In the safe house, Yang Zhenshan naturally witnessed Rong Huaiyan's series of tricks, and his eyes turned green with anger.

Once, Rong Huaiyan was the pride of the base.

Now this pride is attacking him!

"Rong Huaiyan, Qiao Xiachu, you just wait for me, I won't let you go, when my helper arrives in Zoucheng, you will die soon!"

Yang Zhenshan was screaming in the safe room.

He wished he could rush out and deliver boxed lunches to Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu himself.

Unfortunately, after the two blocked him, they turned around and went down the stairs.

"Let's make a quick decision. We have collected everything that should be collected. Anyway, we will blow up this place later." Rong Huaiyan said slowly.

He deliberately raised his voice a bit.

There is a row of monitors outside the safe house, and all the sounds in the stairway enter the safe house almost without a word, and Yang Zhenshan inside can hear every word.

"Okay, anyway, there are people waiting outside the door. Just blow up the door of the material warehouse, and you can collect half of the stuff." Qiao Xiachu said with a smile.

"That's it, let's get rid of the armed forces first!"

Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu quickly disappeared at the end of the corridor. When they destroyed the monitoring equipment along the way and rushed to the base camp with five, six, seven or eight bombs in their hands, everyone took off their uniforms and put all their weapons on their feet. Side, lined up in two long lines, waiting for the arrival of the two...

Qiao Xiachu froze for a moment.

She was holding a weapon, and she was about to have a big fight with the people of the first base. Unexpectedly, the gunfire didn't sound, and the opponent directly misfired.

The man standing at the front of the line walked up to Rong Huaiyan and said, "We surrender voluntarily, and Mr. Rong can deal with it as he wants."

The man was the first batch of recruits recruited by He Xu, and the leaders of the armed forces who mixed in with the base all the way, He Xu all ran away, and he didn't think they had much chance of winning.

Yang Zhenshan has been trying to lead them to fight against the fifth base.

Many people in the team defected to the first base, not for anything else, just to get food and clothing, but after entering the base, they deducted their rations from time to time, and they were not allowed to farm. What they ate were either moldy compressed biscuits or boxes after boxes. They eat rat meat from boxes, so that their legs are weak and they can't even hold a gun.

In contrast, the fifth base.

They farmed the land by themselves, had fresh food to eat, and other food from various sources. They were all full of energy and lived happily in the apocalypse.

Long before Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu attacked, dozens of people had sneaked away one after another and never came back.

Rong Huaiyan's eyes were cold.

He swept towards the crowd and said sharply, "Disband!"

With a sound of "disbanded", they broke their last line of psychological defense. Everyone ran outside in a swarm, went back to the house one by one to pack their things, and left the first base directly with the backpack they had when they came.

The huge camp was instantly empty.

Wang Yao and Li Han walked up to them.

"Brother Rong, the base has a loudspeaker, as long as you speak directly inside, you can let other people leave the base quickly and liberate the first base peacefully." Wang Yao said.

He is in charge of the propaganda work of the base.


Rong Huaiyan followed Wang Yao, came to the control room of the base together, walked to the console, and said into the microphone: "All personnel of the first base, from now on, I will give you ten minutes to retreat. After ten minutes, I will clear the venue completely, and those who haven’t left will just give out boxed meals.”

Bang bang bang.

He pointed at the microphone and fired a few shots directly.

The sound of gunfire was sharp and spread directly from the microphone to every corner of the base.

The base is from the third floor to the first floor, and all the people living inside are packing up their things in a panic one by one, clothes, buckets, toothbrushes and cups, pots and pans, food in the pipes under the bed...everything that can be taken away Tuck it into a backpack.

Rong Huaiyan stared at his watch.

"Let's go to the archives room now. I want to get a person's information." He swept towards Li Han.

Li Han was a little surprised.

The archives are full of documents, and there is no useful information.

"You lead the way." Rong Huaiyan.


Li Han led the way every minute.

Not long after, when a few people arrived at the file room, Rong Huaiyan asked them to wait outside for a while to see if there were any documents they needed.

The two naturally nodded.

Qiao Xiachu's palms were a little sweaty.

I don't know who Liu Hexie is. If there is no information here, then there is really no trace of it.

Rong Huaiyan gently held her hand, signaling her not to worry, everything will have its own answer.


Qiao Xiachu entered the archives room side by side with him. When he found file No. 27, Rong Huaiyan took out a file bag from it. The name marked on the yellow file bag was Qiao Dongliu.

Unexpectedly, the others were gone, and his information was still kept in the base.

Rong Huaiyan untied the rope and pulled out a stack of papers.

The first page wrote Qiao Dongliu's life, and even filled in the year he died.

His several wives, several children, and even his supplies in the heyday were written in very detailed and clear, and there was absolutely nothing missing.

There is a separate page for Qiao Mobai to introduce the children under his name.

Qiao Linmei only has a piece of paper with her photo printed on it, and it says: One piece of fool.

Qiao Xiachu: The information is unknown and needs to be added.

The following pages are full of people related to Qiao Dongliu. When the last page is turned, a woman's face is printed on a piece of white paper.

Qiao Xiachu's eyes widened.

She couldn't believe it: "how could it be her?"

"You know him?" Rong Huaiyan asked doubtfully.


Qiao Xiachu was a little sad.

How could she forget this face?

"Her name is Jiang Hanzhi, my mother's best friend during her lifetime. I have always called her my aunt. At my mother's funeral, she was more sad than me. She kept crying and crying, and passed out from crying. Later, she said she would Adopted me, but was rejected by my grandparents. Then, she never showed up." She said silently.

Mother trusts Jiang Hanzhi very much.

She once said: "Xiao Chu, if your mother is gone, the only person you can rely on in this world may be your aunt. Even if she dies, she will protect you."


Jiang Hanzhi transformed into Liu Hexie.

A person who would not hurt her even if he died turned out to be the real murderer of his mother.

Mother Izumi knows, but has she ever regretted it?

Why did Jiang Hanzhi do this, why did she stare at a man for skinning, and why did she become more and more perverted, doing those messy things...

Qiao Xiachu really couldn't figure it out.

Rong Huaiyan's heart ached to death.

He hugged her in his arms and said, "Jojo, don't think about it, the past is all over. Since she exposed her identity, it is a very good thing. The murderer has face. This is the biggest thing." reward."

Qiao Xiachu put her arms around his narrow waist.

She nodded silently.

"I know, it's just a little sentimental," she said.

Not remembering, just walking forward with one heart.

No matter how many scars there are in the past, how many difficult hurdles there are, they must be overcome, and no matter how many people who cannot let go, they must be let go one by one.

Once, Jiang Hanzhi was a bright spot in her memory.

Gone now.

The scarce warmth she "gifted" to herself turned into a great irony when the truth was revealed, piercing her heart like a thorn.

Qiao Xiachu decided that she must pull out this thorn herself in the future!

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