Hong Min didn't move, his body twitched.

He looked at Qiao Xiachu in front of him, and suddenly raised his hand to give him a box of lunch, but Qiao Xiachu moved faster, and when he stabbed his throat with a steel needle, she stopped him.


The two silver needles struck out quickly, paralyzing his hands in minutes, and he could no longer lift them up.


Qiao Linmei stepped forward and slapped Hong Min.

She scolded: "Who are you working for? Why did you kill my sister? You'd better tell the truth!"

At this time, Erhei supported Shen Anyu, walked to Qiao Xiachu, and said, "Qiao Meier, show him quickly, his arms are black, and the steel needles are poisoned."

Qiao Xiachu took a closer look and was immediately surprised.

She hastily untied the hairband on her hair, tied Shen Anwan's arms tightly to prevent the toxin from spreading, and then pretended to take out a few silver needles from her pocket, and pierced them into several of his big holes one by one.

"Take him to Mobai's laboratory, maybe he can be saved." Qiao Xiachu said.

Not sure about toxins, it's hard to get rid of toxins.

But among the batch of papers she just seized from the First Base, there was a piece on "Toxicology", among which there were several papers on detoxification methods and ready-made medicines.

It's just that the drugs have dates.

She is not sure whether this "toxicity" is true, and whether the medicine she got has the effect of detoxification...


At this time, Hu Guang came in from the outside.

As soon as Er Hei saw him, he immediately said, "You and Lin Mei brought Hong Min into the interrogation room, and asked Da Rong to interrogate him thoroughly. We must follow the clues to find the real culprit behind Hong Min, and weed out the roots."


Hu Guang didn't ask anything.

Whatever the commander says, he will naturally do.

In the next second, he and Qiao Linmei carried Hong Min onto a stretcher and sent them to the interrogation room together, and then dragged Rong Huaiyan who came out of Lao You's office into the interrogation room.

And Qiao Xiachu and Erhei came to Qiao Mobai's laboratory together.

After Qiao Mobai asked why he came here, he murmured: "Lvya should be real, because this group of devoid of conscience have conducted many human experiments in secret, this box of medicine should really cure high blood pressure, but it needs to be taken for half a year .”

Based on the data in the paper, he verified them one by one.

All content in the thesis is true and valid.

Of course, all drugs must be the best and most effective.

Take Coptis chinensis for example, this medicine must be wild Coptis chinensis from Sichuan Province, artificially cultivated, or from other places of origin, and the efficacy is less than one-tenth.

When Qiao Xiachu heard this, she was extremely surprised.

It turns out that the medical theories in the Emperor's Classics are all true, not a family opinion.

In the prosperous age, businessmen turned many medicines into placebos in order to make money...

Qiao Xiachu said to Shen Anyu: "Well, you go to the hospital first. Recently, a batch of medicine came from the hospital. You go there for treatment first. I will bring you the antidote in two days."

Anyway, he was the one who caught the spy Hong Min.

Otherwise, the ghost knows what the consequences will be.

Thinking of Hong Min, she felt a chill down her back. It seems that throwing out trash in the future is a learned thing, and you can't throw it indiscriminately. It must be treated in depth.

Although, she is usually very careful and will not leave obvious garbage outside, but more or less she will throw it away...

"it is good."

Erhei sent Shen Anwan to the hospital.

When Qiao Mobai heard Hong Min's perverted behavior, he was a little worried, and said: "I heard that a group of biochemical weapons used other people's unique genes to develop special medicines that are only effective against her. This wave of behavior It's heartbreaking to hear."

However, in order to develop such a drug, the consumption is particularly high, and blood samples of the target person must also be obtained.

"You didn't bleed elsewhere, did you?" he asked.

Qiao Xiachu tried hard to remember.

She shook her head.

This kind of thing still hasn't been done.

Even if the base had blood drawn for a test last time, she didn't go.

Qiao Mobai finally felt relieved.

He said: "Then you must be careful not to shed your own blood."

"I know, I will be careful in the future." Qiao Xiachu said.

Although she doesn't know who is behind the scenes, but this kind of risk factor must be tracked down, otherwise she will not even be able to sleep peacefully.

After Qiao Xiachu left the laboratory, she returned to her residence. As soon as she returned, she locked herself in the room, locked the door and drew the curtains, and her thoughts entered the space.

Among the piles of medicines, there is a chapter on "Detoxification", and one of them is aimed at toxicology. It can be used to prepare compound ointments, powders, and potions. There are different plans for different poisons.

Shen Anwan's arm was black, and the wound was not rotten. When he squeezed it hard, it was full of black water, and there was no pus. In this case, it was only necessary to prepare an ointment called "Black Water".

But all medicines must have the medicinal properties of the place of origin.

Among them, Dendrobium, Ophiopogon japonicus, and Artemisia annua need to be planted by her now. The curry, a medicine in the first base, has seeds but not in stock.

The medicinal materials grown in the black soil can restore the original medicinal properties of the medicine to the greatest extent.

She planted directly.

However, other things need to be polished and developed one by one, and the process is also very cumbersome and complicated, and it does not take a while to do it.

After Qiao Xiachu was planted, he took out the other medicines one by one and went through complicated procedures.

By the time she finished her work, it was already 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Qiao Mobai and Qiao Linmei followed Rong Huaiyan and came together. They walked into the living room, sat down on the sofa and chairs, and their eyes fell on Qiao Xiachu.

"How? Did you track down anything?" Qiao Xiachu asked.

Qiao Linmei picked up the kettle on the table, poured herself a glass of water, and complained, "Hong Min is a professional spy. He's so cunning. He kept silent. He bit Shen Anwu to death and slandered him, and said that I was the one who attacked him at the time." Attack him first, he will protect himself."

As soon as she finished speaking, Rong Huaiyan handed Qiao Xiachu a file bag.

"Everything is inside," he said.

It is difficult to pry open a spy's mouth, but it is not impossible.

As long as it is a person, there must be weaknesses.

Even those who have experienced many battles are not invulnerable.

Qiao Xiachu took the file, pulled out the file, and looked at it carefully.

The text writes:

Hong Min is a professional spy trained since he was a child, specializing in all kinds of news tracking. Since the end of the world, he has followed a team to various places.

By chance, he met a couple.

The couple subdued him with materials and made him willing to serve them.

Then, he entered Feng'e City with the team.

The first task he received was to collect all items related to Qiao Xiachu. If he could get her blood, he could return.

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