Qiao Xiachu looked back, and when he saw the person coming, the corners of his lips curled up in a sneer.

"Hey, isn't this the famous lord of the first base in Zoucheng? Is there any gust of wind that blows you up the mountain?" She sneered.

On a huge boulder on the top of the mountain, isn't the one standing on the top of the mountain the leader of the first base, Yang Zhenshan.

Once upon a time, Yang Zhenshan was a well-known figure in Zoucheng. Wherever he was, no one dared to act presumptuously in front of him. He even claimed to be the king of Zoucheng. He said one thing, but no one dared to say another.

The natural disaster has not yet come, and the experts who have a lot of fluff under the banner have calculated that several sets of data are not right. The base has been built in the early stage of the flood, and the rich and famous in various fields have been recruited to connect to the base one by one.

The various equipment and arsenals inside the base are probably comparable to those in the Special Ninth District.

Qiao Xiachu was quite surprised.

Yang Zhenshan unexpectedly appeared on the mountain.

Look at his attire, it must be because the base is short of supplies, he should also come to the mountains to hunt wild goods.

"Qiao Xiachu, you and Rong Huaiyan, Zhou Daban are in the same group, don't think I don't know, you don't have to tell me Zhou Daban's address, or I will kill you now!"

Yang Zhenshan suddenly raised his gun.

A team suddenly appeared beside him, each one armed with live ammunition, full of murderous intentions.

The two young men dragging wild boars beside them turned pale with fright.

They are new recruits, and their strengths are surveying and pathfinding. Compared with Hu Guang, who has been through a lot of training, they are not at the same level in terms of combat.

Once facing a strong team, it is definitely the target of being crushed.

There are many opponents.

It is not easy at first glance.

They are fully fired, and there are not enough lunch boxes.

Qiao Linmei, who was going down the hill, saw that Qiao Xiachu hadn't come down, and was going to find her sister, but Shen Anwan grabbed her wrist.

"What are you doing?" She glared.

Shen Anwan was very alert.

He smelled the slight smell of gunpowder in the air, and said in a low voice: "Don't act rashly, I'm afraid there is danger ahead, let's lurk in the dark first, check it out before we move out."

Qiao Linmei quickly calmed down.

She quickly squatted down and said to him: "We will act separately. If something goes wrong, hurry back and find Uncle Hei, and ask him to bring a team to rescue."

Shen Anwan naturally understood.

He coincided with what Qiao Linmei thought.

If he could, he would find a chance to let Ah Si go back. Ah Si was as timid as a mouse, and it was most appropriate to let him go back to report the news.

Once encountering a crisis, Shen Anwan withdrew his arrogance, and the lion in his body began to awaken.

He quickly analyzed the scene, surveyed the terrain, then found cover, and walked towards the hillside a little bit. As for the sow behind him, they only had time to inject anesthesia, and they didn't care about it now.


Yang Zhenshan had a haughty expression on his face, his eyes were full of disdain and death-like indifference.

"Qiao Xiachu, you abducted Qiao Mobai, the real biologist at our base, and let him shine elsewhere. I haven't settled with you for this matter. Now I will give you a chance. If you send him back, I might spare your life," he said.

An ant is worth nothing.

If we let her go, we won't be able to make any waves.

He also inquired about the news from various parties, that the varieties that were originally resistant to cold and heat were created by Qiao Mobai, and he was the real genius.

Such a talent originally belonged to him.

Qiao Xiachu seemed to have heard a big joke.

"Then dare to ask Lord Yang, do you know a hero with your eyes? The talent is in your hands, is he a bear or a talent?" She sneered.

In the previous life, didn't Mo Bai stay at the first base?

Has he ever glowed?

Has he ever developed heat-resistant varieties?

Is it because he is not capable enough, or is Yang Zhenshan blind, after the base is stabilized, he only thinks about fighting for power every day, has he treated the people around him with heart?

"Qiao Xiachu!"

Yang Zhenshan was furious.

He has lost his patience.

A mere ordinary woman, for a little resources, went to curry favor with Zhou Daban, and even hooked up with Rong Huaiyan, such an ordinary character, dare to shout in front of him, it is really a broken world, no one dares to take him Seriously!

"Kill her."

Yang Zhenshan picked Qiao Xiachu coldly, with a hint of ferocity in his eyes.


A group of base soldiers with live ammunition opened fire on Qiao Xiachu and his party, unleashing all their firepower, sweeping towards Qiao Xiachu and the others.

The figure of Qiao Xiachu rushed quickly.

Her body was like a cheetah in the jungle, constantly dodging bullets, and after a while, she used the dense forest to hide her figure.

The young men behind them kept looking for cover.

But the action is too slow.

A young man fell directly to the ground, losing his vitality.

Several other people lay on the spot, rolled over and were hit by bullets, but fortunately there were many trees, so there were no fatal injuries.

But if the other party bites hard, everything will be hard to say.

Qiao Xiachu also left them alone.

The other party's group was obviously aiming at her, and at a critical moment, they left them and ran away alone, and there was inevitably a bit of resentment in their hearts.

Not far away, Shen Anzhen also found the armed forces sprinting down from the top of the mountain. Judging from the opponent's firepower and force value, they were completely crushed.

This is how to do?

Without even thinking about it, he turned around in a hurry, and after a while, following the scent, he found Qiao Linmei who was dormant, grabbed her arm and said, "Ah Si should have been shot, with his cowardly character, he couldn't stand it." Now, you go down the mountain to find the commander and let him lead the team up the mountain."

"No, I'm going to save my sister—"

Qiao Linmei firmly opposed it.

Shen Anwan's face darkened, and he glared angrily: "I am the captain, this is an order!"


Qiao Linmei's eyes widened angrily, wishing she could kill Shen Anwan with one bite.

At such a moment, he actually used the government to coerce her!

But after a long period of training in the Women's Corps, the idea of ​​killing people at the first grade has also penetrated into her heart, and she said bitterly: "I will go as soon as I go, but you must protect my sister. If something happens to her, I will not let you go." of."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Linmei hurried down the mountain.

She sprinted back desperately, she just wanted to go down the mountain quickly and find Erhei quickly.



Shen Anwan waited for Qiao Linmei to leave, then quickly rushed up the mountain, lurking in the dark and shooting coldly.

What he likes most is to put cold seeds.

Lu pony has reprimanded him many times, but he still can't control the beast in his heart, just want to bring down one by one, no matter what kind of martial arts it is.

The enemy is going to kill.

Where does he pay so much attention.


The soldiers at the base were shot and fell to the ground suddenly. They instantly realized that there were still people hiding in the mountains, and the team split into two parts in an instant, and moved towards Shen Anyu's direction.

Just when the young men felt that they were about to die, they saw a figure appearing suddenly, and a bullet rushed towards a soldier fiercely.

Whoosh whoosh.

One after another, the bullets shuttled.

The vigorous figure ran fast, shooting while running, and did not forget to throw bombs at them.

Boom boom boom boom.

The explosives were just like playing, one after another, crazily thrown towards the enemy.

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