Zhou Jiaomei believes that Ma Cuilan is insane and capable of anything.

When she wants to hurt someone, she never shows mercy, and she never stops until she achieves her goal.

In the next second, she snatched the walkie-talkie from the jacket pocket of the man in front of her and yelled into it: "Ma Cuilan, if you dare to touch Hu Guang, I'll show you to death. Didn't you always want The last set of biochemical reports? I keep it in my mind, he's dead, believe it or not, you won't get anything."

Ma Cuilan in the helicopter was stunned.

She didn't expect that her daughter's wings were hardened, and she came to threaten her.

She was also annoyed.

"Really? What if I don't want it anymore?"

The sound of the walkie-talkie is noisy, sometimes long and sometimes short, which makes people feel flustered.

Zhou Jiaomei's eyes showed despair.

There is a secret that others don't know, only the couple Ma Cuilan and Wang Xiaofeng know best. The reason why they took her all the way with her and sent her to work in the biochemical team of the base is because she is talented in this area. Data is particularly sensitive.

Before the end of the world, Wang Xiaofeng relied on a virus to make his fortune.

She is the core weapon.

All the virus data is in her hands.

Once Ma Cuilan gave up, she would have no status in the Wang family.

With her character of vengeance, she still doesn't know what kind of purgatory on earth is waiting for her and Hu Guang.

When I think of Hu Guang having Erhei, Rong Huaiyan, and Qiao Xiachu, there are so many people waiting for him to go back, and he is not lonely at all in the last days...

And she is like a coal, close to him, will blacken him.

Why bother.

Natural disasters are frequent, what difference does it make to live more and less.

She has already won the love of Hu Guang.


There are no regrets in life.

She is so tired, so tired.

I don't want to be entangled endlessly, and drag my beloved Hu Guangsheng into hell.

She wants him to live well!

"Ma Cuilan, are you really so cruel? I am your daughter, have you never thought that I need a mother's love instead of just using and controlling her?"

Zhou Jiaomei was not reconciled.

In the wind and rain, her face was so hurt by the violent wind and rain.

Ma Cuilan's gaze was dim.

She didn't want to tell Zhou Jiaomei that she already had all the data.

Thinking of her own daughter betraying her and even having a heated fight with Zhou Daban, Ma Cuilan harbored a hatred to cut her heart.

"Hehe, I, Ma Cuilan, can't give birth to a wicked girl like you. Abandoning my biological mother for a man, and joining hands with a wild man to harm me, is this something human can do? Other people's daughter is a mother's little padded jacket, and you are a wolf-hearted supercilious look." Wolf, how do you still have the face to live?"

Ma Cuilan cursed loudly.

She said fiercely into the walkie-talkie: "If you don't come up, if you don't come up again, I will blow up this place and let you follow them into ashes!"

Let her die.


It is really the most vicious curse a mother can have on her daughter.

She really didn't care about her feelings at all, and stabbed her heart hard.

again and again.

She decided that she would never give Ma Cuilan another chance in this life.

"No. Just pretend you never gave birth to me. I wish you a smooth life and a safe next life. In the next life, we will never be mothers and daughters again."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Jiaomei slammed down the walkie-talkie.

She took out a pen from her pocket and threw it in Hu Guang's direction.

The next second, she looked at the two big men in front of her and showed a beautiful smile. Then, under their shocked eyes, she opened her arms and leaned back, like a flying butterfly, flying Speed, following the direction of rainwater falling, fell hard towards the ground together.

The two big men were dumbfounded.

They went to fish one after another.

One of them couldn't stand firmly, was washed by the rain, and fell down.

The fighting downstairs didn't stop.

"don't want--"

Hu Guang's eyes were bloodshot.

Voice tearing.

He witnessed with his own eyes the frail figure falling towards the stairs, but he couldn't rush through it, let alone catch her falling figure.

The sky seemed to be dark at this moment.

The rain seemed to have stopped.

The world is quiet.

Hu Guang's ears were filled with noise, barking loudly.

"Coquettish, coquettish."

He shouted twice, was punched hard on the chest, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

In the sky in the distance, Ma Cuilan in the helicopter witnessed this scene, her heart trembled violently, wishing she could kill Hu Guang with a single shot.

But the helicopter behind them came and opened fire on them.

"Quick, retreat quickly."

Ma Cuilan didn't want to die.

She directly urged the pilot to drive the plane away quickly.

The helicopter retreated at full speed.

In order to interfere with the pursuit behind him, the bazooka turned around and shot directly at Rong Huaiyan's position.

There was a loud bang.

The sound was loud.

Under the huge shock wave, Rong Huaiyan's helicopter bumped violently, almost blowing up the wing. Fortunately, his technique was superb and he managed to stabilize it.

Those who chased Hu Guang also received the order to retreat, and fled in a flash.

At this time, when Erhei organized a team to rush over, he said to Hu Guang, "How are you? Are you injured? What about Jiaomei, where did she go? Why isn't she with you?"


There was a buzzing sound in my ears.

Hu Guang stared blankly at Erhei.

The next second, he rushed out laughing and screaming.

When he rushed downstairs, Zhou Jiaomei fell from the roof of the building, shook it hard on the roof of the car, and fell down again, but at this moment, all internal organs were shattered, and the blood in her body couldn't stop flowing out flow.

She was alive.

Hu Guang's eyes trembled, and he knelt beside her. He wanted to hug her several times, but his outstretched hand shrank back tremblingly, and kept moving back and forth in mid-air.

"Charming, charming, what's going on, Hu Guang, how did you make her hurt like this, save her, come and save her—" Er Hei's mind exploded.

He frantically ran back, just wanting to find the members of the base medical team and rescue Jiao Mei.

his daughter!

Zhou Jiaomei couldn't move, her eyes fell on Hu Guang, her vision was hazy, and she said in a trembling voice: "I..."


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Her white teeth were flushed.

Plasma also flowed out.

She wanted to raise her hand to touch Hu Guang's face, and wanted to tell him, don't be sad, don't be sad...

But... I can't move my hands.

Consciousness is slowly blurring.

But she has something to tell him.


Her eyes moved, indicating that he must find the recording pen.

It was her most precious thing.

I kept it in my body all the time and never took it out.

There is a secret in it, as well as what she recorded to Hu Guang, and what she said to Erhei, every time she has any psychological activities, she habitually records them with a tape recorder.

Hu Guang stretched out his hand several times, but then retracted it.

He said cautiously: "Does it hurt? The commander has called a doctor, and when the doctor comes, you won't be in pain..."

His heart has been numb.

What is pain.

What is pain.

He couldn't feel it at all.

At this time, Qiao Linmei came running from behind, and when she saw this scene, she rushed towards her with great strides, and she cried out as soon as she came over, "Qiaomei, you, what's wrong with you, woo woo woo—"

Qiao Linmei was about to die of anxiety.

She was at a loss, and there was nothing but crying for a while.

Until the medical team arrived, felt her pulse, and shook their heads one by one.

Erhei stepped forward and grabbed the doctor's head, shouting: "You are the professor, you are the leader of the rescue team, your medical skills are the most superb, save my daughter, save her quickly, I beg you, I Kneel down for you."

His knees softened, but the doctor hugged him in time.

It was the first time the doctor heard that Erhei had a daughter, but unfortunately, he still gave a desperate answer: "I'm afraid her internal organs are all broken. Doctors are not gods, and no one can save her."

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