Of course, the most important thing is that Zhou Jiaomei doesn't trust Ma Cuilan's character very much. Based on her experience over the years, once this set of virus data is mastered by Ma Cuilan and Wang Xiaofeng, it will definitely not benefit the public. It will become a tool for them to make money, which may lead to countless tragedies.

She always used the excuse that the experiment was immature, so after only announcing the results of one experiment, the core data never let go.

Without obtaining the core data, mass production cannot be achieved.

Ma Cuilan and Wang Xiaofeng wanted to get the secret of longevity, but it was in vain.

Therefore, no matter where they go, they will take her with them.

Ma Cuilan used various methods to control her.

For many years, she has been trying to leave her surveillance, but as soon as she shows any signs of "escaping", Ma Cuilan will threaten her, release genetic viruses, and hurt the people she cares about...

Ma Cuilan has done this kind of thing too much.

The friends she made in school, the teachers who helped her, or the people she reported to the police...every one died of the genetic biochemical weapon she developed.

Killing invisible.

There is no trace to be found, and it looks like death from illness.

Ma Cuilan tried this method time and time again.

She told herself time and time again, you are an unlucky person, you will be a disaster wherever you go, you don't deserve other people's care, you don't deserve love, you were born a broom star...

Zhou Jiaomei thought that the end was coming, and she was finally free.

Unexpectedly, these two couples held her very tightly, almost penetrated into every hole, and monitored her every move from all angles.

Once Zhou Jiaomei asks for help, others will suffer...

She often feels that the only way to stop harming others is to die.

"Ma Cuilan and Wang Xiaofeng's general base is in Fengsha City. They built an underground palace, which is full of technological products, all utensils and production tools are readily available, and technological talents have also been poached by them. They also hoarded a lot of Living supplies are enough to run the base for ten years." Zhou Jiaomei said.

At first, the reason why they went to Liaocheng was also because Liaocheng had a special mine, which contained elements that were not available anywhere in the world. Zhou Jiaomei proposed to enter the Liaocheng base laboratory to help her further improve the longevity project.

It was also this accidental persistence that allowed her to meet Hu Guang and her biological father!

As fate would have it.

God is fair.

Half of her life suffered, in exchange for the rest of her life being happy.

Knowing and falling in love with Hu Guang, and getting to know his biological father, even if it doesn't take long, every day is happy, satisfied, and full of happiness.

"My manuscript is also in the university in Fengsha City. I can't say it. In order to avoid being tricked by Ma Cuilan, I asked a senior professor to hypnotize me. Only when I bite my tongue and bleed can I wake up all my memories..."

Zhou Jiaomei looked at Qiao Xiachu with clear eyes.

She is not afraid of pain.

But fear of leaking the news.

"I want to ask everyone to go out and only tell my sister-in-law and Brother Rong the secret." Zhou Jiaomei said.

At the same time, all signals must be fully shielded within the entire space.

The Longevity Project begins with a set of viruses.

A careless move will bring about an unpredictable catastrophe.

Even if the doomsday comes and the population drops wildly, the people she cares about are by her side, and she doesn't want to lose each of them...

"it is good."

Both Hu Guang and Er Hei had no objection.

They knew very well that even if Ma Cuilan and Wang Xiaofeng were arrested this time, they would only lead the team, and if one more person knew the secret, there would be an extra crisis of exposure.

The two went out immediately.

Rong Huaiyan went out for a while, and when he came back, he brought a large-scale signal jammer and placed it directly in the house.

When there were only three people left in the room, Zhou Jiaomei took out a piece of paper and a pen from the drawer.

She stared at Qiao Xiachu with burning eyes, and said, "Sister-in-law, the password to unlock is: I love you, Jiaojiao..."

Zhou Jiaomei set up this set of passwords because she was sure that Ma Cuilan would not say this to herself, and it was still in the presence of Wang Xiaofeng.


In addition to speaking skills, the scene must be a man and a woman.

Qiao Xiachu's heart was slightly touched.

It turns out that someone really wants to spend his whole life repairing childhood injuries.

This heavy defense...

Qiao Xiachu patted Zhou Jiaomei's arm and said the words again.

In the next second, Zhou Jiaomei bit her tongue, and the blood on her tongue instantly filled her mouth. The piercing pain made her tremble all over.

Only the numb legs never moved.

Enduring the severe pain, she kept writing on the paper...

After all the content was written, she felt as if she was in a state of collapse, with beads of sweat dripping down her forehead continuously.

When she came to her senses, she had completely forgotten what she just wrote.

Now, even with a knife on her neck, she doesn't remember where her manuscript is.

Qiao Xiachu quickly put the paper away, and the moment he put it in his pocket, it was directly transferred into the space.

"Since this set of data is so dangerous, why didn't you stop it? Or destroy it?" Rong Huaiyan asked.

Zhou Jiaomei sighed.

"Because if I do this, Wang Xiaofeng said, not only will I die, but the entire Fengsha City University will be buried with me. I don't want to harm so many innocent people..." She covered her mouth and said.

Blood flowed.

As soon as she opened her mouth, blood flowed out.

Qiao Xiachu helped her stop the bleeding.

"Okay, from now on, you don't have to worry about this matter. It has nothing to do with you. You can deal with it yourself for the rest of the day." Rong Huaiyan said.

It's not that he doesn't sympathize with Zhou Jiaomei.

Everyone has their own destiny, and she needs to make her own choice, choose good or bad, and only herself will benefit in the end.

Just like him, if he chooses to be with Qiao Qiao, he will bear life and death together.

The same goes for risk.

"Then let's apply to Lao You now and go to Fengsha City." Qiao Xiachu said.

"it is good."

Rong Huaiyan put away the instrument.

He turned around and left with Qiao Xiachu.

Erhei and Hu Guang hurried into the room and found that Zhou Jiaomei was pale and weak, as if she had experienced a life-and-death battle, and felt distressed immediately.

"Hu Guang, go with your sister-in-law, Brother Rong." Zhou Jiaomei said.

She hated him.

But Hu Guang is a man, he has his own life, his responsibilities and responsibilities, and he cannot be tied to her tightly just because she is crippled now.

"But I—"

"No, but my dad will accompany me. When I heal the wound in my heart, I will face you with a brand new self. This is only fair. Give me some time, okay?"

Holding back the sadness in her heart, Zhou Jiaomei made her request.

Hu Guang gritted his teeth.

"Go ahead, I also need some time to make up for my debt to Jiaomei, it's the best arrangement for everyone." Erhei said.

He caught the collapse deep in Zhou Jiaomei's eyes.

She has not relaxed.

I'm holding on.

If she can vent out in front of his father, he believes that she will get better and become stronger and stronger...

"Okay." Hu Guang said.

It's not that he can't feel Zhou Jiaomei's resistance and heartbreak, and her suppressed emotions.

Since she thinks this is the best way, then he... Listen to her.

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