"Don't hit, don't hit, if you hit again, you will die."

"Hit, kill him."

"Shen Anwan, calm down, you will be punished if you kill someone."

Shouts came from the circle.

Qiao Xiachu looked puzzled, she ran over in a hurry, and pushed aside the crowd, only to see Shen Anwan riding on a short man with a cruel and fierce look on his face.

A group of people were booing, only Qiao Linmei was fighting.

The short man obviously took in less air and exhaled more, and was about to be beaten to death by Shen Anwan's fist.

The stern fist moved towards the man's cheek.

"Sister, you're here—"

Qiao Linmei was facing Qiao Xiachu's direction, and she was the first to see her, and immediately seemed to see a savior, and hurried to her, and hurriedly said: "Quickly persuade him, if he keeps beating like this, he will be killed alive kill."

Hearing the voice, Shen Anwan looked up and found that it was Qiao Xiachu who was approaching the man's cheek with his fist, and he held it back.

He stood up slowly, like a child who made a mistake, his dark face was covered with sweat, and he said to Qiao Xiachu with an uneasy expression, "I hit someone for a reason."

A group of comrades-in-arms around booed one after another.

"Yo, isn't it because Hong Min laughed at you that you deliberately competed with him?"

"Yes, fair game, whoever loses will die."

"Hong Min didn't say anything about you wearing red underwear."

It's not a big deal for young people to watch the excitement. They are all young and young, and the oldest is Shen Anyu, who is 20 years old this year. Among this group of recruits, he is the most mature.

"To shut up!"

Shen Anwan's cheeks were flushed black with purple in the red, and he yelled at the young man who exposed his red underwear, his eyes were threatening and irritable.

He wants to explain.

But at this moment, Erhei came over.

"There are all of them!"

Er Hei's face was dark, and he came over and punished everyone to run 20 laps, 500 push-ups, and no one was allowed to get up.

A group of young people stared and blamed.

But it has to be implemented.

"Shen Anwan, Hong Min stay!"

With Erhei's order, the two teenagers stopped and stood at attention.

"What's going on? What's the trouble?" Er Hei angrily scolded.

As soon as he asked, Hong Min beside him dodged his eyes, his whole body went limp, and he fell to the ground.

Qiao Xiachu stepped forward, grabbed the boy's wrist, and felt his pulse.

After a long while, she met Erhei's scrutinizing eyes, shook her head and said, "It's nothing serious, it's just that he was so angry and bloody that he just fainted. Carry him to the lounge, rest for a while and he'll be fine."

But Shen Anwan was in a hurry.

He hurriedly said: "He is a spy, we can't let him regain his strength. Otherwise, he will run away."

As soon as these words came out, several people were stunned.

Even Qiao Linmei found it strange.

She clearly saw Shen Anwan making trouble with Hong Min, it was just...jealous.

Shen Anwan's eyes were unnatural.

If he wanted to expose Hong Min, he would naturally expose his thoughts.

But when he thought of Hong Min's bad intentions, he couldn't care about anything.

Shen Anzhen took a step forward, walked up to Erhei, and said, "Commander, Hong Min was sneaky this morning, wandering around in Sister Qiao's unit building, holding a piece of Sister Qiao's underwear, I observed him After a long time, he found it at a glance and went to grab it. He became angry and deliberately incited emotions and caused riots."

He wanted to subdue Hong Min.

Unexpectedly, the riot became bigger...

At that time, Hong Min admitted that he had a crush on Qiao Xiachu, and when he saw Sister Qiao's clothes, he couldn't help but want to bring them back... After confessing himself, he deliberately accused Shen Anwan of being uneasy and kind to Qiao Xiachu.

These days, they only want to survive. Recently, when they have lost their comfort, many people want to have some fun. Gossip and gossip spread the fastest. In a blink of an eye, two young people are "jealous" for the survival queen of the base, Qiao Xiachu.

Qiao Xiachu's survival ability was obvious to all during the process of moving the city, so she was given the title of "Queen of Survival".

It's not surprising that Xiaonian likes her.

In the dull and gloomy life, it has become a kind of little sentiment.

It's just that emotional appeal is emotional appeal, and survival is survival.

Nobody has fought for it yet.

After all, Queen Joe has a partner.

No one will bother Qiao Xiachu for this.

"Why do you say Hong Min is a spy?" Er Hei asked.

Shen Anwan's eyes flickered.

He glanced at Qiao Xiachu before stammering: "Because I have a crush on Sister Qiao, so when I have nothing to do, I go to the mountains to catch wild boars, wanting to improve my ability, and then once saw Hong Min and the first base The person who stole Mimi and passed on the news..."

In the beginning, he hibernated among wild boars in the mountains, and found Hong Min talking to a man who asked him to collect Qiao Xiachu's things, even if it was garbage.

Shen Anwan was terrified.

He thought he heard it wrong, so he didn't startle the snake. He secretly observed Hong Min, and found that he was wandering around the apartment building where Qiao Xiachu lived, even going through his trash can.

Hong Min would hide the dugouts in a waste dump behind the training ground. There were all kinds of things. Today, Qiao Mobai took out some of Qiao Xiachu's clothes and exposed them to the sun.

This bastard secretly stole the clothes and ran away...

Shen Anwan couldn't hold back anymore.

He was so pissed off.

Hong Min may have some serious illness.

At first it was picking up, but now it has developed to stealing, even stealing coats, but even stealing sister Qiao's underwear.

This wretchedness has grown too hard.

When Erhei heard this, he quickly said to Qiao Xiachu, "Can you stun Hong Min with one needle?"

Of course Qiao Xiachu also heard Shen Anwan's words.

This kid didn't dare to look at himself, but he didn't deliberately cover up, and explained the matter clearly.

Qiao Linmei heard it too.

She said angrily: "Hong Min, this bastard must have been born to a tortoise. He followed us, but he has two hearts! Thanks to me protecting him just now, I knew I would have been beaten to death."

As she said that, she was about to rush in and beat Hong Min to death with a whip.

But at this moment, Hong Min let go of his hand abruptly, and a handful of steel needles flew out of his palm.


Qiao Xiachu, who played with needles, stood behind Qiao Linmei and captured Hong Min's movements very clearly. Seeing that the flying needle was piercing Qiao Linmei, the movement was swift and fierce. Qiao Linmei was knocked down and fell out of Feizhen's attack range.

clatter clatter.

The steel needles fell one after another, hitting the wall, hitting the wall, but one still flew out and hit the arm of Shen Anwan who rushed into the door.

In an instant, Shen Anwan felt that his entire arm could not move.

With a groan, he took out his pistol, but unfortunately, his hand was as useless as the gun could not be held firmly and fell to the ground.


It was too late to say it, but at that moment, Erhei shot directly.

The bullet hit Hong Min's shoulder.

Before he could throw out the next steel needle, Qiao Xiachu rushed out of his body like a tiger and pinned him to the ground.


The back of Hong Min's head hit the concrete floor hard, and blood flowed instantly.

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