Some people are full from one meal.

Someone ate compressed biscuits and shed sad tears.

Yang Zhenshan thought that these two scourges should leave at night after eating a meal. Who knows, after someone came to take away the remaining supplies, they would directly set up their bedding outside the gate...

Seeing this scene, he wished he could rush up and cut people down.

Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu fell asleep in front of him! ! !

Is there anything more extreme than this?

Are the couple sure they are not sick?

The seriously ill one?

Yang Zhenshan was out of breath.

He stayed in the house for three days, and after the two of them ate and drank outside for three days, they finally couldn't sit still.

The two of them seemed to have endless food, three meals a day, each meal had fish and meat, even if he was asked, he would not dare to let go of eating meat like this.

But that's what they did.

Eat and drink.

I don't care about food at all.

He also saw Qiao Xiachu eating meatballs and accidentally dropped the meatballs on the ground, so she just threw them away.


You read that right.

She threw it! ! !


big pervert.

Wasting food is punishable by God——

Yang Zhenshan wished he could become a mini villain, rush out to pick up the meatballs and eat them.

At that time, he didn't expect to use the safe house so soon. There were only three days' food and water in it. If the delay continued, he felt that he was no match for these two perverts.

Just starve him to death.

If you are greedy, you will be greedy to death!

Yang Zhenshan decided to sneak out through the air duct while the two were sleeping soundly at night, then enter through the main entrance, and throw the gene virus at the two.

This virus is his magic weapon.

They can be killed silently.

Thinking of this, he was secretly happy.

Ok, deal.

As soon as the idea was formed, he began to plan and plan.

the door.

After eating and drinking, Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu began to lie down again. They glanced at each other, and he said: "Let's go downstairs to eat and drink, we're a bit full."

"it is good."

Qiao Xiachu understood in seconds.

The two got up quickly, went down the stairs together, then left the corridor on the third floor, walked all the way to a corner of the base, and stood in a dead corner of the surveillance.

"Yang Zhenshan can't sit still anymore, I guess he's going to act tonight."

"It's almost there. When will the old horses come?"

"I had them turn back on the fourth morning."

That's about it.

If Yang Zhenshan doesn't act tonight, they will adopt the second plan and attack by force.

Ten bombs can't open the door.

What about a hundred?

Anyway, Rong Huaiyan has many weapons.

don't feel bad.

And this time, they took so many weapons directly from the base, without losing a single soldier.

After discussing it properly, Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu went upstairs again, and continued to block the passage outside the safe house, "falling asleep" directly, looking heartless.

Yang Zhenshan in the room saw that the two were sleeping soundly. In order to deliberately test, he even blew into the microphone, making a small sound.

The two didn't respond at all.

He is very happy.

However, for the sake of safety, he still persisted until four o'clock in the morning. This time is the most relaxing and deep sleep time. Even a hard-nosed person cannot resist going without sleep for a few days.

Even if they were pretending, they would definitely take a nap at this time.

In order not to let himself fall asleep, Yang Zhenshan bit down on his arm so hard that his arm turned purple, and the piercing pain kept him awake.

He opened the cover of the upper air duct all the way, climbed up vigorously, and then climbed along the duct all the way into the base.

Pipes lead to mission halls.

He crawled out of it, and his whole body was as black as black coal balls.

As soon as he came out, Yang Zhenshan was very careful, for fear of making the slightest noise and waking up the two bastards, Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan.

In his heart, the two became the most hated in the world.

A pair of super perverts.

When he came to the corridor, a black cat walked slowly and wiped his face at him, looking very indifferent and cold.

He shushed the cat.

Then, the black cat pounced on his face.

As soon as a paw came up, blood dripped from Yang Zhenshan's cheek instantly.

He slapped it angrily, but the black cat was so fast that it disappeared from his sight in a blink of an eye.

"Depend on."

He gave a low growl.

Thinking of the two bastards, he quickly suppressed his anger and tiptoed towards the corridor.

There was no fuel in the base, and the other party even removed the solar panels, so except for the generator power supply inside the safe house on the third floor, the power was cut off early in other places, and it was dark everywhere, and there was no light at all.

He is very familiar with the base, so he did not go wrong.

When they reached the third floor, in the dim light of the corridor, a large towel was put down, and two figures were lying there.

Two perverts!

just them-

Yang Zhenshan took out the key from his pocket, and threw it out without saying a word.

There was a crisp sound of ding dong.

The keys fell on the steel floor.

The virus should have been knocked off the key and spread.

die together.

Hug to die together.

Yang Zhenshan was extremely excited.

He was about to go up to see the tragic situation of the two, but saw a figure appearing impressively, and then under his sight, with a hand wearing a protective glove, he picked up the key on the ground.

Behind him, there was a cold muzzle on his back.

"Lord Yang, don't come here and be safe—"

Rong Huaiyan!

He, why is he in the back, the towel is under...

But the figure in front of him kicked the towel over, and inside were two long caterpillar dolls, as long as people.

Yang Zhenshan's eyes widened.

The two perverts still bring plush toys when they go out?

Perverted enough!

He was dumbfounded and said, "You, how did you know that I would come out?"

Rong Huaiyan did not explain.

He aimed his gun at Yang Zhenshan's heart, and said, "Yang Zhenshan, since you issued a warrant for our arrest, you should have thought that such a day would come."

bang bang——

Two shots were fired.

Rong Huaiyan sent him back to the west directly.

They all waited for three days and three nights, and they were too tired to say a single word.

He led the team to repair the ventilation ducts in the safe house.

How could he not know?

If it weren't for the virus on his body, why should he stay here.

At the exit of the mission hall, he had already installed a monitor.

As soon as Yang Zhenshan came out, they knew about it.

"Now go to the first floor." Rong Huaiyan said.

"it is good."

Both of them have protective clothing, but they don't know how lethal the virus is, so they must be dealt with quickly.

When they reached the first floor, the two hurriedly opened the thick titanium alloy door outside with the key, and then quickly threw the key into a bottle of 84 disinfectant water.

After closing the key, Qiao Xiachu moved out the disinfection equipment, disinfected their respective protective clothing, and sprayed disinfectant on all the aisles along the way.

By the way, Yang Zhenshan's body was thoroughly disinfected.

After finishing everything, Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu took off their protective clothing, took it outside and burned it, and then returned to the first floor together.

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