Behind the Feng'e City office building, in the unit room.

Zhou Jiaomei was lying on the bed, her eyes had lost their color, she was sullen, and she looked like she couldn't lift her spirits.

"Charming, drink some water."

Erhei held a glass of clean water and handed it to his daughter.

The electric wheelchair that Hu Guang brought back from the hospital never dared to take it into the house, and just put it in the aisle, as if it weighed a thousand catties, making it hard to breathe.

Two big men, you look at me, I look at you, guarding Zhou Jiaomei with a sluggish expression for two hours, she has never said a word, just leaning on the bed, as if her soul was taken away by a demon.

The water glass was handed over, but not answered.

She lay stiff, unresponsive.

"I know it's difficult for you to accept it for a while, but Hu Guang and I can be your legs, you can do whatever you want, I promise, it's true." Erhei said with all his strength.

He pulled Hu Guang over with wild hints in his eyes, asking Hu Guang to express his opinion quickly.

From the time Zhou Jiaomei opened her eyes to the time she was sitting dully, Hu Guang's eyes never left, but he never said a word, just watching her silently.

Pushed hard by Erhei, he almost knocked his head on the bed.

When her forehead was about to hit her, Zhou Jiaomei subconsciously stretched out her hand to block it.

Just at this moment, Hu Guang grabbed her hand.

"Charming, you trust me, don't you?" He said softly.

Zhou Jiaomei didn't speak.

She slowly closed her eyes, feeling sad and bewildered all over her body.

"I know you're listening. It's okay. From now on, we will work together and everything will be fine. Even if it doesn't get better, it's okay. After all, our family is together and we cherish each other's every day of the end. There is a tenth of an inch difference in the age." Hu Guang said.

The rush of life, so far, is the pinnacle.

What's not to like?

Living every day, cherishing each other, cherishing time, cherishing the world, cherishing the breathing heart... It is already everything.

Erhei's eye sockets were moist.

He stood in front of his daughter and said, "Qiaomei, are you hungry? I have a pot of porridge in the kitchen with sweet potatoes in it. I'll bring you—"

Heart-warming words stirred in her heart like congealed honey.

Two lines of tears flowed from Zhou Jiaomei's closed eyes.

She has never experienced the feeling of being truly cared for, but now two men treat her sincerely.

Gradually, a pair of tearful eyes opened, the wet deep eyes trembled, and the stiff hand moved slightly, and finally landed on the top of Hu Guang's head.

"Dad... Hu Guang..."



Erhei and Hu Guang raised their heads together, staring at her deeply, guarding her carefully, for fear of causing her a second injury.

Zhou Jiaomei said to Hu Guang: "I don't know how you saved me, but I survived, I'm afraid she won't let you go, her heart is very small..."

The "she" in her mouth naturally refers to Ma Cuilan.

Hu Guang looked sad.

She was a silly woman, she had been injured so badly, she had slept for so long, and when she woke up, she found that her leg was broken and she could no longer walk, but her first thought was thinking about others.

He didn't even know what to say.

"In this case, then you tell her all the details, and then we will take care of the aftermath. Only in this way can the safety of you and Hu Guang be guaranteed—"

Outside the door, Rong Huaiyan's voice came.

As soon as the words fell, his tall figure appeared in the house, directly in front of Zhou Jiaomei.

Qiao Xiachu also entered the door together.

Although she felt that Rong Huaiyan was too straightforward, the current situation has reached a point where life and death must be divided. If they are not tempted, Ma Cuilan and Wang Xiaofeng may strike first.

Erhei also knew it from the bottom of his heart.

He said in a difficult tone: "Qiaomei, although I shouldn't say this, Ma Cuilan should be brainwashed. If she continues to go crazy, I'm afraid that more people will suffer..."

Zhou Jiaomei seemed to realize something.

She exclaimed: "Did she, what method did she use to deal with you?"


Rong Huaiyan explained the matter directly.

Cut the mess with a sharp knife.

At this time, don't get tangled up and tangled up.

Everything is focused on the overall situation.

Only by catching the real culprit can the cancerous tumor be completely cut off. If they want to tear their heart and lungs and make love in the future, let them do it, and he can't control it.

Zhou Jiaomei's pupils shrank.

She looked at Qiao Xiachu with a trembling face, stretched out her hand and said, "Sister-in-law—"

Qiao Xiachu walked to her side.

"Thank you for saving me. Since she has gone crazy to this point, I can't let her continue to hurt you. I will tell you and Brother Rong everything I know." Zhou Jiaomei said.

She had fallen into a deep sleep.

But there was a voice that kept talking in her ear, over and over again.

Telling about her "stupidity", her determination, her ruthlessness, and the experiences of the people around her, including how Qiao Xiachu saved her life...

She couldn't move her body, but her mind had already woken up.

To this day, Hu Guang boiled the water and vaguely knocked over the kettle. When she was in a hurry, she opened her eyes and regained control of her body...

"The reason why Ma Cuilan got Wang Xiaofeng's attention was actually because she knew several professors who were studying chemical viruses, and she had certain unique abilities in this field. It was only later that she discovered that my talent far surpassed hers..."

Zhou Jiaomei narrated all the past.

When she was young, she had a very strong talent. Ma Cuilan didn't like her, and would often use her as a punching bag when she was in a bad mood. She was tortured to the point of death, with many wounds on her body. Lock her directly in the house.

Lonely, she has nothing to do by herself, and when she reads the materials Ma Cuilan brought back, she can often draw inferences from one instance and discover many interesting formulas.

Time and time again, Ma Cuilan's materials, under her "unique" perspective, can always burst out with brilliance.

After Ma Cuilan got a few sweet treats, she would force her to do it, and even stole all the materials of several professors and threw them to her, letting her absorb them "crazily".

If she can't make a name for herself, Ma Cuilan will starve her for three days, or boil a pot of boiling water and threaten her to scald her and peel off the skin...

Zhou Jiaomei advances again and again, and Ma Cuilan's life gets better day by day.

In the end, she met Wang Xiaofeng.

After the two got married, Zhou Jiaomei discovered that among a group of viruses, there is actually a group that can change human genes and increase people's lifespan...

This major discovery made Wang Xiaofeng instantly famous.

After Wang Xiaofeng became famous, major investors came here one after another, and everyone piled up firewood, pushing him to the top of the waves.

But Ma Cuilan is not a vegetarian either.

She has always held on to important checkpoints, accumulating energy and wealth on genetic biochemical weapons, and has never started the project of longevity.

Wang Xiaofeng had no breakthrough, so he could only follow Ma Cuilan's arrangement in everything.

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