"You all get out of the way."

Qiao Xiachu came over.

As soon as she stepped forward, she used a silver needle to prick Zhou Jiaomei, and then took out a small bottle from her pocket, which contained blue medicine, and fed it directly to her mouth.

After a while, Zhou Jiaomei closed her eyes.

"Sister-in-law, coquettish, coquettish--" Is there any help?

Hu Guang looked at Qiao Xiachu with hope.

He's numb.

Even the lips are numb.

Qiao Xiachu shook his head, then nodded again.

She said to Er Hei: "You take someone to carry her on the stretcher, and you must not bump along the way, otherwise even if there is a miracle medicine, it will not be able to save her."

Upon hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Especially the medical team.

They looked at Qiao Xiachu like a monster.

People fall like this, can they still live?


Qiao Xiachu has the art of bringing the dead back to life?

For a while, everyone stared at her intently like a freak.

But Erhei especially believed in her.

As long as Qiao Xiachu says there is hope, there is hope.

He believed in Qiao Meier more than he believed in himself.

Naturally, the medical team couldn't believe it, so they took a gamble in their hearts and went to the battle in person, showing the highest level of nursing care to take care of Zhou Jiaomei.

The mudslide hit all the way, and the speed was also slowed down by the layers of houses blocking it. The fringe areas of the city had lost much power.

Just a good city, turned into nothing in an instant.

The materials, equipment, various research results, and a large number of personnel of a base were engulfed by the mudslide and could never come out again.

The city is destroyed, they can only choose where to go again.

Before Hu Guang left, he went downstairs to search everywhere, and found the recording pen left by Zhou Jiaomei in a patch of grass.

When the recording is turned on, the first paragraph is:

Hu Guang, this pen is specially reserved for you. I want to tell you a secret, that is... don't listen to it in crowded places, only you can listen to it.

Guang Guang, I used to work in the Institute of Viruses, and I have been researching viruses. Among them, there is a group of viruses that are particularly weird, and the secret of human longevity is hidden in them. This group of data is very important, and I hid it.

My mother must have thought she had it.

But that's not true.

I hid the real data in Feng Jiang Cheng... You must get it back, she is my life's effort.

Guangguang, didn’t I tell you that you are so cute, so cute, every time I tease you, seeing you anxious, it gives me a sense of accomplishment, I feel that you care about me and love me so much ...

I really hope that we will love each other forever.

But I know very well that this is impossible.

It's not pessimism, it's not that I don't believe in you, but that there is no eternal love in the world. I'm entangled with you like a vine, and the more I entangle you, the more you will get bored, tired, and disgusted one day.


Hu Guang, you must not know, your commander is my biological father, tell him for me that I never hated him, and I don’t blame him, because he didn’t even know my existence.

If possible, I hope to stay by his side and let him, as a father, make up for what he owes me over the years, so that a black hole in my heart can be healed.


Listening and listening, Hu Guang's numb heart gradually began to feel pain.

He wanted to follow Zhou Jiaomei, but the medical team refused.

With Zhou Jiaomei's current state, any infection would devour her surviving aura like a tiger, especially Hu Guang's body was covered in blood and wounds, so he couldn't get close.

Hu Guang sickly followed behind the team.

He fell behind several times and fell hard somersaults.

Rong Huaiyan asked Lao Ma and Qiao Linmei to take care of him together, so that he would not see him when he fell into the ditch.

As for Erhei.

He wasn't much better either.

The soul is gone.

Lost half of life.

At the moment, Awang and the others have been guarding him all the time, almost dragging him along the way, otherwise he would say that he wanted to seek revenge on Ma Cuilan as he walked.

Only this cruel woman can be cruel.

Awang and several people stopped him and prevented him from running away.

No one knows what will happen next.

Only one-third of the population of the entire city remains.

The population plummeted.

Lao You was worried.

He was also in deep grief, as if he had lost his soul.

Every person who lost his life was the same in his heart.

He didn't discover the mudslide early, and he didn't have the ability to foresee. This is what hurts him the most.

If you find out earlier, maybe the loss will not be so heavy.

But the disaster came without warning.

Even if there is a mudslide, according to the experience of the prosperous era, it is only a small scale, and it will affect the villages and plantation areas at the foot of the mountain.

Unexpectedly, the whole city was affected.

Rong Huaiyan had to send several people to watch Lao You.

In this way, manpower is dispersed.

Qiao Xiachu has been leading Qiao Mobai, marching together in the team.

She followed behind the medical team, paying close attention to the development of Zhou Jiaomei's condition. Only Qiao Mobai could understand the boulder weighing on her heart.

The medicine given to Zhou Jiaomei before was Qiao Mobai's experimental product.

This is a short sequence extracted from the ns99 virus, which can heal the damaged body quickly, just like when Qiao Dongliu Mingming died, but the body can still move...

She described Qiao Dongliu's appearance after being poisoned to Qiao Mobai, and Qiao Mobai kept it in mind. In the process of researching the vaccine, he conducted a set of experiments alone.

Extract a combination that is effective in healing wounds, abandoning infectivity, phagocytosis, and lethality. Only a small part of it is taken and tested on mice for several rounds.

It's barely a success.

The mudslide came rushing, and he put the bottle of medicine and the vaccine together.

But he never tried it on humans.

Qiao Xiachu is the only insider.

She acted decisively, and fed this group of potions to Zhou Jiaomei. If she could save her, she would save them if she could.

Human medicine has not yet developed to the point of bringing the dead back to life.

Potions can only save those who are still alive.

Zhou Jiaomei is considered dead, I don't know what effect it will have...

Of course, if the rescue fails and the virus spreads instead, they are the culprits, and they must pay close attention to it. If something is wrong, they can only send her away in person.

The team advanced for two days in the heavy rain, and finally stopped in front of a deserted city.

The heavy rain gradually stopped.

The ground is full of mud. The buildings in the city have not been lived in for a long time, and they have not been taken care of. The wind and rain are blowing, and vines are covering the entire house, and this is the case for several buildings in a row.

Weeds grew wildly, already as high as half a story.

Under the watering of rainwater, it grows more and more rapidly.

The city was silent.

Crows flew across the sky one by one, making a quacking sound.

Terrible and high-pitched.

Rats occupied the building and fled in all directions. On the damaged streets, vehicles crashed together, rusty, and also covered with weeds and dead branches.

The whole city smells of corruption.

"The advance team went to the city to check to see if anyone is occupying this place. If there is no one, we will stay here temporarily and wait until we find a place to stay, and then change places." Lao You said.

Not the best option here.

But the crowd had been hungry for two days and had to go to the city to find something to eat. Even if they had nothing else, dig some grass roots and boil some soup to drink.

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