To He Xu's shock, the first question Rong Huaiyan asked was not about the supplies of the First Base, but an insignificant woman.

"Do you have a photo of Liu Hexie?" Rong Huaiyan asked.

Willow Hexie?

Why rack your brains to recall such an ordinary person.

Unfortunately, he thought for a long time but couldn't remember the name of the base...

"She is Qiao Dongliu's mistress." Rong Huaiyan said.

He Xu was stunned.

After a long while, he hesitated and said, "I did keep photos and materials of all the bosses in the base and their family members, and they are all in the archives room. If she really came with Qiao Dongliu, then the files should be stored in the No. 27 closet .There are exclusive cabinets for major biologists.”

Rong Huaiyan nodded in satisfaction.

He said: "Then you go, go as far as you can, before I change my mind, it's best not to come back, otherwise I'm not sure I'll make up for it."

When He Xu heard this, he was so frightened that the shit broke out, and he hurriedly ran wildly.

When he thought that Rong Huaiyan didn't ask about the supplies, he was shocked, and when he thought of the key with the virus in Yang Zhenshan's hand, his heart moved frequently.

But Rong Huaiyan made it very clear that once he went back, he might be shot.

The two of them looked cruel and merciless at first glance.

Everything is left to fate.

He Xu ran towards the fifth base.

Wang Yinghui is a character.

If you can rely on him, maybe you can make some tricks.

The natural disaster is almost over, and the stable base may be the prototype of a new city in the future, or he may be the general leader of the new world in the future.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and the more ambitious he became.

Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu ran towards the back door of the base together.

"Wang Yao and Li Han have been dormant in the base, infiltrated into the high-level, and received much reuse. They packaged all the news and passed it on. Yang Zhenshan has a secret key, and there is a virus on it, even if it is inhaled, or the air particles are suspended. That stuff can spread."

The material warehouse and medical warehouse of the first base are all controlled by Yang Zhenshan alone.

It is not so easy to transport all the supplies away.

These two important places are all heavily wrapped with titanium alloy, almost impenetrable, even bombs are not easy to explode.

So, they had to take the peaceful path and break open the door from the front.

Qiao Xiachu pouted.

She said: "Then we must catch him and let him not take out the secret key easily, otherwise throwing it out, isn't it a lethal weapon?"

Did not bring Mobai.

When Mo Bai heard about this perverted thing, he was most interested.

"I didn't let the old horses come in. If I met a few acquaintances, I would reveal my whereabouts. I have already made an appointment with them. After I get everything done, I will send them a red signal flare, and I will come directly when the time comes." Rong Huai Yan said.

"it is good."

They are very familiar with the first base.

Walking to the back door, a middle-aged man came out. When he approached, Rong Huaiyan pulled him aside: "Li Han."

Hearing the familiar voice, Li Han slowly relaxed his tightened scalp.

He is Rong Huaiyan's internal response in the first base.

He took out two cards from his clothes, handed them to Rong Huaiyan and said: "This is a new card, I have already found a chance to replace the person on duty, take the cards and go in, no one will recognize you."

In the base, those who walked, those who fled, and those who died, had already changed two groups of people.

Both Wang Yao and Li Han were among the few first to move in.

"it is good."

Rong Huaiyan handed a card to Qiao Xiachu.

Therefore, the three of them acted separately, swiping their cards through the back door to enter the base one by one.

First base hasn't changed much.

The interior of the house has been remodeled, and the layout is exactly the same.

After Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu entered, they climbed the stairs familiarly and walked all the way to the third floor.

As soon as I went up the stairs on the third floor, I was stopped by two guards.

"This is not for you to enter, retreat quickly!"

The guards raised their weapons and aimed at Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan.

The two looked at each other, and in the next second, they pulled the guard's neck, one by one, with lightning speed.

The guards didn't realize at all that inside the base, there were still people who dared to commit crimes. They were caught off guard, their eyelids were rolled up, and the main artery was splashed with blood, and they couldn't cover it with their hands.

The two little Karamis hated the Northwest just like that.


When the people inside heard the movement and took out their guns to resist, Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu rushed into the room quickly, each took out their submachine guns and swept wildly.

Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu turned back to each other, wearing bulletproof vests, swept all the way, rushed through the triple defense, and finally arrived at Yang Zhenshan's private safe house.

The outside of this room is made of bulletproof material, and there is an inner layer of titanium alloy inside, and a layer of wall inside. It is really not easy to break through easily.

Outside the house, there is an iris system that opens the door. Only Yang Zhenshan can pass the scan and enter this safe house.

After Rong Huaiyan killed the last guard, the two stood outside the gate.

"Hey, Lord Yang, you should be able to see us, hear us, know you are in the house, and know that you have installed shooting systems in the walls, but I have also installed bombs in every corner of the first base, especially your house ” he said.

Before coming up, Wang Yao told him that since Yang Zhenshan was attacked in the mountains a few days ago, he locked himself in the safe house as soon as he came back, and could barely move.

He is afraid of death.


Sure enough, as soon as Rong Huaiyan said these words, there was a loudspeaker above his head, and Yang Zhenshan's clamor came from it.

"Huh, you blow it up, blow it up as you like, my house, you are going to blow it up to death, I have your last name, if I don't come out, I won't come out even if I die, so you can get nothing, don't you just want me Materials, I will not give them."

From the loudspeaker, Yang Zhenshan was arrogant.

He has the capital to be confident, isn't it because the safety factor of the safe house is high.

Qiao Xiachu smiled.

She said in a low voice: "He wants to be a turtle, isn't it just right? Then let him stay inside for the rest of his life and never come out. That would be better, what do you think?"

Rong Huai understood in seconds.

He said with a smirk: "Jojo, I like your idea. Let's go, start working—"


Qiao Xiachu couldn't help laughing.

Communicating with Rong Huaiyan is really effortless.

He can read her mind whenever she is happy.

"How about this, I'll keep a few pairs of eyes here, if he's about to come out, I'll blow him up right away." Rong Huaiyan said badly.

As he said that, he pretended to pick up something with his backpack, took out a drone monitor directly from the system page, and dropped it on the door.

There is also an alarm system.

Whenever the door of the safe house is moved, the alarm will go off.

By the way, he planted two bombs at Yang Zhenshan's door directly in front of the surveillance cameras.

Qiao Xiachu held back his laughter the whole time.

cruel enough.

Now, even if Yang Zhenshan wanted to go out to pee, it would not be easy.

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