three days later.

Rong Huaiyan took Qiao Xiachu, Hu Guang, Qiao Linmei, and Qiao Mobai together on a large truck, leaving Feng'e City and heading towards Fengsha City.

Before leaving, Lao You said: "No matter who you are looking for or what you are doing, I will support you. You can get what you want. Feng'e City was originally brought down by you. You can dispatch all the expenses as you like, but the personnel arrangement is more complicated. Difficult, I am afraid that there are not many people you can trust, others are busy with production and infrastructure, and it is difficult to schedule."

On this matter, Lao You remained silent.

There is a Hong Min in Feng'e City, a spy who dares to hurt Qiao Xiachu. There may be other criminals in the base, and the news must not be leaked.

Therefore, he asked Rong Huaiyan to burn the news about Hong Min's interrogation.

Regarding the details of Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu's departure from Feng'e City, Lao You directly ordered the entire line to be blocked, and he didn't even ask a word.

Only ignorance is the safest.

Rong Huaiyan only took a batch of weapons.

He didn't want to startle the snake.

Even the news that Hong Min was dealt with was not released, only that he was sent to carry out a secret mission...

Fengsha City was originally a big city swallowed by a black storm. It has a very large area, a large population, a developed economy, and tall and dense urban buildings.

Going this time, good or bad luck is unpredictable.

in the car.

Qiao Linmei asked Hu Guang: "When you meet Ma Cuilan, are you willing to do it? Will you not have the heart to do it because she is your wife's real mother?"

When she killed someone for the first time, Hu Guang stepped forward to comfort her. At that moment, she felt that Hu Guang was really a man, the tough guy she had imagined countless times.

He even attracted her more than Rong Huaiyan did back then.

But once she knew that he had a beloved woman, she would naturally take a step back, without any evil thoughts, and just get along as a buddy.

It is a skill to make the person you like into a brother.

She didn't want Zhang Yang, and she didn't want anyone to know, so she just pretended nothing happened, even if she met him, she could still grasp the scale very well.

Hu Guang's eyes were fierce.

He clenched his fists and said, "How is it possible? She tortured Jiaomei like that. In my heart, she is a devil, a devil who hurts Jiaomei. I wish I could kill her with my own hands."

"Wow! You must do what you say, and then I will respect you as a man!" Qiao Lin said beautifully.

The better he treats Zhou Jiaomei, the more determined she is that she saw the right person, and the more she feels that the world is worth it. He didn't pollute her heart for this man...

"Do you still need your respect? My family's charming reverence is enough." Hu Guang said.

Qiao Mo smiled in vain.

He kept his eyes closed all the time, and when he heard the conversation between the two, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Enough is enough, give us single dogs a way to survive, stop spreading dog food across the air, I can't eat anymore." He strongly resisted.

Qiao Linmei couldn't help laughing.

She said sincerely, "I hope Miss Zhou can get well soon."

Hu Guang remained silent.

Zhou Jiaomei is so good that Qiao Xiachu begged for it from the god of death. He is not greedy, as long as he guards Jiaomei well, he will live every day.

Qiao Mobai didn't speak anymore.

There may be other changes in Zhou Jiaomei's situation. Her physical statistics are different from ordinary people. At present, no one is sure how long she can live...

But this kind of thing, he himself is not sure, so he can only wait and see.

Rong Huaiyan concentrated on driving.

He has seen the paper Qiao Xiachu handed over, and he also knows the exact location of Fengsha City University. He has been here many times in the prosperous age, but he has never set foot in the end of the world.

The journey was very difficult.

There was no damage to the road ahead, but when entering the outskirts of Fengsha City, all the roads were cut off and blown up, and it was a thrilling experience to be stuck in the process of walking.

Rong Huaiyan threw out a deminer directly, and he would go further after the demining pass.

Therefore, the time cost spent along the way is also long enough.

When approaching the Sandstorm City, the barbed wire fence stretched outside, with weathered skulls hanging on it, was obviously a warning to outsiders.

Sandstorm City experienced a black storm at the beginning.

There are many dead animals and human bodies along the way. There are no living things in the city, and it is dead silent. The roads in the city are full of wind and sand, and there is no grass. The desertification is particularly serious.

There is no way forward.

This piece of barbed wire is equipped with high-strength voltage wires.

There is only one gap that was cut open by someone.

Fortunately, Qiao Xiachu stocked up enough water in the truck before departure.

Rong Huaiyan stopped the car, called everyone down, and said, "We park the truck here, carry the gunpowder and supplies, and put them into a fixed point in the city, and then we will move in two batches."

A group of people rushed to the gymnasium in the northwest suburb of the city, which was the entrance of the dungeon that Zhou Jiaomei had mentioned. First, a few people hibernated and inquired about the news secretly.

The others went to Fengsha City University to take away the materials stored by Zhou Jiaomei.

No matter which team, it is very dangerous.

Not only is the urban area full of unknowns, but also because this is the den of Ma Cuilan and Wang Xiaofeng, no one knows where there are hidden piles, and it is almost like crossing the river by feeling the stones.

You can only take one step at a time.

"How about this, I will go to the dungeon with Mo Bai, after all I brought him out." Hu Guang said.

But this proposal was rejected by Rong Huaiyan.

"You and Qiao Linmei form a team. We need Mobai to appraise the things we went to the University City to get, otherwise we won't be able to bring him along." Rong Huaiyan said mercilessly.

Qiao Mobai was speechless.

Brother-in-law, don't be so straightforward.

It's too shocking.

"That's fine." Hu Guang had no objection.

Qiao Linmei nodded.

She is the vice-captain in the advance team, and one of her strengths is to inquire about news, so she has no objection to this arrangement.

Open minded.

Naturally, there will be no ideas.

Several people transported the supplies and artillery to a tall building in the city, stored them in a fixed place one by one, and took protective measures before they split up.

After waiting for Hu Guang and Qiao Linmei to leave, Rong Huaiyan went to collect the card by himself.

There is a truck parked at the entrance, which is too eye-catching.

After he came back, Rong Huaiyan took out another deminer, and slowly moved towards the university while clearing the mine.

The city is in dilapidation.

Under the erosion of wind and sand, the high-rise buildings gradually turned black, and a corner collapsed, or a cover fell off. Everywhere was dilapidated, and no one was intact.

The ground was dry and cracked, and the roads were completely destroyed.


The corpse was also decomposed, and it was glued to the ground, exposing black sand and stone.


The whole city is very dry and very dark.

These two impressions rolled directly into my mind.

On the ground, there are occasional dots of low withered grass, but there is no color, and it looks like death at first glance, even the grass roots are black.

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