After Qiao Xiachu returned to the house, Rong Huaiyan hurried back after taking a shower. Hearing what happened to her during the day, his scalp became numb. He looked her up and down, left and right, and saw that there was no wound on her body except scratches and bruises. A hanging heart is finally put back in my heart.

"You are too reckless this time, Yang Zhenshan must die!" Rong Huaiyan said.

A villain like Yang Zhenshan is the most narrow-minded, but he has a lot of contacts in his hands. Once he uses all his strength to make people climb over the mountain to encircle Feng'e City, he is afraid that unnecessary disasters will be caused.

"Then let's find a chance and return to Zoucheng." Qiao Xiachu said.

"I have already asked my men to go back to Zoucheng and ask him to find my spies to find out the details of Zoucheng first, and then we will set off immediately without discussing with Lao You. This matter is related to your safety, so you can't be careless." Rong Huaiyan said coldly.

In the end of the natural disaster, if someone hides in the dark and puts a cold face, it will only be Qiao Qiao who will be injured.

He must uproot this cancer.

With that said, he took out a bunch of gunpowder, rocket launchers, mortars, a bunch of miniature drones, and miniature bombs from the system. When he wanted to release a tank, he found that the living room of the house was not big enough...

"I'll get it for you when I find an empty seat." Rong Huaiyan said.

If you have a weapon, you must know how to use it.

He must find time to teach her all these things.

With the enemy at hand, we cannot be sloppy at all.

The first base is enough.

Covering her mouth and laughing, Qiao Xiachu stretched her arms around his neck and said, "What are you worried about? Why don't you take me with you, so you can pay me whatever I want."

Rong Huaiyan wrapped his arms around her slender waist, hugged her in his arms, and said in a dull voice, "I wish I could put you in my pocket, but I don't have the ability."


Qiao Xiachu couldn't help laughing.

She pinched his handsome face and said, "If you think about it, I won't."

Wouldn't that have become his vassal?

She likes to fight by herself, to fight with the enemy by herself. The joy and comfort make her feel alive, which is a joy that no one can give.

Rong Huaiyan said: "It seems that it is a pity that the advance team lost the land pony. If they don't move to the city in the future, it will not have a big impact."

From the current point of view, Feng'e City is still relatively livable.

"It doesn't matter to him, what do you want to eat, I'll cook." Qiao Xiachu said.

She wanted to get up, but was hugged by him again, her eyes were full of aggressiveness, and she said in a low tone: "Qiaoqiao, why don't we think about other things? For example, how about we save some resources and only use one bed?"

"Ahem, that, you don't need a bed, I'm here——hmm."

Qiao Xiachu's lips were blocked.

The fine and dense suction came in like a tide, and her thoughts were taken away in an instant, and even a big palm didn't let her go, making her feel what it means to be suffocated.

Outside the door, Qiao Mobai quickly withdrew his feet.

He covered his mouth and snickered.

This pair of people who are passionately in love finally feel a little bit like a burning fire. They have been living in two houses, just like roommates who live together. Without his light bulb, the light bulb is bright enough.

It's right to upgrade, preferably the kind that makes him feel redundant every minute.

That's how we look like a couple.

For example, Hu Guang and Zhou Jiaomei, sparks flew everywhere as soon as they came, and they wished to be tired of sprinkling dog food all day long. He felt a little overwhelmed just watching them.

Although Zhou Jiaomei has been lying on the bed recently, showing no signs of waking up, but Hu Guang will come to take care of her as long as he completes the task, which is quite like a good boyfriend of twenty-four filial piety.

In this last days, it was a godlike experience for him to eat dog food to his full.

"Mobai, how long have you been standing?"

As soon as Qiao Xiachu came out, he found Qiao Mobai standing at the door, feeling a little guilty.

She's less alert...

When Mobai came back, he didn't find anything.

Qiao Mobai shook his head: "Not long, just a while, I was just going to the hospital, hehe."

Qiao Xiachu pulled him into the house and made a meal for dinner.

After the three of them had a feast, Qiao Mobai said: "Zhou Jiaomei's body has recovered. When I took a blood test, I found that several groups of cells in her body had mutated, which is different from ordinary people. I'm not sure about the side effects yet."

Based on his understanding of this group of gene cells, if he breaks through the limit, he should become cancerous...

He still needs to collect several sets of data and rescue it as soon as possible.

"Then is there any sign of her waking up?" Qiao Xiachu asked.

"Not yet. She can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. I will draw two sets of blood and take it to the hospital for further research." Qiao Mobai said.

Rong Huaiyan frowned.

When he thought of Hu Guang, he shook his head.

But right now, she can only hope that Zhou Jiaomei will wake up soon, otherwise she will have to find someone to take care of her, which will delay things.

The reconstruction of Feng'e City requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea popped into his mind.


In the early morning of the next day, Qiao Xiachu took out a packaged pizza from the space, took out three boxes of milk, and a plate of sunshine grapes, and put them on the table.

The three of them were full and wiped the oil from their mouths with paper towels.

Qiao Mobai used to go to the hospital.

Rong Huaiyan wanted to train a new team, so he had to train hard, otherwise he wouldn't be able to help when he encountered yesterday's incident, and it would only add to the chaos.

He was determined not to let them take off their third layer of skin, and he would never give up.

Qiao Xiachu went to Lao You to deal with the wild boar brought back from the mountain yesterday.

Wild boars are not easy to fight.

Ordinary residents, after a few years of starvation, are very weak and their combat effectiveness is not very strong. They are basically unable to go into the mountains to kill. When encountering wild boars with strong attack power, they only have the chance to escape.

And like the base or the general rich and the like, they have weapons and supplies, and their firepower is concentrated on the battlefield. They don't like the tendons on wild boars, which are hard and woody, and the fur is very difficult to handle.

Qiao Xiachu rushed to the big kitchen where the army was located. Several wild boars were hanging on the horizontal bar in the compound.

When Lao You saw her, he was overjoyed.

He said: "Then please, here is the backpack brought out by the chef. There are a lot of seasonings in it. You can see how to deal with this batch of meat."

Qiao Xiachu nodded.

She said: "Let a few people from the advance team come over to help, this meat is more difficult to handle, and I can't do it alone."

Lao You readily agreed.

After a while, Shen Anwan came over with the team.

When he saw Qiao Xiachu, he squinted his eyes and smiled, his smile was like sunshine in spring, radiating warmth and youthfulness.

The heart of a teenager is involuntarily attracted.

When the others saw Qiao Xiachu, they completely lost the resistance they had when they first met. One by one, they all felt the same, and stepped forward to show their hospitality.

"Sister Qiao, what do you want me to do, just arrange it."

"Sister, I have assigned my hands and feet to you."

"My dear sister, I will follow your command from now on."

A group of people flattered Qiao Xiachu wildly.

When Qiao Linmei saw it, she was immediately unhappy.

She pushed everyone one meter away, and said loudly with her hands on her hips, "Go away, go away, who is your sister, she is my sister, don't bark—"

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