Rong Huaiyan took Qiao Xiachu all the way out of the community, and after entering an uninhabited area, he took out an off-road vehicle from the system, and the two of them got into the vehicle one after another.

After the car started, Rong Huaiyan said: "The person I sent to Zoucheng has returned, and he brought all the news, including the first base."


Rong Huaiyan nodded.

It should be said.

A reckless person like Yang Zhenshan, if it weren't for his inherent position and the resources in his hands, Erhei would not have entered the first base.

He's the kind of person who doesn't have much vision and is too narrow-minded.

If Zou Cheng dominates the first base, it's fine.

For example, in the memory of Qiao Qiao's previous life, the first base has been standing still, and it has survived for ten years, almost until the end of the world.

But this life is different.

Together with him, Qiao Xiachu killed Mao Xiaomiao on the 18th floor. She also saved Wang Yinghui's wife, allowing Wang Yinghui to build the fifth base with hope.

Wang Yinghui has a quick mind and is good at winning people's hearts. The Fifth Base is thriving under his management.

During the extremely hot period, a lot of heat-resistant sweet potatoes were planted. After the high temperature ended, the weather was better. There were plagues of rats and locusts in the middle, and other small disasters continued one after another.

But he has been leading the people to actively think of ways to overcome difficulties. Under such harsh conditions, he has also planted a large amount of food, and he insisted on feeding many people.

Survivors who fled from other places came here especially, and were also brought under his command. After a series of rectifications, the fifth base was built in style.

There are towns, safe houses made of titanium alloys, and dungeons, as well as production lines for medicines and daily necessities, which are being expanded in an orderly manner and unfolded in an orderly manner.

Wang Yinghui's influence continued to grow.

Yang Zhenshan couldn't sit still.

He originally hoarded enough materials, but he couldn't bear the loss of population. Even if the base hoarded a lot of seeds or various equipment, no one participated in the construction, and the base gradually withered.

Yang Zhenshan went secretly to the fifth base to sabotage.

Especially when the wheel was dropped once, the people in the base were vomiting and diarrhea, making Wang Yinghui exhausted and busy running around, waiting to find out the source.

Wang Yinghui was furious.

The two bases exchanged fire and fought several times.

Yang Zhenshan gradually showed signs of failure.

Last time, the reason why he went up the mountain was to find out if there were any resources in the mountain, or if there was any entrance to the fifth base's heavy firepower.

Unfortunately, he met Qiao Xiachu halfway...

Upon hearing this, Qiao Xiachu looked at Rong Huaiyan and said with a smile, "You don't mean to..."

"Well, as you guessed."

Rong Huaiyan agreed with her without hesitation.

Qiao Xiachu couldn't help laughing.

She joked: "I didn't even say it, you know it?"

Holding the steering wheel, Rong Huaiyan glanced at her, the corners of his lips curled up in a big arc, and said in a cold voice: "It's still guesswork, when encountering such a thing, it is natural to take advantage of his illness to kill him, at this time If you don’t do it, when will you do it?”

Lao You has already nodded.

He secretly dispatched a team and set off ahead of time when he was reporting, and asked them to sneak into Zoucheng and meet up near the first base.

Qiao Xiachu: "That's the best. Feng'e City's medical care is empty now. If we can replenish a batch of medicine and other supplies from the first base, it will definitely be a timely help."

Rong Huaiyan nodded.

Lao You has exactly this intention.

He fully supports Rong Huaiyan's activities, all firepower and manpower are at his disposal.

It's just that Rong Huaiyan looked down on the recruits, so he let a group of old people join the battle, and he didn't approve any of the other volunteers who applied to join.

"Go ahead." Qiao Xiachu covered her mouth and laughed.

Bad guy, she did it.

It would be a pity for her not to empty out the first base.

Yang Zhenshan, the coward, left the team alone and ran away secretly.

If he had been caught last time, he might have entered the first base in one breath, leaving him no room to breathe.

It's no wonder that the first base found that there were people in Feng'e City, but they never sent anyone to harass them. It turned out that they themselves were already in danger.

For the first time, Qiao Xiachu realized that the person she accidentally saved had played such a big role in directly changing the situation in Zoucheng.


People like this should be saved more.

When the car reached the foot of the mountain, Rong Huaiyan took back the off-road vehicle, and the two walked towards the mountain on foot.

while walking.

Qiao Xiachu heard movement in the mountains.

Rong Huaiyan naturally found out too.

The two looked at each other, then stooped, looked for two big trees, and secretly hid their figures.

Boom boom boom——

The cry of wild boars sounded from not far away.

Not long after, a group of wild boars rushed wildly.

In front of the wild boars, a thin figure was running wildly, and from time to time, he swiped his gun back, and the bullets hit the wild boars precisely, but the number of wild boars was too large, and the bullets passed by the wild boars' fur, stimulating the group of pigs to go crazy.

Qiao Xiachu took a closer look and found that the person running wildly was Shen Anyu.

She froze.

"What the hell?" she whispered.

Rong Huaiyan came over quietly, took her hand and said: "Don't care about him, who knows what kind of muscle this brat made a mistake. He came to the mountains alone to find wild boars, and let him be crushed to death by the pigs."

He dragged her and walked towards the top of the mountain.

Normally, Qiao Xiachu might save someone.

But as soon as she thought that Shen Anwan had thought about her, she left with Rong Huaiyan without any psychological burden.

After they left, Shen Anwan was wildly chased by wild boars. After several attacks, he only killed two wild boars. Seeing that he was no match for the group of boars, he retreated down the mountain.

Shen An's brain circuit was a little tricky.

He thought about killing a few more pigs, and then asked Qiao Xiachu to make another batch of dry bacon for the base, so that everyone could have another delicious meal.

Every time there are many people, he can look at her a few more times from a distance in the crowd.

This is the only purpose of life he found in the doomsday.

Zoucheng, the first base.

Yang Zhenshan slapped the table fiercely, and said with an angry face: "What's the matter? Wang Yinghui is a bastard, do you want to grab it? Is he sick? Even if I don't want the land in the development zone, he is not qualified to plant it."

He Xu bowed his head and remained silent.


Yang Zhenshan just slapped him when he went up.

He became angry with embarrassment: "Even you don't take me seriously anymore? What are you? Isn't it just a dog I adopted? I let you become the watchdog of the first base and enjoy the honor that others don't have. You Is this how you repay me?"

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