After Qiao Xiachu got the file, he put it directly into the dimensional wall.

She isolating this piece of paper like isolating a virus.

As for Qiao Dongliu's information, there are too many contents on it, including her mother's information.

Rong Huaiyan took out the lighter and set it on fire.

After leaving the archives room, Li Han and Wang Yao came forward and said to them, "The people inside the base have been cleared out, and there is nothing left."

"it is good."

Rong Huaiyan took out a flare from his backpack.

He went outside and lit the flare.

Red smoke rushed into the sky.

The group waited for about ten minutes before several large trucks rushed over from the distant skyline with dust all the way, and then parked at the gate of the base.

Lao Ma, Kestrel and the others got out of the car one after another.

Rong Huaiyan said: "We take away all the things that can be moved in the base, including all medical equipment and the like, don't even keep a thermometer, search and clean."


The group was very excited.

In the last days, what is the happiest thing?

That, of course, is collecting materials.

Even if it is a hardware device, I am happy.

A group of people entered the base one after another, and loaded everything they could take away, including the stove in the back kitchen, oil drums, and even chopping boards and kitchen knives...all into the truck.

The munitions of the base are Curry, and the consumption of weapons is not large.

When Rong Huaiyan left, Erhei took away a batch, leaving two-thirds and half left.

When they delivered all their things to the car, they were all overjoyed.

The old horse said: "There is not enough manpower. Car Curry still has a lot of trucks. The amount of fuel is enough for us to consume for a year. We can't take them away at once. Let's go back first and call a group of people to come over."

"it is good."

Rong Huaiyan agreed.

He didn't expect Yang Zhenshan to be so stingy.

How many years have passed since the natural disaster, and there is still so much fuel that was hoarded at the beginning. It is obvious that the base vehicles are not allowed to use it.

Well now, cheap them.

Yang Zhenshan was in the safe house and witnessed them pulling things away with his own eyes, and he was in a hurry.

He hit the wall hard.

It's a pity that even the walls of the safe house are installed with sponges, so it doesn't hurt no matter how they hit.

It exploded.

It exploded.

Those barrels of gasoline were full of his blood. Unexpectedly, Rong Huaiyan's people carried them all into the car in one go, and let him witness everything with his own eyes.

Isn't this the rhythm of pissing him off?

"Rong Huaiyan, dog day, why didn't he kill him early in the morning, he is purely my nemesis—" Yang Zhenshan waved his fist fiercely.

He bounced around the room.

For the sake of safety, the safe house sent in only some soft things. Even the food was compressed biscuits in plastic bags and a few bottles of water. When he finished supplementing his nutrition and felt a little anxious, he remembered that there was no toilet in the room.


Yang Zhenshan urinated in a plastic bottle.

Accidentally, the urine spilled.

There was a smell of shame in the air for an instant.

Yang Zhenshan felt dizzy for a while.

I don't know whether it was because of my own smell, or because of Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu, who were dazed.

He continued to watch the surveillance footage.

Just happened to see Rong Huaiyan pointing his middle finger at a camera.

"Go to hell! Damn it, Rong Huaiyan, you big dog, why don't you die, why don't you die!" He was so angry that he slapped the computer desktop hard.


This time, it really hurts.

My hands hurt and my heart hurts everywhere.

Yang Zhenshan took out a bunch of keys from his pocket.

This key is a specially processed product. It has been tempered with water inside and out. The key carries a genetic virus. Only those who are immune to his gene will be poisoned to death if others touch it or smell the virus.

The key is his last magic weapon.

As long as Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu couldn't get the key, they wouldn't give them food and medicine even if they emptied the base.

There are so many supplies, enough for him to live here for a lifetime.

Thinking of this, he felt a little relieved.

But what made him go crazy was that after Wang Yao and Li Han and his party robbed all the things in the base, and didn't even leave him a piece of titanium alloy, Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu moved a small table and sat on three At the gate of the building, eat in front of him! ! !

too much.


Is there any humanity?

Is there any reason?

These two are really toxic.

At this moment, Qiao Xiachu found a blind spot without surveillance, took out a large bag of food from the space, and carried it up to the third floor.

Rong Huaiyan didn't know where to move a small table.

The two took food out of the bag.

"Salmon is not very tasty, but fortunately there are ice cubes, so you can slice it for sashimi."

As Qiao Xiachu said, he took out a table knife from his backpack.

She fillets the salmon.

Rong Huaiyan came from downstairs, holding ice cubes from the floor freezer in the kitchen.

The salmon sashimi is ready.

Qiao Xiachu took out of the bag again, and took out a roasted chestnut ribs.

The chestnuts are round and covered with sauce, and the pork ribs are also burnt delicious and soft, with a sizzling oily sheen, which makes people salivate at first glance.

"Chestnut ribs, not bad." She said with a smile.

Rong Huaiyan embraced her arms and echoed her: "Well, the chestnuts are very sweet, and the pork ribs are over-oiled. This meat looks delicious."

"One more garlic and spicy chicken."

"Add a stack of sour radishes."

"Two servings of fragrant rice."

Qiao Xiachu kept digging out of the black bag, and the small table was almost out of place.

What's more, she even took out two servings of sparkling water from the bag.

As soon as the bottle is unscrewed, a burst of air is released.

Through the screen, Yang Zhenshan could smell the sweetness.

In an instant, he felt that the compressed biscuit in his hand was hard to swallow, and the more he ate it, the drier it became, and the more he ate it, the more aggrieved he was, and he couldn't even drink water.

"It smells good."

"Well, let's start with a piece of sour radish to wake up our stomach."


The sound of teeth chewing on crispy radishes came to Yang Zhenshan's ears from the monitor, and his mouth unconsciously secreted saliva, gurgling and flowing.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and cursed: "Inhuman things, get out of your mother's balls, don't come to harm me. I won't be fooled, so I won't open the door."

He turned his back and didn't look at the surveillance screen.

"Huaiyan, eat a spare rib. This spare rib is full of oil and water. It tastes very fragrant and sweet. Once you bite into it, it will still ooze gravy. Try it—"

A woman's sweet voice came.

Yang Zhenshan blocked his ears.


Too poisonous!

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