When Qiao Xiachu heard Rong Huaiyan's words, her cheeks flushed slightly, she stretched out her hand to hit him, and said with a smile: "Okay, what are you talking about here, don't force yourself to add drama."

The so-called show of affection, die quickly.

She doesn't like talking about you and me in public. It's other people's freedom to do what others do, but if she makes out in public, she will feel... hot eyes.

So, in order to prevent Rong Huaiyan from doing more extreme things, she grabbed his hand, dragged him outside the house, gave him a hammer, and said angrily, "What are you doing?"


Before she could react, Rong Huaiyan hugged her tightly, so tight that she had difficulty breathing.

"What are you doing?" She punched him vigorously.

The fist hit his chest like raindrops, but the power was only one percent of that when killing the enemy, and it was a little numb. Rong Huaiyan leaned into her ear and whispered: "In the future, Shen Anyu is not allowed to go out on missions, except for him , shit is fine."

"..." Qiao Xiachu.

But shit can't get out of the mission.

She stomped her feet: "What are you doing? Are you jealous? That little guy hasn't even grown all his hair yet. What country do you eat vinegar from?"

Rong Huaiyan's eyes were cold.

He said, "I'm a man, can't you tell?"

"Are you saying that Shen Anwan has ulterior motives for me? Could it be that he sees that I have many weapons and wants to grab them?" Qiao Xiachu immediately rang the alarm.

In the end of the world, few people think about falling in love.

Once anyone has their minds on her, she immediately starts to take precautions. The first reaction is naturally that the other party must be here for supplies. Even if it is not supplies, she still wants to keep her in captivity as a "pet".

There is not so much tenderness and affection between people in the last days.

Rong Huaiyan curled his lips into a wicked smile.

It's a good idea.

His woman is so cute that it explodes.

"Well, this kind of person always glances at you. If you watch too much, if he finds out, it's not safe. You must stay away from him." He coaxed.

Qiao Xiachu nodded repeatedly.

She agreed with his point of view. For a while, Shen Anwan was included in her prevention list. Once he threatened her safety...she would not show mercy.

Rong Huaiyan hugged her tightly, and said in a hot voice, "Qiao Qiao, tonight I want...to sleep with you."

sleep together?

Qiao Xiachu's cheeks flushed.

She pushed him away: "I'm not used to it, and it's not safe for two people to sleep together. In case of danger, it's easy to relax your guard. When someone invades or a natural disaster suddenly strikes, you will lose your chance to escape."

Even after being reborn, she has countless supplies, and she has never let down her vigilance against natural disasters.

From beginning to end, her goal has never changed.


In the last days, live.

This is her greatest belief.

Rong Huaiyan was full of enthusiasm and was forcibly suppressed.

He can understand Jojo.

A person has lived in the last days for many years, experienced the darkest moments, and died and was reborn again. It is definitely harder than going to heaven to make her act coquettishly and softly like ordinary women.

He doesn't force her.

"Okay, I will wait for you, until the day you accept me completely." He said slowly.

As long as he was alive, he had the chance to walk into her heart.

She was able to go from stranger to acquaintance, to deep trust, to agreeing to associate with him... There were many accidental factors in the first place, and he couldn't push her into a hurry.

Qiao Xiachu is not greedy.

She didn't want much.

It would be best if the two of them could always trust each other and live together until the end of the doomsday. As for the lingering, love as deep as the sea, she didn't have such a need.

Or, in her heart, the desire for love is not so strong.

The most sincere trust she can give him is already all she has.

Going deeper, it is no longer a realm she can understand.

Under the dark night, Shen Anwan stood where Qiao Xiachu left, sniffing the fragrance of her body in the air, slightly moved, and the heart in his chest was also beating wildly.


Behind him, a loud slap came over.

Shen Anwan struck out in time and grabbed the opponent's palm.

Qiao Linmei kicked it up, and then was blocked by Shen Anwu's arm. The two fought for several rounds, but neither of them got any benefit from the other.

Qiao Linmei was annoyed.

She stepped back a few steps, and said displeasedly: "Shen Anwan, what are you doing? That disgusting look in your eyes, maybe you are thinking..." She must be her sister.

Look at how drunk he is.

Can not bear to look.

Shen Anwan's face darkened, and he lowered his voice and said, "What I think is none of your business, you'd better not interfere with me, that's my freedom."

"But, you shouldn't miss other people's wives. If you do this again, I will report you to the commander." Qiao Linmei said.

Shen Anwan laughed twice.

He said: "My thoughts belong to me, my hands and feet are controlled by my thoughts, and I haven't crossed the threshold. Think about it, do I still break the law?"


He witnessed Qiao Xiachu standing next to Rong Huaiyan, his usually tough and cold face was unexpectedly soft, his eyes were no longer indifferent, with a lingling warmth, that was not the sister Qiao he knew!

Wake up time.

He is more determined.

Silently like it, don't bother.

This does not affect Qiao Xiachu.

When a person's heart grows out, it doesn't mean that if you pinch it off, its temperature will instantly cool down, at least he is not that kind of person.

Qiao Linmei was a little speechless.

She sneered and said, "I used to have a crush on others, but once I found out that he has someone he likes, I cut off my thoughts in minutes. Don't pull the banner and want to do other things."

Shen Anwan flicked her hand violently.

He said: "No, you are infatuated, it's not liking, it's not that you are sincere to a person. If you fall in love with someone, it will be hard to get it back. You can't get it back if you want to."

After finishing speaking, Shen Anwan strode into the night, walked silently on the empty street, felt the coolness of the night, and slowly calmed down a restless heart.

Lu Ma once said: "Stinky boy, when you like a woman one day, you will understand: once a real man is sincere, even if he gives the whole world to his palm, the only thing he thinks about in his mind is always her. Alone. No matter how beautiful and moving the woman beside him is, in his eyes, she is nothing more than dust."

Shen Anwan used to not understand.

It's a pity that once you start to understand, your heart can't be withdrawn.

It's hard to get overwhelmed.

Qiao Xiachu couldn't understand the young man's mind.

She lay on the bed, tossing and turning.

After taking a shower at night, she dried her hair, sat on the balcony and enjoyed the cold wind for a while, feeling the rare peaceful time in the last days.

After taking a shower, Rong Huaiyan came over to hug her, and went back to sleep.

She saw a touch of enthusiasm in the man's eyes.

That was beyond her comprehension.

After going back to the room and lying down, Rong Huaiyan's restrained eyes were all lingering in his mind, why is it a bit... hard to look at like that.

After thinking about it, she forcibly threw away distracting thoughts and went to sleep seriously.

But what was annoying was that the more serious she was about sleeping, the more she couldn't fall asleep, and she didn't fall asleep drowsily until early in the morning.

After dawn, several people knocked on the door and called Rong Huaiyan out.

When he came in again, a smirk appeared on the corner of the man's lips, and he said, "We're going to do something big today."

Qiao Xiachu didn't sleep well, but when he heard that something big was going to happen, he immediately regained his energy.

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