Qiao Xiachu went back and washed it again before taking Qiao Mobai to the hospital.

Feng'echeng Hospital basically has all the equipment.

It's a pity that the medicines in the hospital were cleaned up, not even a cardboard box. They were either used up or emptied in one go.

As soon as the medical team arrived, they found their respective positions and started to work.

After Zhou Jiaomei was sent in, she was pushed into the nursing ward.

At this moment, many people came to the hospital one after another, moaning, crying, wailing, shouting, tearing, and so on.

It's a pity that a clever woman can't cook without rice. Even if there are equipment, doctors and nurses, if there is any problem found, there is no way to treat it, and I can only give a few words of advice.

After Qiao Xiachu rushed to the ward, she took a closer look at Zhou Jiaomei.

"How is it?" Qiao Mobai asked.

She nodded, and just as she was about to speak, the door was pushed open, and Hu Guang and Er Hei rushed in one after another, one with a bucket and the other with a piece of cloth, probably looking for water outside to scrub Zhou Jiaomei.

As soon as they saw Qiao Xiachu, they hurried forward, grabbed her and said, "You're finally here, how is Jiaomei? Why haven't you woken up?"

"What's the hurry? My sister just showed her and was about to tell me." Qiao Mobai said.

Upon hearing this, Hu Guang and Er Hei fell silent, staring at Qiao Xiachu intently.

Qiao Xiachu calmly said: "Her body is recovering very well. She has been lying down for so long without any bedding. The nursing team is really top-notch, but I don't know why she didn't wake up."

No, I don't know!

All three were stunned.

"Yes, I'm not a fairy, and there's only one bottle of this potion. It wasn't meant to save people, but I gave it to her by mistake. Of course, I don't know what side effects it will have," she said.

Zhou Jiaomei's pulse is normal, even stronger than the average person's, almost like a man's.

Damaged bones also healed, whether in the hands or legs.

There is nothing wrong with it.

It stands to reason that she should wake up after recovering so well.

Why she still can't wake up, she can't figure it out.

"It's okay, as long as Jiaomei is still alive, I can accept anything, and I have no problem taking care of her for the rest of her life." Hu Guang said.

Erhei repeatedly patted him on the shoulder, approving: "As expected of my son-in-law Zhou Daban."

Both of them were wounded.

Especially Erhei, who was shot twice, if the doctor hadn't taken out the bullets in time and stopped the bleeding quickly, he would have reported to the Palace of Hell long ago.

But being able to take care of his daughter made him feel much more at ease.

Qiao Xiachu stayed in the hospital for a while, and left the hospital not long after, planning to go back to make dinner and wait for Rong Huaiyan to come back for dinner.

There is no food reserve in the base. When the residents in the city were fleeing famine, they followed Qiao Xiachu to see the power of nature, and began to spontaneously go out to pick wild vegetables, dig loaches, dig tree roots, and look for all kinds of edible things.

The city is uninhabited, the grass is overgrown, the vines are everywhere, and the trees are also taking root everywhere. Some houses are also entangled by big trees and become dilapidated.

Not every house is suitable for living.

After the advance team's detection mission was completed, they began to clean the city, deal with all kinds of weeds, and clean up the living areas of residents to avoid secondary harm to people from various unknown poisonous insects and snakes.

In the team, Qiao Linmei has gradually grown into a small team leader who can take care of herself. Once Shen Anwan leaves the team, she can handle it by herself.

There were two young men in the team who felt admiration for her, shyly and timidly teasing her a few words from time to time, she pretended to be confused and laughed it off.

Ever since she witnessed the love affair between Hu Guang and Zhou Jiaomei, she suddenly realized that there should be no love in the end of the day. Without the superb skills of her sister and brother-in-law, Dumei is the best choice.

Now, with her small heart, she can only pretend that the next thing is to seek revenge from Liu Hexie.

The enemy never dies for a day, and she is not in the mood to think about anything else.

Keep getting stronger.

Keep training hard.

She wants to improve her ability, increase her ability!

In order to sharpen her will, she followed Shen Anwan into the depths of the dense forest many times, encountered various dangers, and never said a word, maintaining a high degree of vigilance.

At first, Shen Anwan didn't trust her, thinking that she was a woman, no matter what, her physical endurance was limited, and she couldn't be compared with male soldiers.

But after entering Feng'e City, after several experiences, he found that one Qiao Linmei could be as good as three or four new recruits.

Shen Anwan handed over the task to her with confidence.

Qiao Lin is happy.

The thief has a sense of accomplishment.

She experienced the trust gained through hard work with both hands, and the results obtained by overcoming difficulties. This kind of solidity filled her thin background and broadened the width of her life.

It turned out that this feeling is so wonderful.

She gradually fell in love with it.

Therefore, every time she went on a mission, she acted like a desperate person, making Shen Anwan a little confused, thinking that she was using too much force, and couldn't figure out what she was trying to do.

Until this day, Lao You's new mission was to let Qiao Xiachu lead the advance team members into the high mountain connecting Feng'e City and Zou City, capture two wild boars in the mountain, and raise them in captivity.

This task is much more difficult than hunting wild boars.

The two young men of the advance team said in a bewildered expression: "How can this be done? What kind of animal is a wild boar, and it is very aggressive. Its fangs can kill people. I think it is mysterious enough."

"The commander is taking it for granted. Hunting and killing wild boars is still possible. It is not so easy to catch them alive."

Other members also whispered, thinking it was impossible.

Qiao Linmei's face darkened, and she said coldly, "Shut up!"

All the people shut their mouths one after another, not daring to speak again.

But when the anger suppressed by majesty is written on the cheeks, there are naturally many emotions.

Qiao Linmei pursed her lips and said: "You don't know my sister's achievements back then. She cooperated with my brother-in-law to kill a wild boar with two shots. Who can do it?"

Shen Anwan was quite surprised.

He had never seen Qiao Linmei defend someone so much.

Unexpectedly, when she was protecting Qiao Xiachu, her eyes were shining brightly, as if she was protecting the moonlight in her heart!

He couldn't help but look sideways.

Qiao Linmei is the happiest person.

It's been a long time since I saw my sister, and I can still go on missions together.

What a happy event.

She grabbed Qiao Xiachu's arm and said, "Sister, I didn't expect you to fight side by side with us. Is this the second time I have cooperated with my sister? Hee hee..."

All kinds of things at that time, she recalled, her cheeks flushed slightly.

It's so embarrassing.

Qiao Xiachu gave her a head-bump and said, "This time, you have to fight hard, not only to protect yourself, but also to complete the task of commanding."


Qiao Linmei kicked her legs, stood at attention, and saluted.

Her straight legs were no longer slender and thin as before, but full of muscles, full of the beauty of strength.

Qiao Xiachu looked at her and was naturally happy for her.

She proposed a bag, released the anesthesia needles inside one by one, and said to everyone: "When you encounter wild boars, don't be impulsive. After several years of natural disasters, their bodies have changed, and their skin is thicker than before. Anesthesia needles are not easy to get rid of." Go in, so we must cooperate in twos and twos..."

Qiao Xiachu explained the rules again.

It's a pity that this group of young people obviously couldn't listen, thinking that she was making a fuss out of a molehill.

She said no more.

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