man's foot directly, and the man fell to the ground quickly.

Those who besieged Qiao Xiachu instantly knew how powerful they were.

The guy who flies the plane has a gun.

They are the upper class of the base, even if they board the plane, they will only be killed.

For a while, the crazy people did not dare to go forward, and continued to flee for their lives.

At this moment, speed is life.

Outrun mudslides, they live.

Lost, they were buried by mudslides...

The choice between life and death.

Countless people exploded at a speed that they had never imagined in their entire lives, their legs were about to spark, and they ran wildly without touching the ground. If they participated in the world long-distance running competition at this moment, the championship would definitely not be enough.

After Qiao Xiachu and Qiao Mobai boarded the plane, the old horse sat inside covered in blood, and several people squeezed together.

Rong Huaiyan drove the plane.

Flying over Fengjiao City.

From a high altitude, I saw the ruthless disintegration of the mountain, the sand and rocks crazily rolled down, the mud and sand mixed with the rolling logs, and the mud and water kept washing away the town. In a short time, all the houses at the foot of the mountain were buried and swallowed.

The impact of the splashed sand was so strong that the houses could not withstand it.

The building was washed away, and under the narrow silt, it became a new round of murderers, devouring new territories, wishing to eat everything it saw.

Qiao Xiachu had never seen the scene in front of her.

She was very sad.

If in the previous life, he encountered such a powerful mudslide, how could he escape without any precautions?

The plane took them all the way through the town and flew towards a safe area.

Lao You and Er Hei each led a team to guide the residents of the city to retreat.

As for the captured Ma Cuilan, Erhei didn't care about it, and didn't care about her.

But one person brought Ma Cuilan out of the prison at the last moment, sent her directly to the plane, and said to her: "Have you seen the true colors of these people? They are all poisonous snakes, and no one cares." It's your life, isn't it?"

Ma Cuilan covered her face and wept.

Her heart is completely dead.

Zhou Daban didn't ask a word, and directly convicted her.

How ruthless this man is.

When she thought that she had loved such a man, she felt particularly dirty.

"Come with me, I will take you to the sky. They don't want you, but I am willing to accept you and let you live beautifully in the doomsday."

"Okay. I promise you."

Ma Cuilan nodded in agreement.

She looked hopeless and said: "But I'm going to pick up my daughter, and I will take her away no matter what, I can't let her live beside my enemy."

"it is good."

The plane was flying through the sky in the rain.

No one knows if there will be a storm, let alone if there will be thunder and lightning.

The danger will come at any minute and any second.

But as long as there is a glimmer of life, no one is willing to give up.

Surviving a disaster is the only thought of human beings.

Zhou Jiaomei has been by Hu Guang's side.

Ever since the attack, Hu Guang has always been worried, always worried that Wang Xiaofeng's people would suddenly appear, shoot cold guns or stab knives secretly.

He had to keep Zhou Jiaomei under his nose.

Therefore, he led this team and organized the evacuation of the personnel, working very hard, just wanting to retreat quickly and get out of the dangerous area as soon as possible.

Seeing that they were the first group of people to retreat, they were the furthest away from the mountain.

Hu Guang breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Jiaomei took out a piece of dried sweet potato from her backpack, stuffed it into Hu Guang's mouth, and said, "Hurry up, you've been busy all the time, and you often skip breakfast. It's not good for your stomach, so you can't suffer from hunger."

It was raining heavily, and nothing else was brought out.

In her daily bag, there are only a few dried sweet potatoes and simple medical supplies.

Hu Guang smiled and nodded, motioning for her to eat by herself.

Just as Zhou Jiaomei was about to shake her head, she saw something reflecting light behind Hu Guang from a distance.

She looked back and found a black muzzle aimed at Hu Guang in a corner not far away. With all her strength, she pushed Hu Guang away and said loudly, "Get out of here."

At this moment, several figures hurriedly turned backwards, saw Zhou Jiaomei, a fierce man stepped forward, grabbed her arms from left to right, and ran wildly into the distance.


Hu Guang was furious.

He didn't care about the team, and his figure rushed out like lightning.

But several people rushed out of the crowd one after another, wearing iron gloves one by one, and attacked him frantically.

Swish Swish Swish.

A group of people jointly attacked, Hu Guang could not fight, and after a while, his body was stained red with blood.

Zhou Jiaomei shouted: "Don't, don't hurt Hu Guang, don't—"

She was dragged and dragged all the way to a tall building.

The helicopter to pick her up is coming soon.

On the helicopter, there were still people carrying rocket launchers.

They want to blow up Hu Guang!

Zhou Jiaomei almost guessed who was on the plane.

She looked at Hu Guang who was fighting with others with a look of reluctance, feeling very sad in her heart.

"Let go of me. I know that Ma Cuilan asked you to pick me up. I'll just go with you. If you dare to hurt me, Ma Cuilan will not let you go." Zhou Jiaomei said sharply.

The few people really didn't dare to hurt her, so they let go of their grasping hands.

The heavy rain is like the spray of a whale, spraying water continuously, impacting people's heads and bodies, and it is about to wash people apart.

The rain also took away her body temperature.

The heart, together with the skin, was freezing cold.

Cold into the bone marrow.

She looked at Hu Guang, who was covered in blood, bowed her body, put her hands under her mouth, and shouted to the man she loved: "Hu Guang, I love you, don't fight with them anymore, you must live well, you must To survive—"

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