This couple is: Ma Cuilan and Wang Xiaofeng.

The person who joined him was Lao Hou from the First Base.


After reading all the information, Qiao Xiachu's expression changed slightly, and he said, "The genetic virus that Yang Zhenshan has in hand may be the result of the two of them. It's just that they could have stayed in the first base, so why did they go to Liaocheng? "

Rong Huaiyan knew she wanted to ask that.

He said: "There is a large experimental base in Liaocheng. Whether it is doing biochemical research or doing other things, it is not available in Zoucheng. At that time, Mobai took the team to Liaocheng."

As for other details, we can only wait for Zhou Jiaomei to wake up to see if she has anything to add, including how many resources Ma Cuilan and Wang Xiaofeng have and how many virus lines they have.

This is also a very important thing.

Qiao Xiachu thought for a long time before saying: "Well, although I don't know why they took my blood, there must be a reason. We must be more prepared in the future."

Rong Huaiyan nodded.

He said: "I brought the titanium alloy gate of the first base. When the time comes, we will reinforce our gate and guard it tightly. Anyone who dares to come in will be bombarded."

When he thought that this bastard took away Qiao Qiao's underwear, he gritted his teeth with hatred, and directly slapped Hong Min hard, and he suffered a lot.

At the end of the interrogation, he sent Hong Min away himself.

This hatred is hard to get rid of.

When Qiao Xiachu heard this, he naturally applauded.

Strengthening the defense is definitely a good thing.

She is happy to see it happen.

In the future, we should dry clothes when she is at home.

After talking about this matter, Qiao Xiachu looked at Qiao Mobai and Qiao Linmei, and said to them, "There is one thing I must tell you. I don't know if you have any impression of this person."

With that said, she turned and went back to the room, took out Jiang Hanzhi's photo from the space, and put it on the table.

The two brothers and sisters looked at it carefully, and said in unison: "No."

Haven't seen it at all.

Qiao Xiachu knew this was the result.

Although she had never seen Liu Hexie, but the last time the two of them depicted the maid beside Liu Hexie, she was almost sure that Jiang Hanzhi was not simple.

"She is the real Liu Hexie." Qiao Xiachu said.

When the two heard it, they were stunned.

Qiao Linmei said angrily, "This bastard hides so deeply, how did she do it?"

Qiao Mobai was silent.

His face was very ugly.

Hallucinogenic potions are not available to ordinary people. She has been using this method to confuse people around her. At least the maid is almost inseparable from her...

What on earth is she trying to do.

Rong Huaiyan patted the table lightly, and said: "Don't worry, it's the end of the natural disaster, all changes are unknown, and no one knows what kind of disaster will come next, no matter what she wants to do, if she can't survive , all conspiracies and schemes are just talk on paper."

If survived...

Isn't it waiting for them to take revenge in person?

Qiao Xiachu nodded.

She said: "That's right, no matter what they want to do, natural disasters are a thousand times more difficult than they expected. It's not that if they want to survive and realize their ambitions, they will definitely be able to achieve them."

Disasters are frequent, there is no pure land in the world, no matter where you are, you have to face unpredictable crises, and no one can guarantee that you can survive to the end.

She wasn't very worried about Xiao Xiao's generation.

The only thing to worry about is that they poison indiscriminately. Once it spreads in a large area, it will be the scariest.

Definitely a man-made catastrophe.

But with their ambitious goals, she estimated that the other party would not poison a large area before they developed an antidote, at most they would launch a small-scale attack.

For example, people like Ma Cuilan and Wang Xiaofeng want to get her genes and poison them precisely.

"I hope Zhou Jiaomei wakes up soon, she must know a lot of details, maybe she can dig them out, and then the future troubles can be cut off!" Qiao Linmei said.

Rong Huaiyan also agreed.

Taking advantage of the fact that Feng'e City is going to build an underground city, before the heavy fog falls, they still have the freedom of movement and can go out to search. Once an earthquake occurs, the roads will completely collapse, and it will not be easy to travel far.

Qiao Xiachu hoped so.

After all, there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

If you don't get rid of these two scourges, you can't rest assured for a day.

"Zhou Jiaomei is recovering pretty well. I took another tube of blood yesterday. Although her body statistics are different from ordinary people, she has reached a certain balance and is not far from waking up." Qiao Mobai said.

"That would be the best." Qiao Xiachu.

Qiao Linmei left that night and went straight back to the dormitory.

After dawn.

Qiao Xiachu plunged headlong into pharmaceuticals again.

After experiencing the poisoning of Shen Anwan, she decided to make a batch of antidotes of various specifications in advance. Heishui was the first batch of ointment formulated, and the output was the highest.

Several other types of medicines need to be replanted, so it is not possible to produce them on a large scale for a while, and we can only wait for batches of medicines to mature before deploying them.

It was already the third day when the black water was finished.

In the past two days, Rong Huaiyan has not been idle.

He went to the base to find several teams of disaster experts, gathered them together, conducted investigations in various places, and finally made a suggestion to Lao You to build an underground city.

Lao You hesitated at first.

However, several experts were elites in all aspects, and they made unanimous opinions at the same time. Naturally, he did not take it lightly, so he summoned a team and started digging the dungeon.

As soon as the project started, everyone participated in the construction of the base.

Digging the digging, planting the planting.

Qiao Mobai has developed accelerated pumpkins, accelerated sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, and potatoes. From sowing seeds, growing to fruiting, the speed is greatly increased. Slices of pumpkins, sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, and potatoes are growing rapidly...

This batch of seeds was obtained from the seed bank of the First Base.

They were sown in a blink of an eye.

Everyone is digging into the planting ability like never before, wishing that they are a native farmer, able to raise the seeds they planted well, and bear fat fruits.

This morning, Qiao Xiachu went to the hospital with black water.

Shen Anwan's whole body was purple, his lips were black, and he was lying on the hospital bed dying. There was no antidote, and the doctor was powerless, and could only wait for him to be eroded by toxins.

Qiao Xiachu applied the ointment to his wound, and at the same time took out a pack of internal medicine, and handed it to the nurse who was taking care of Shen Anwan.

The nurse hadn't seen the herbal medicine package for a long time, and when she was excited, she accidentally spilled a package.

Seeing that she was clumsy and wasting her medicine, Qiao Xiachu suddenly got a little angry, took the medicine himself, and poured it into the cup.


A shout made Qiao Xiachu stop walking towards the bed.

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