He Xu Mo was silent.

He dared not refute.

Yang Zhenshan was getting more and more out of control.

He would beat people when he was in a bad mood. In the base, everyone who saw him had to make a detour, wishing to stay a hundred meters away from him, but he was the lord of the first base.

Once he got angry, he would take out a box of supplies, directly in front of them, stomp them to pieces with his feet, and everyone was furious.

The brothers underneath have been persuading him one after another, asking him to take out the key from Yang Zhenshan's safe and take control of the base's materials in his own hands...

But who is Yang Zhenshan?

He is an idiot, but his thoughts are vicious enough.

There is a key in the warehouse for managing supplies, which is managed by Yang Zhenshan alone. There is a gene-carrying virus on the key, which is immune to him alone.

Once other people get the key, they will be swallowed by the virus, and there is no cure.

How to find someone to try, no success.

The most valuable thing in the base should be the survival supplies. There are a lot of compressed biscuits, zombie meat, piles of dry goods, canned fruits and meat, dehydrated vegetables, self-heating food, and Mao Maoduo, an orphan drug that cannot be bought outside. , and a large number of seeds of various crops...

That's what he wanted most.

If it weren't for Yang Zhenshan to keep a hand on everyone, he would have been too tired.

Yang Zhenshan has a bad temper.

But people have foundations.

There are many medicines on the market that are constantly curing diseases. One is to lock the formula, and the other is to lock the circulation of the medicine. The Yang family relies on a large number of orphan papers and a large pharmaceutical factory to produce a large number of medicines that can be eaten immediately. Broken medicine.

Batches of medicines are all in the hands of the Yang family.

Relying on this level of relationship, Yang Zhenshan has risen steadily, and it can be said that he has become an existence that countless people fawn on and fear. That's why he took the position of commander of the first base.

It's just that I didn't expect that it would not go away when the natural disaster came.

"Lord, what should we do now?" He Xu asked cautiously.


Yang Zhenshan violently threw out an ashtray.

He said unhappily: "Just ask me, is there a mouth under the nose, is it just for eating? It's better to cut it off, what's the use of it?"

After finishing speaking, he rushed into the inner room in anger, and slammed the door shut.

As soon as he left, several guards around him felt sorry for him and asked, "Steward, let's go to the medical station and have a head examination."

He Xu shook his head.

How could he be in the mood to check.

Even if filming was of no use, Yang Zhenshan controlled all the medicines in his own hands. If other people didn't bring their own medicines and went to the medical room, the two doctors would verbally comfort them, and they couldn't do anything.

The first base is not without drugs.

In addition to special medicines, Yang Zhenshan personally hoarded a lot of medicines, whether it was disinfection supplies, asthma medicines, antipyretics, anti-cancer medicines... all kinds of medicines.

In his own words: "Many drugs are non-renewable resources. Once they are consumed, they are gone. Why should I use them for others?"

Yang Zhenshan's wife suffered from high blood pressure, and the medicine storehouse had a lifetime's worth of medicine for ten people, but he insisted on refusing to give one of them. In the end, she became ill and died of kidney failure.

He didn't feel bad at all.

Only a month after his wife died, he found a new love.

"What now?"

He Xu looked desperate.

If he didn't find a solution to the problem, he might be retaliated by Yang Zhenshan and die.

"I'll go out and think of a way first. You guys will bear it first." He Xu said.

He had to get out for some air.

Before finding a way, Yang Zhenshan might be full just by looking at him.

Why did he walk outside the base alone.

Just as he was walking slowly, unknowingly, he was one kilometer away from the base. When he suddenly realized that he was about to turn around and leave, a pistol was held against his back.

"Don't move."

A familiar voice sounded from behind.

He didn't move, but slowly raised his hand, pretending to be calm and said: "Don't hurt me, just speak up if you have something to say, even if you kill me, you won't get any benefit."

"Of course I know."

As soon as the voice of the person behind him fell, the other party pulled him over and turned him over. When he saw the person in front of him clearly, he suddenly showed shock and panic.

"Rong, Rong Huaiyan—"

The one holding a gun to his heart was Rong Huaiyan with a majestic face and a cross scar on his face.

For the man in front of him, the coldness in his expression completely disappeared, the murderous intent in his brows became more serious, and the murderous aura that was so indifferent to his bones was strong and loud.

His legs were shaking a little.

After the establishment of the first base, he was almost "imprisoned", and had almost no chance to go out for training. Compared with Rong Huaiyan, who had experienced many battles, he was simply weak.

And the woman standing next to him is the "Qiao Xiachu" Yang Zhenshan keeps saying he wants to hunt down.

This woman and Rong Huaiyan seemed to be one body, the condensed and murderous look on her face made people cringe at the first sight.

Just one Rong Huaiyan is scary enough.

Another one came out.

He felt like he had no way out.

"You, do you want to find Yang Zhenshan? I, I can show you the way—" He Xu said.

Rong Huaiyan grinned.

He sneered and said: "You are a fool, you fall very fast, you are not Yang Zhenshan's most capable assistant, you have turned your back on it, won't he have to cry to death?"

What a face, full of bitterness.

He pleaded: "Yang Zhenshan has been tortured to the point of madness. His former advantages are gone, and he was hanged and beaten by Wang Yinghui. It is becoming more and more abnormal. The people in the base have long since dispersed. You want his life, go ahead and take it. I just ask you to let me go, if there is a future, I will definitely repay you with a grass knot."

"Hehe, it depends on whether your information is valuable or not. You must know that I am not alone in the first base. I know some news as much as you do. When dealing with useless waste, I only have one word, and that is - Kill." Rong Huaiyan said coldly.

He and Qiao Xiachu entered Zoucheng and basically encountered no obstacles along the way.

On the one hand is the fifth base expansion.

In addition, his people had already secretly removed the portraits of him and Erhei and his party at the base, and many newcomers did not know him and Qiao Xiachu at all.

Even if they walked up to the guards, they only regarded Rong Huaiyan as a refugee from the outer city.

The first base was expanding its enrollment, so the two of them were admitted directly.

He Xu's face suddenly changed.

His eyes fell on Qiao Xiachu's face, he gritted his teeth, and said, "What do you want to know, I'll see if I can give you the answer."

At the end of the day, grabbing supplies is the first priority.

It's nothing more than coming for the supplies of the first base.

Anyway, with his own strength, he couldn't get Yang Zhenshan's things. If Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu could take it away, it was their ability.

have nothing to say.

No matter where you go, the strong is the supreme, there is nothing wrong with it.

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