The soldiers at the First Base soon realized that they had underestimated the enemy.

A small group of people had plenty of weapons, and within a short while, the other party dropped eight bombs in one go, blowing them off guard and turning them on their backs.

It wasn't until this time that they adjusted their mentality and fought back madly towards Qiao Xiachu.

The two sides fought to the death, and the young men finally took a breather, but they joined the battle without hesitation.

Qiao Xiachu didn't leave them behind.

Instead, wave after wave, she met most of the local lethality. How could they stand by and watch, a kind of karmic fire of fighting side by side was ignited in their hearts.

Qiao Xiachu held his gun and ran wildly all the way.

She is not good at fighting in the jungle, or in other words, she has no experience in fighting in any place, and everything is still for survival.

In order to ensure her own safety, she didn't feel bad about using explosives, and dropped them batch after batch.

"Going to step on the horse, we were beaten with our heads pressed down by a little girl."

"No, no, there is another one who is cold, this brat thief can hide, it's a ghost."


A shot came over, and the person who spoke was jumped directly.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck—"

Another soldier fled quickly.

At this moment, they realized that they didn't have enough gunpowder when they went out.

Yang Zhenshan just had a conflict with the chief manager, wanted to come out to get some air, and specially asked them to accompany him. He didn't expect that there was a firepower team hidden in the mountain.

What's even more perverted is that the opponent seems to have endless explosives. The endless bombing, plus a few cold shots from time to time, is really enough.

Under the bombardment after wave after wave, Yang Zhenshan couldn't sit still.

He left the team at the bottom of the mountain in minutes, and without saying a word, he asked a guard beside him to escort him back.

Qiao Xiachu found out that he was going to run away.

She didn't care so much, aimed at Yang Zhenshan's position, and slammed a high-power cannonball.


The loud noise shook the sky and shook the whole mountain.

The rocks rolled down one after another and attacked the group of people. Everyone was caught off guard and was directly overturned by the rolling stones. Then, Shen Anwan, who was dormant in the forest, took aim at the opportunity and sniped away.

In a short time, the people who besieged them were wiped out in sevens and eighties.

Qiao Xiachu threw a Snickers bar into his mouth to replenish his exhausted energy, then he jumped up and ran towards the hill.

When she ran to the top of the mountain with her weapon in hand, she found that Yang Zhenshan had disappeared, and all the guards around him were killed.

Qiao Xiachu thought for a while, and decided to wait for Rong Huaiyan to come back, and then go to the interior of Zoucheng together.

When she turned around, she found Erhei rushing forward with the team, making sure that she was safe and sound, and slowly put her heart back in her stomach.

"Girl, you're really scaring me to death. As long as it's okay, as long as it's okay, don't let you come out for such a trivial matter of killing pigs next time, do they all eat shit?" Er Hei said unhappily.

Thinking of Qiao Xiachu facing a group of people besieging him, his blood pressure almost went up.

"Uncle Hei, don't worry so much, I'm strong and I'm fine." Qiao Xiachu said with a smile.

"You girl, there's really nothing I can do with you." Erhei shook his head and said.

Qiao Linmei was sweating profusely.

Seeing that her sister was fine, she was overjoyed, but her fear did not diminish at all, and her tears burst into tears.

"Sister, if there is something wrong with you, how can I explain to my brother-in-law, even taking off the head is not enough." She said in a sobbing voice.

Qiao Xiachu shook his head.

She said: "What are you afraid of? If I don't have any strength, I will run for my life immediately. Hurry up, give the sow a shot, and drag the other wild boars back."

It was getting dark, and the insects in the forest were singing very cheerfully.

A group of people acted quickly and brought the shot wild boar back to the city.

The sow didn't wake up either.

Shen Anwan gave it another injection.

On the way back, his eyes fell on Qiao Xiachu's vigorous back, looking at her swaying ponytail, something stirred in his heart.

Seeing that he kept looking at her sister, Qiao Linmei was immediately displeased. She slapped him on the head and said displeasedly, "Where are you looking?"

Shen Anwan turned his head, gave her a hard look, and retorted, "What the hell are you doing."

When Qiao Xiachu was holding a gun, running wildly and throwing bombs, Shen Anwan discovered for the first time that there were fierce and beautiful women in this world.


He felt his soul being sucked out.

Until this moment, when he relaxed, he slowly came back to his senses.

Qiao Linmei sneered and said: "I'm afraid you don't know. My sister has a partner. She and my brother-in-law are a match made in heaven. She has a strong relationship. If you dare to mess with your mind, be careful that my brother-in-law will kill you!"

When Shen Anwan heard this, a trace of regret and pity suddenly appeared in his heart.

He wanted to see how sacred Qiao Xiachu's object was, who could embrace such a beautiful woman.

For an iron-blooded woman like Qiao Xiachu, most men shouldn't be in her eyes...

"I warn you, don't mess around, I will watch you." Qiao Lin said beautifully.

She was sure that there would not be another Rong Huaiyan in this world who could make her sister have 100% trust in him.

Even though my sister's attitude is very tough, and she doesn't have the shyness and softness of a girl, but in front of Rong Huaiyan, she always has a smile on her lips, and happiness cannot be deceived.

Qiao Linmei hopes that they will last forever.

Even in the last days, we can embrace each other until we grow old.

As soon as Qiao Xiachu went back, she followed Erhei and sent the sows to a large compound.

Wild boars are wild and difficult to tame. Even if you are pregnant with a baby, domesticating it is not an easy task, so Qiao Xiachu will follow along to have a look.

Seeing her, Lao You said with guilt on his face: "Mei Qiao, it was my lack of thoughtfulness that almost hurt you. Next time I won't let you take risks again."

Qiao Xiachu shook his head.

She briefly talked about how she met Yang Zhenshan during the day.

Lao You frowned.

"I'm afraid Zou Cheng is not peaceful. Since they found you, they will definitely send someone to set up an ambush on the top of the mountain. Maybe they will sneak to Feng'e City. I will strengthen the guards. Don't go out for now, so as not to be missed by him. " he exhorted.

"I see."

Qiao Xiachu verbally agreed.

She also wanted to go to Zoucheng.

"You go back to rest first, and tomorrow I have to invite you to cook the roasted pig yourself. The cook who followed us before died outside Lixi City. I took his backpack with a lot of seasonings. Erhei said your cook Art is the best, this time it depends entirely on you, let me try your handicraft." Lao You said with a smile.

"Success." Qiao Xiachu nodded.

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