Qiao Linmei naturally listened to her sister the whole time.

Even if the wild boar chased her, she would never shoot without Qiao Xiachu's permission.

As for the others...

One by one, they agreed with their mouths, but they were somewhat reluctant in their hearts.

Qiao Xiachu didn't have time to pay attention.

She spread her legs and set off. Along the way, the vigorous figure quickly shuttled through the mountains and forests. After a while, she chased to a waterhole. It was exactly as she had guessed in her heart, there were about 8 wild boars.

With the fighting power of Shen Anwan's team, it is estimated that at most one wild boar can be captured alive.

However, there is a pregnant sow in the herd.

That's it.

Qiao Xiachu grabbed a lively little white rabbit from space.

This rabbit is still raised and played by her.

She tied the rabbit with a rope and threw it out.

Wild boars are omnivores, they eat grass, nuts, tree roots, bird eggs, carrion, and will eat a little bit of animals such as hares and fawns.

The nature of animals, they smelled the smell of rabbits, and a few boars came over in an instant with their tusks raised.



The tusks of this group of wild boars haven't turned black yet, but their bodies have become leaner and their legs have become thicker. Part of their hair has fallen off, which is neither thick nor thin, but their eyes are extremely violent.

As soon as they saw the rabbits, they rushed over.

Seeing this, Qiao Xiachu kept pulling the rope...

On the road ahead, there are piles and piles of nuts she placed.

When the wild boar approached, she pulled the rope suddenly, and she pulled the rabbit back into space. When the wild boar found the nuts, it wagged its short tail and chased the nuts while eating.

When they entered the ambush circle, they were farther and farther away from the first two young men, and if they continued like this, the wild boar would leave their encirclement.

A young man hadn't seen Qiao Xiachu's figure, and all the dissatisfaction suppressed in his heart burst out, so he shot the wild boar's butt hastily.

The anesthetic needle was directly bounced off by the wild boar's thick skin.

But this move completely alarmed the wild boar, who immediately let out a low growl and rushed towards the hiding place of the two young men.

Boom boom boom——

The impact of wild boar is strong and violent.

As soon as he came, he overturned a person, and the two fangs stabbed towards the young man's stomach.

The people around were terrified, and quickly threw away the anesthesia gun, replaced it with a pistol, and aimed at the wild boar with one shot.


A bullet got stuck on the wild boar's thick skin, and it hardly stopped the wild boar's rapid impact.

Seeing that the young man was about to die on the spot.

The other brothers who were hiding in the dark couldn't bear it one by one, and rushed out to rescue them one after another.

Wild boars are not vegetarian either.

One, two, three... After a while, a dozen or so wild boars sprang out from the grass, and launched a frenzied attack on a group of people.

At the beginning, the young man was stabbed twice by the wild boar. The wild boar arched his body and slammed into the big tree violently, knocking him out of his body.

When Qiao Xiachu arrived, he was furious when he saw the chaotic scene.

Isn't she just going to catch a sow?

In just a few minutes, this group of people became a mess.

She slammed a rope shooting gun, hooked the boar's nose, pulled it hard, and quickly circled the big tree twice, trapping the wild boar, facing the running Shen Anwan and the boar. Qiao Linmei said: "Total annihilation, I have caught the target, and the others will be taken back to eat meat."

Qiao Xiachu took off from the spot, stepped on the boar's buttocks, flipped over, and took the young man a few meters away from the pig. Then, with fierce and quick moves, he tore off one of the man's sleeves, tore it into strips, and helped Xiaonian tied up his stomach and quickly stopped the bleeding.

She turned her head sharply, took out a gun from her waist, bent down suddenly, aimed at the bottom of the boar and fired a shot.

The roaring wild boar fell to the ground as soon as it fell, and Qiao Xiachu quickly slammed two bullets into the wild boar's forehead.

The wild boar thumped and fell to the ground with a whimper.

"Linmei, I'll go up and you down, hurry up, there are quite a few herds of wild boars nearby, once there's a big fight, it's not easy for us to go down the mountain." Qiao Xiachu said loudly.


Qiao Linmei rushed forward quickly, standing on the opposite side of the wild boar with her on one left and one on the right. The two cooperated perfectly, one up and one down, one left and one right.

Bullets flew out.

The gun never misses.

Every shot hits an important part of the wild boar with precision.

The body fell to the ground, and the forehead burst into pulp.

The two killed a wild boar with a few shots. Once the movement slowed down, the wild boar became violent and slammed into the surrounding trees, causing the trees to collapse and mess up the others.

It wasn't until this moment that Shen Anwan realized deeply why Lao You had arranged for Qiao Xiachu to be parachuted. If it wasn't for her, this seemingly simple task would have cost them all their troops.

They were blinded by their arrogance.

Paid the price.

"Brothers, go—"

Shen Anwan followed suit, aiming at the wild boar, and no matter how well targeted he was, he killed a wild boar.

A group of young people completely put away their arrogance at this moment, followed Qiao Xiachu to learn how to fight wild boars sincerely, and finally wiped out all the wild boars.

"The wild boars are all dead..." Shen Anwan said anxiously.

For the first time, he realized that he was stupider than a pig.

When I met Lu Ma before, he was always a thorn in the hands of others. Lu Ma always taught him patiently, but Qiao Xiachu was not his superior.

She went straight to the ruthless move.

Qiao Xiachu said lightly: "The sow I caught is by the puddle and has already been injected with anesthesia. Now I need to get a mend injection, otherwise it will wake up."

She led the wild boars into the encirclement so that they would not startle them, just to clean up the sows.

Using the space ranch, the sow was successfully collected, and then the sow's hogweed was doped with an anesthetic with the mind, and then released after it was stunned.

It doesn't cost a single soldier, and it's so easy.

It's just that I didn't expect Shen Anwan to be too impulsive. Compared with Lu Ma, he was far behind in terms of action ability, observation ability and leadership ability.

"Really? That's great. I knew my sister was the best in the world." Qiao Lin couldn't help but be overjoyed.

She clapped her hands repeatedly, hugged Qiao Xiachu's arm, and jumped up and down.

But Shen Anwan's heart was overwhelmed.

In other words, within ten minutes of Qiao Xiachu's absence, she could have managed a sow by herself!

Is that human being?

"Let's go, go down the mountain quickly, it's getting dark, if you don't go, there will be a lot of snakes, insects, rats and ants at night, it's very unsafe." Qiao Xiachu urged.

They brought a net and dragged the wild boar down the mountain.

As for the sow, I'm afraid there will be two people on it, so let's carry it away.

After all, it is alive.

This time, Shen Anwan was honest with all his heart, and said to Qiao Xiachu: "Miss Qiao, we will follow your arrangement, please give the order."

Seeing this, Qiao Xiachu was not ambiguous, and directly arranged for him and Qiao Linmei to tie up the sows, and at the same time teach them how to anesthetize the sows.

Others pulled the killed wild boar into the net.

While everyone was busy, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Qiao Xiachu.

"Miss Qiao, don't come here without any harm. Did you come to the wrong place?" The visitor looked at Qiao Xiachu with piercing eyes, with a venomous snake-like coldness in his eyes.

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