Seeing that they didn't listen, Qiao Xiachu naturally ignored them.

She is not their parents.

Life and death are not up to her!

In her previous life, she had encountered a wild boar when she and her team went hunting in the mountains before the fog.

The wild boar's tusks are black, its body is thin, its hair is thick, and its four hooves are super fierce. When it bites people's stomachs, almost no one survives.

When nature changes, animals and plants are the most sensitive. Animals that can survive the disaster have super adaptability, and they have also evolved accordingly, becoming extremely fierce and brutal.

Lao You asked Rong Huaiyan to lead a team to dig coal mines, intending to organize people to run the power supply system in the city, and then let Erhei lead a team to search around the city to see if he could find some usable seeds. Planting is the best.

In order to solve the urgent need, someone proposed to go hunting in the mountains.

Lao You agreed.

But in the long run, captive and domesticated animals are still very important, so he personally found Qiao Xiachu and wanted to invite her to lead a team into the mountains to catch wild boars.

Qiao Xiachu didn't want to move at first.

Domesticating wild boars is not so easy. The destructive power of this thing is not ordinary. It is difficult to catch it back, but considering that the area is adjacent to Zoucheng, maybe you can go back by the way and explore the situation of the first base in Zoucheng. .

No matter how bad it is, they hunted a group of wild boars, and they could bring them back and dry them to make dried bacon, or make them into canned meat, which would last for a while.

"Are you all itchy? Disobedient, be careful to entrust your life to the mountain when the time comes, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Qiao Linmei was furious every minute when she saw the team members being negligent.

Shen Anwu has no objection to Qiao Xiachu's arrangement.

However, he was originally the captain of the advance team, and suddenly a Qiao Xiachu was airborne to take him off the ground, which made him a little bit dissatisfied and suspicious of him.

These days, you don't have to be beautiful to be a leader.

If you don't have any skills, even the nine lives of the cat demon are not enough.

"Okay, let's go." Qiao Xiachu said.

At this time, Rong Huaiyan led the team to go to the mining area. When he saw her, he came over, pulled her aside, and said in a low voice, "I'll give you some weapons and a helicopter. Here's another Take the instructions for flying the helicopter, just in case."

Additional weapons.

Qiao Xiachu likes it.

She smiled and nodded: "Okay, last time I asked you to get a batch, you were too busy, I didn't have a chance to say a few words to you."

Rong Huaiyan has been thinking about this.

He came to a conclusion during the battle of Lixi City. When encountering a powerful enemy, the firepower must be sufficient. Just using bombs can blow up the opponent's base into a carpet.

In this battle, he unlocked a large number of weapons again.

"Be careful, don't think about going to Zoucheng, if you really want to go, I'll take you with me, be good, you must be obedient." Rong Huaiyan found out her small thoughts in one fell swoop.

Qiao Xiachu pouted: "How do you know?"

Rong Huaiyan leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek, the soft touch made him tremble all over.

"When someone said that Zoucheng was on the other side of the mountain, I noticed that your eyes lit up. I still don't know what you think?" He whispered.

"..." Qiao Xiachu.

Count him as ruthless.

She had to temporarily suppress her thoughts.

"I know you've always wanted to find out about Liu Hexie, and that's what I'm worried about, but this matter can't be rushed. She hasn't revealed her true face so far, so she's already prepared. I'm afraid she'll dig a hole for us to jump in." Rong Huai Yan said.

He didn't do nothing either.

In Zoucheng, he also had two informants, and asked them to secretly investigate the news about Liu Hexie.

As long as the two of them survived the natural disaster, they would find something out.

"Okay, I won't be impulsive." Qiao Xiachu nodded.

She didn't have any materials in her previous life. She was able to survive for many years because of her calm temper.

Not long after, the two found a large warehouse with no one there. After completing the handover, they set off with their teams.

As soon as Qiao Xiachu went out, Qiao Linmei leaned forward and joked with a smile: "Sister, what did brother-in-law tell you, you look so radiant..."

"piss off."

Qiao Xiachu's cheeks turned red instantly.

This scene was seen by Qiao Linmei, and her eyes were even more malicious.

She smirked and said, "Sister, do you think I will have a little nephew in the future?"


Qiao Xiachu glared at her.

She said: "When do you think this is the end of the world, wouldn't it be suicide to have a child?"

The disaster is not over.

After the extreme heat period, the plague of insects and rats has already happened, the mudslides that should not have happened have come, and there are plagues that have not happened, heavy fog, and what follows... Especially when the big earthquake comes, the whole earth seems to be broken into pieces scum.

No good land is complete.

How do children survive?

Just like she can save a pregnant woman and a baby today, but who knows whether it is a blessing or a disaster? What should the couple do to raise their baby?

The cry that symbolized the new life, she felt absurd, but extremely real.

In the last days, when encountering even greater disasters, you can't guarantee your own safety, so what can you do to protect your immature children... That kind of despair and helplessness is too tormenting.

She doesn't want to go to that day.

"Oh, I was just talking too fast. Sister, don't be angry." Qiao Linmei stuck out her tongue.

"Let's go."

Qiao Xiachu didn't tell her that nothing happened between her and Rong Huaiyan.

Isn't it... busy.

When everyone advanced for more than half a day, they finally came to the foot of the mountain, had a simple rest, and ate something casually, and the team continued to move towards the mountain.

After the extreme heat period ended, the mountain forest quickly recovered, with weeds growing everywhere, bushes growing in the forest, all kinds of insects flying around in a hurry, and the smell was very strong.

Qiao Xiachu went to the dense forest and saw a stump with friction marks.

"Hey, this height looks like a wild boar rubbing its fur. There shouldn't be any wild boars around here." A young man said cheerfully.

Carrying guns, ammunition and various tools on their backs, they shuttled between the mountains and forests. If they came here, if they continued to go deeper, it would be inconvenient to go back at night.

"Go and hibernate over there." Qiao Xiachu clicked a spot.

The two young men were stunned.

What's the meaning?

Let them squat in the thick grass?

What if the bark falls off due to an accident, and they lie down for a long time and encounter snakes, insects, centipedes, poisonous scorpions, etc., what should they do?

This woman doesn't treat them as human beings!

"Not yet!" Qiao Linmei waved her fist.

The two of them squatted down reluctantly and hibernated in the grass.

Qiao Xiachu felt that it was not enough.

The smell of people is too strong.

She grabbed a large pile of smelly soil and touched the two of them, until the two looked hopeless, and then gave up.

The two murmured an "old witch" in their hearts, then stared blankly, waiting to see Qiao Xiachu's joke.

Qiao Xiachu arranged for others to hide in the grass and set up an ambush circle.

"Sister, where should I hide?" Qiao Linmei asked.

Qiao Xiachu shook his head: "No, you and Shen Anwan went to dig pits and pull nets, and I drove the wild boars into the ambush circle. Remember, no one is allowed to shoot without my order, do you hear me?"

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