
A man knelt directly in front of Qiao Xiachu.

Startled her a lot.

"What are you doing?" Qiao Mobai stood in front of her sister with a look of wariness.

The man grabbed Qiao Mobai's leg, his face was like a bitter melon, his brows were wrinkled, and he was staring at the siblings, his eyes were full of pleading and deep pain.

"Avalokitesvara, please save my wife. She is in childbirth, she is suffering from dystocia and bleeding, and she is about to die. Please save her life. I will kowtow to you, kowtow to you—"

The man kowtowed fiercely to the floor tiles, bleeding from his head, continuously flowing down his cheeks, his dark red eyes were full of bloodshot eyes.

Qiao Xiachu was very helpless.

No matter what time, she still wants to have a baby.

But looking at the man in front of him, Qing Ya and Ah Feng came to mind...

"Then take me to see it." She gritted her teeth.

The man was overjoyed immediately, got up from the ground again and again, and took Qiao Xiachu and his brother to leave the Huanya community together, and came to the yard of Dongdajie.

The pregnant woman was sent to the residents' lounge in the compound, and the ping-pong table became her operating table. She kept wailing and moaning, and her painful voice was faint.

Blood flowed down from the stage, a dark red color.

There were several middle-aged aunts around the door, all of them were more or less injured, their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and none of them had neat eyebrows.

They whispered.

"Hey, Ah Qin is a hard-working child, and was killed while fleeing."

"That's right, she's a pretty good man. He didn't dislike her, so he took her with him."

"God give us a way to survive."

Qiao Xiachu naturally heard it.

She walked in with heavy steps.

A pregnant woman is bleeding heavily, her foundation is hollowed out by natural disasters, and she has no medical conditions. In this case, the chance of surviving is very low...

"You guys go out first." Qiao Xiachu chased away the melon-eating crowd.

The man shook his head firmly.

He said: "I want to stay with Ah Qin. If something happens to her, what am I doing alive? I've had enough of these miserable days, and I don't want to hold on any longer."

Qiao Xiachu sighed in his heart.

She walked up to the pregnant woman, pretended to take something from the backpack, transferred a century-old ginseng tablet from space, pressed it under the pregnant woman's tongue, and said to her: "You will be fine, your husband is by your side to accompany you."

The pregnant woman whimpered, with a sallow face, thin and thin, except for a protruding belly, almost the whole body was skinny, and the eye sockets were sunken.

Apparently the baby sucked what little nutrition she had left.

Qiao Xiachu took out the silver needles, first sterilized several acupoints of the pregnant woman, and then inserted the silver needles into the acupoints.

She is slowly massaging the pregnant woman's belly, pushing her uterus.

"Miss Qiao, the fetal position of the pregnant woman is not correct. We have no conditions to have a caesarean section. I'm afraid..." A doctor reminded Qiao Xiachu vaguely that the pregnant woman might not be saved.

Even if the bleeding is stopped, the fetal position is not correct, and it is still fatal.

Qiao Xiachu stretched out her hand to touch the pregnant woman's belly, and roughly felt the position of the fetus in the belly. It was obvious that the legs were underneath, so it was no wonder that there was heavy bleeding.

This kind of forced delivery is the easiest way to kill two people.

She had only learned how to push the fetal position in the "Emperor's Classic", but hadn't tried it in reality, and it was a bit difficult to make a decision for a while.

It's not good to cure people to death...

"Qiao Bodhisattva, I just ask you to save her and let Ah Qin suffer less. If not, I won't trouble you. This is fate. God will kill us, so there is nothing to complain about." The man cried.

Ah Qin kept saying that she was dirty, wanted to kill the child, skipped eating several times, and wanted to starve herself to death, but he couldn't bear her to leave.

In this terrible world, it is difficult to survive itself. Countless people can't stand it and choose to end their lives. He has lived to this day, and Ah Qin is his spiritual support.

Ah Qin is gone, what else is worth his continued suffering?

Qiao Xiachu took a deep look at the man.

She took off the plastic gloves, sanitized them with alcohol, put her hands on the pregnant woman's big belly, and then put her ears on it, listening carefully.

After a while, she took a deep breath, and then turned her hands like a steering wheel, round after round.

The two doctors saw that the belly of the pregnant woman was rolling. Between the ups and downs, it seemed like a fetus was turning around, and the child's legs and head could be clearly seen...


The pregnant woman cried in pain.

But she obviously felt that her body was not bleeding anymore, and the ginseng slices in her mouth also felt warm and moist, and the strong bitterness stimulated her, keeping her awake all the time.

"Okay, the fetal position is right now, Ah Qin, I told you to use your strength, you have to use all your strength, do you hear me?" Qiao Xiachu said loudly.


The pregnant woman snorted with a crying voice.

Her man ran forward quickly, hugged his wife's head, grabbed her hand, and said forcefully, "Ah Qin, don't be afraid. If it hurts, just bite me. I'm not afraid of pain."

As he spoke, he put his arm under his wife's mouth.

Tears flowed from Ah Qin's eyes.

"Ah Qin, use your strength—"

A shout sounded in her ears, and the pregnant woman struggled with all her strength.

"Okay, take your time, you can already see the child's hair."

Pregnant women covered in sweat and blood.

She obeyed Qiao Xiachu's order, and exerted force again and again. At the last moment, something came out of her stomach, and she collapsed instantly.

"Come out, come out—"

"Wow wow wow, that's amazing."

The two doctors jumped up and down.

They are all obstetrical delivery doctors, this happens a lot, and they can be sent to the operating room in time for caesarean section in the hospital.

Under the current conditions, the pregnant woman can give birth smoothly and even stop the bleeding, which is really extraordinary.

Qiao Xiachu was also sweating profusely from exhaustion.

A cry sounded.

The cry was loud and clear, resounding in everyone's ears.

The next thing is very simple, the doctor is no stranger to clean up the child smoothly, help the pregnant woman clean up the congested placenta...

The man hugged his wife, crying and laughing: "Ah Qin, you are so brave and amazing."

Ah Qin's tears didn't stop.

She was still awake, and said in a hoarse voice: "It was Dr. Qiao who saved me. She is our savior. Kowtow to her for me."

The man wept with joy and kept wiping away his tears.

In the next second, he rushed to Qiao Xiachu's side and kowtowed several times. The congealed gash on his forehead was knocked open again, and the blood couldn't hold back in an instant.

Qiao Xiachu shook his head.

She said: "Okay, your wife still needs your care, don't hurt yourself."

After speaking, she turned around and went out.

There was blood all over her body, and she was quite uncomfortable.

But that's nothing.

If Qing Ya is still alive, she can also help Qing Ya deliver the baby...

It is fatal to give birth to a child in the last days.

But she hoards a lot of baby supplies in space, and it is not a problem to raise ten, but it is a pity that there is no if.

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